Monday, June 3, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
A couple of items should have been included in yesterday's Sunday Notes. My apologies.
1. Wednesday is a regular day with school dismissing at 3:20 p.m. Thursday, our last day of school, is a minimum day with school dismissing at 1:15 p.m. We want to ensure you have all the necessary information to plan your schedules accordingly.
2. Yearbooks have been distributed to all students who purchased them. Reviewing the 'Yearbook Etiquette' with your child is important, stressing the need to respect other students' yearbooks and the expectation of sharing appropriate messages. What your child signs in their yearbook should be school-appropriate. Students who damage or deface another student's yearbook will be held accountable for replacing it. Please review your child's yearbook for appropriate content before they bring it to school. Remember, permanent markers, including Sharpies, are not allowed at school.
3. Please remind your students to refrain from writing on one another's body. I have paper journal books available if your child would like one to record classmate end-of-year messages.
4. This is the final opportunity to claim any lost and found items. Please ensure your child checks for any missing items. At the end of the day on Thursday, all unclaimed items will be removed from the campus.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, June 2, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
As I write the final Sunday Notes message of the year, the Muirlands community wants to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Latta. Her 23 years of dedicated service at Muirlands Middle School have left an indelible mark on every student she has interacted with. We wish her a retirement filled with joy and fulfillment, knowing that her legacy will continue to inspire us all.
This message is specifically for our current 6th and 7th grade students. Muirlands Link Crew presents a one-of-a-kind chance to nurture your leadership skills, make a positive difference among your peers, and forge lifelong bonds. If you're interested in being part of the 2024-25 Link Crew, please email us @ [email protected] by June 13, 2024, and we'll send you an application. For any queries, feel free to email [email protected].
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
This is a reminder that our school will be closed on Monday, May 27th, as we recognize Memorial Day. We recognize and mourn the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces. We also take this opportunity to thank all who have served and are currently serving in the armed forces. Your dedication and sacrifices are respected and appreciated.
We are excited to announce that our 8th grade promotion ceremony will be held in the La Jolla High School stadium on June 6th at 9:30 am. This is such a wonderful time for families and friends to acknowledge and recognize the milestone transition from middle school to high school. Permission slips and event information will be distributed to 8th-grade students attending the end-of-year Bowling Trip and/or participating in the promotion ceremony on Tuesday, May 28. Please have your child return the permission slips to their science teacher on Wednesday, May 29. Seating will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. However, the Foundation will auction off reserved seats and press boxes for the event. Please use the following link to view the auction. https://one.bidpal.net/promotion/browse/all. Please note that the auction will start on May 26th at 8 am and end on May 31st by 9 pm.
La Jolla High School is excited to invite you and your family to an upcoming art gallery showing. The Junior and Senior AP Art classes, are thrilled to welcome students from Muirlands Middle School to experience the creativity and talent of their campus. The gallery show will be held at the La Jolla High School Library on May 31st from 4 pm-7 pm. Prints and food are available for purchase, as well as live music performances.
Textbooks and combination locks will be returned during your students' Science classes. Please ensure your child brings all textbooks and school-issued items to school on their assigned return date. Students will keep their netbooks and chargers unless they are leaving SDUSD. Textbooks and combination locks will be returned by grade level on the following dates:
- May 29: 8th grade
- May 30: 7th grade
- May 31: 6th grade
Enjoy the remainder of your extended weekend,
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, May 19, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Get ready for a day of fun and excitement at our Muirlands Rocks event, happening today from 2 to 5 p.m.! We hope to see you at this thrilling free community and family event. We have an amazing entertainment lineup, with several bands ready to rock your world. And to keep your energy up, we have a variety of delicious food and beverages available for purchase. It's the perfect time for a late lunch or early dinner. We also have some incredible raffle prizes waiting for our attendees. And don’t forget to cheer for your favorite team at our annual tug-of-war contest between our elementary feeder schools! We can't wait to see you this afternoon!
Please encourage your student to turn in their Eligibility Contract and Appeal Letter if they are not currently eligible for the end-of-year activities. The completed Eligibility Contract and accompanying Appeal Letter are due in the counseling office by 2:20 p.m. on May 22, 2024. Please contact your student's counselor for additional information.
The 2024 - 2025 LCFF data collection has begun. It’s not too late to complete this brief survey online in your Parent Portal account (you will find it in “FORMS” on the left-hand side menu) or complete the survey that was emailed to all families on April 19th from “[email protected] via surveymonkey.com.” For parents who prefer to complete a paper form, the forms will be distributed to your child’s period 1 class on Monday, May 20th. Please complete these forms and return them to your child’s period one teacher by May 24th.
If you have any questions, please contact Deb Duncan at [email protected].
We have a beautiful yearbook this year, thanks to the hard work of our advisor, Ms. Ervin-Fugiel, and her yearbook class. Yearbooks will soon be distributed.
- 8th Grade will receive their yearbook on May 31
- 6th and 7th grade on June 3
Please review “Yearbook Etiquette” with your child, including reminding your child about respecting other students' yearbooks and the expectation of sharing appropriate messages. Classmates will remember each other by what is written in their yearbook. Make sure that what you sign is school-appropriate. Students who damage or deface another student's yearbook will be responsible for replacing the damaged yearbook. When the yearbooks arrive, please review your child's yearbook and edit for appropriate content before sending your child to school. As a reminder, permanent markers, including Sharpies, are prohibited at school. If you have not already purchased a yearbook, there is still time to buy one for your child.
All library books that were checked out from the library were due last Friday and should now be returned to the library. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in this matter.
Textbooks and locks will be returned according to the following schedule:
- 8th grade - May 29, 2024
- 7th grade - May 30, 2024
- 6th grade - May 31, 2024
Parents of our esteemed 8th-grade students - Muirlands 8th Grade Promotion will be held on June 6, 2024, at the LJHS Stadium from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Students MUST be present and participate in the promotion rehearsal on June 5 and report to their period 1 class by 8:35 a.m. The Stadium gates will open for our guests at 8:30 a.m. on June 6th. The number of guests allowed is unlimited. Muirlands dress code will be enforced. If your student is unsure whether their attire conforms to the school dress code, they can discuss their planned clothing with an administrator or counselor. Pumps and heels are not recommended to reduce the potential for tripping while walking from Muirlands to LJHS and to protect the turf surface at the stadium
On Tuesday, May 28th, end-of-year event information and permission slips will be distributed to 8th-grade students attending the end-of-year bowling trip or participating in the promotion ceremony. Please have your child return the permission slips to their science teacher by Wednesday, May 29.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, May 12, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Happy Mother's Day to all our Mothers and Grandmothers. Today we honor you and show appreciation and gratitude for all you do.
We are one week away from our Muirlands Rocks event which will take place on May 19th from 2-5 pm! This event would not be possible without the dedication and support of our volunteers. You can still visit the online store to purchase activity tickets ahead of time, become a family sponsor, and buy the limited edition color party shirts. We will have food and beverages available for purchase on-site as well. You also don’t want to miss out on the chance at some of our Opportunity Drawing items, such as Padres tickets, a “Get out of a PE Run day” pass, reserved graduation seats, and more! We still need more volunteers to help with this amazing free community and school event. Your contribution is invaluable. If you can lend a hand, please sign up here.
Here are a couple of quick messages from our librarian, Ms. Gates.
- All library books are due this Friday, May 17.
Textbooks and combination locks will be returned during your students' Science classes. Please ensure your child returns all school-issued items. Students will keep their netbooks unless they are leaving SDUSD. Textbooks and combination locks will be returned by grade level on the following dates.
- May 29: 8th grade
- May 30: 7th grade
- May 31: 6th grade
- Please enjoy our library Newsletter: Muirlands Library News 5-12-24
Come one, come all to the 16th Annual Muirlands Student Art Exhibition this Thursday. All staff, students, families, and the extended community are invited to celebrate student creativity and enjoy live music and refreshments. Please see the flyer for additional information: Muirlands Art Show 2024
Please encourage your student to turn in their Eligibility Contract and Appeal Letter if they are not currently eligible for the end-of-year activities. The completed Eligibility Contract and accompanying Appeal Letter are due in the counseling office on May 22, 2024, by 2:20 p.m. Please contact your student's counselor for additional information.
Our Teacher of the Year, Ms. Lori Trombley, was honored this past week as a recipient of the 2024 SDUSD "Above & Beyond" Award. This award is given by the Community Advisory Committee for Special Education. This annual award identifies members of the San Diego community who contribute to exceptional outcomes for students with disabilities. The Muirlands community is very proud of Ms. Trombley!
Our sixth-grade students will receive their SEXUAL HEALTH EDUCATION UNIT May 23- June 4.
California state law, the California Healthy Youth Act, requires that comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education be provided to students in middle school and high school. San Diego Unified School District offers comprehensive sexual health education in grades 6, 8, and high school.
In 6th grade, instruction will be provided by your child’s science teacher from May 23- June 4. (8th grade lessons rolled out at the end of semester one). The Curriculum Overview can be found on the Sexual Health Education Program’s website: www.sandiegounified.org/SHEP. State law allows you to excuse your child from comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education for this school year. Students opting out will work in the library on an independent project. Contact your child’s science teacher (Ms. Latta: [email protected] or Ms. Trombley: [email protected]) to opt-out or with further questions.
I want to thank our community for adhering to our school traffic signs, which are in place to ensure student and staff safety. Please use caution when navigating in and out of the loading zone and bicycle lane. Please pull all the way forward in the loading zone in front of the school when dropping off and picking up students. If your child rides a bicycle, scooter, or skateboard to school, please ensure they wear a helmet and know of safe riding practices. Here are the links to bike safety videos I shared earlier in the year that you can share with your student: E-bike Safety: Know Your Type and NHTSA's Bike Safe, Bike Smart.
Muirlands is hosting a Dine-for-Dollars night tomorrow, Monday, May 13, from 4-9 pm at Beaumont's La Jolla: beaumontseatery.com. The school will receive 10% back for all dine-in and take-out orders. Please consider stopping by tomorrow to support our middle school.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, May 5, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and Tuesday, May 7th, is designated National Teacher Appreciation Day. Please join me in recognizing the incredible teaching staff at Muirlands for their work with our students by sending them an email or message sharing your appreciation. Here is a link to our Teachers and Staff Directory.
Our annual state testing, CAASPP, is in full swing this week. I want to express my appreciation for ensuring your students are well-prepared and arrive on time. I am confident in their abilities and believe they will continue to excel. The testing calendar can be viewed at the following link: Testing Schedule—Muirlands Middle.
Get ready for the much-anticipated Muirlands Rocks event on May 19th from 2-5 pm! We hope you enjoyed the video of last year’s event, which was a true testament to our vibrant community spirit. Our Muirlands Rocks committee is working hard to make this year's event even more memorable. Please mark the date on your calendar and visit the online store here to purchase activity tickets, become a family sponsor, or buy the limited edition color party shirts! We still need volunteers to help with this amazing free community and school event. If you can lend a hand, please sign up here. We can't wait to see you there!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Here is a link to a short piece from the History Channel regarding the history behind this date: Cinco de Mayo 2023: Facts, Meaning & Celebrations | HISTORY
Please consider supporting Muirlands at our next Dine-for-Dollars. Muirlands is hosting a Dine-for-Dollars night on May 13th at Beaumont's Eatery: www.beaumontseatery.com. Muirlands will receive 10% back for all dine-in and take-out orders.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our annual state testing, CAASPP, will begin tomorrow. This is an important assessment for our school and student body. Muirlands recent performance on this assessment, which was a collective effort of our students, staff, and community, contributed to Muirlands being recognized as a California Distinguished School by the California Department of Education and the Number One Middle School in SDUSD by US News and World Reports. We are very proud of our students, staff, and community!
We look forward to celebrating these honors and those to come with our student body! As we prepare to begin our assessments, please remind your students to arrive on time and give their best effort. The testing calendar can be viewed at the following link: Testing Schedule—Muirlands Middle.
Save the Date for Muirlands Rocks! Join us on Sunday, May 19th, at the MMS Athletic Field for an exciting family event! It features student bands, an opportunity drawing, a color party, food, and more! Admission is free to this fun community event. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and get ready to be entertained by our talented Muirlands students and alums as they perform under the blue skies on this beautiful San Diego Day. Enjoy the student bands, sports demonstrations, and games with your kids (no drop-offs). Please enjoy this video of last year's event: 2023MuirlandsRocks.mov. Visit the Muirlands Middle School Foundation Store to pre-purchase your activity tickets and family sponsorship opportunities now. Muirlands Foundation's store
San Diego Unified is launching the 2024-25 LCFF data collection on April 19 using the PowerSchool Parent Portal and SurveyMonkey. Parents may submit a response via either method and note that an email from “[email protected] via surveymonkey.com” is legitimate. If you have questions, please contact Deb Duncan at 858/302-3150 or [email protected].
Thank you to all the current and future Muirlands parents who attended Thursday's Foundation Meet and Greet. We look forward to working with you in the future and seeing you again soon.
Muirlands 8th Grade Promotion will be held on June 6, 2024, at the LJHS Stadium from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The 8th-grade families will receive additional detailed information.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
We held grade-level assemblies last week to celebrate the school year's accomplishments and inspire our students to finish strong. Recognizing and applauding our students and staff's achievements was truly a joy.
Is your child missing a jacket, water bottle, lunch bag, or other items? If so, please have them stop by the lost and found to claim their lost belongings. The lost and found is located outside of the main office. We will donate or discard items not claimed at the end of the week.
If you are interested in being part of the Muirlands Foundation or would like to volunteer at Muirlands, this is an invaluable opportunity to see what positions are open and how you can contribute to our community. The Muirlands Foundation will host a meet-and-greet with our 2023-24 Board Members on April 25th at 8:30 AM after drop-off in the Muirlands auditorium. We truly value your potential contribution and can’t wait to see you there!
A reminder from our health office that students should check into the Health Office if they are not feeling well. Students are not to bypass the health office and contact their parents without checking into the health office. Students can contact their parents from the health office if needed. If the health office is bypassed, an “Unexcused” absence will be assigned.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands hosted our annual STEAM Career Day on Thursday, and the event was a huge success! A special shout out to the Steam Committee of Cindy Hickman and Jackie Fisk for all their tireless hours securing and coordinating the presenters and to Ms. Nash for organizing our campus and student ambassadors to make the day such a fantastic event for our community. Thank you to the many parents and community members who took the time to share their careers with our students. The students were thrilled with the experience. We look forward to next year's event.
Please save the date and attend the Muirlands Foundations Meet and Greet on Thursday, April 25th, at 8:30 am in the Muirlands auditorium. You will have a chance to meet our Foundation team as well as current and future Muirlands parents. Please bring a friend and stop by. This event is open to current and future Muirlands Dolphins.
Peyton Smith, LJHS ASB President, warmly invites the Muirlands community to the LJHS Movie Night on April 19th, 7-9pm. This free event is open to people of all ages and promises a fun-filled evening for everyone.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, April 7, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you and your families had a rejuvenating Spring break. We eagerly anticipate our students' return from vacation. The upcoming week marks the beginning of our final grading period, a crucial time for your student's academic progress. The grades from this past grading period will be available in the Parent Portal/Powerschool on Friday, April 12. As we embark on this final grading phase, we urge our students to maintain their dedication and strive for excellence.
The Muirlands health office reminds you to ensure your student is current on immunizations. All incoming 7th and 8th graders must have a Tdap booster before the first day of the new school year. Please email our health technician, Ms. Hudson, [email protected], with any immunization questions or stop by the health office.
I am pleased to inform you that Muirlands received approval of the instructional minutes and bell schedule for the 2024-25 school year.
Muirlands will continue to have modified days every Wednesday, with a dismissal time that better aligns us with our cluster elementary schools. This alignment will allow our staff to work more closely with the staff of our cluster schools to support our students.
Link to: 2024-25 SDUSD Academic Calendar
I am pleased to announce the STEAM Career Day is coming to Muirlands on Thursday, April 11. "STEAM" is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. Our students will have the exciting opportunity to learn first-hand about a wide range of STEAM careers. We have professionals from each STEAM discipline who will present information and provide hands-on opportunities to our students. The presenters include a radio icon, pilots, engineers, a cake decorator who has won multiple challenges on Food Network Shows, physicians, firefighters, a drummer who has played on a Grammy Award-winning album, entrepreneurs, MMS alum architect/YouTuber, designers, a cinematographer who worked on Top Gun: Maverick and many more. This event inspires our students and ignites their curiosity about their future career paths. It's going to be a great day! If you have any questions or are interested in speaking at our future STEAM Career Day in 2025, please contact Cindy Hickman at [email protected].
As we approach the mandated testing season in California, I am delighted to share another outstanding academic achievement of Muirlands Middle School. As part of the mandated California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) test, our students participate in a science component of the assessment each year. I am proud to announce that our 8th-grade students from last year surpassed the state average by over 25% on the science portion of the CAASPP assessment. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our students' and teachers' hard work and dedication, and it reflects the high academic standards we uphold at Muirlands Middle School.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
This is the final week of the grading period, which will close on Friday. Please use the parent portal to view your child's progress report marks beginning on Friday, April 12.
The Scholastic Book Fair starts tomorrow! Students can shop before and after school and during lunch. The last day to shop is Friday, March 29, at lunch. Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping. Thank you for supporting reading and the Muirlands Library!
SDUSD has developed a summary document regarding our district's 2024-25 budget. Please use this link to view the document: 24-25 Budget At a Glance
The spring sports season began yesterday, with our football and wrestling teams participating in their first contests of the season. Our cheer squad performed and was there to support our teams. Please use this link for game schedules and standing updates: https://sdusdathletics.com/middle-schools/
On April 9th, our very own Muirlands Band will have the honor of performing the National Anthem at the San Diego Padres/Chicago Cubs game. We invite you to come out and show your support for our talented student musicians!
A reminder that our spring vacation will begin on April 1, and school will resume on April 8, 2024.
The Muirlands staff wishes you and your family a safe and enjoyable spring break.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
We are in the final stages of collection of the California Healthy Kids Survey, a crucial tool in shaping our School Plan for Student Achievement. Your input is invaluable in setting our yearly goals. Please take a moment to complete the survey using this link: https://wested.ugam-apps.com/wested/ts/v3kp
(when opening the link, choose parent survey/take the survey, then select language).
Save the date! Our talented music students will perform the National Anthem at the April 9th San Diego Padres Game, where we'll be facing off against the Chicago Cubs. Let's show our support for our student musicians and the Padres!
Our FAST assessment window is now open. All students will take their final FAST assessments of the year in English Language Arts and Math. Please encourage your student to come prepared and do their best to represent their abilities accurately.
If you know of families considering Muirlands for their students next year and would like to attend a presentation and tour of our campus, please have them sign up for our next tour on March 29 using this Sign Up Genius link.
Our next opportunity to attend Core Academy will be on Saturday, April 13, 2024. This is an opportunity for students to catch up on their school work/homework or clear two full-day absences or up to 8 tardies! Sign up Today! Core Academy Registration
Save the Date! Muirlands Rocks returns on Sunday, May 19th. Muirlands Rocks is our annual community music event. We invite all La Jolla Schools to attend this free event. Join us for music, food, games, and raffle prizes. The Muirlands Rocks committee is seeking LJ Cluster musicians to perform at the event. Please contact [email protected] for more information. The next planning meeting will be held Tuesday, April 9th, at 8:30 am in the Muirlands Middle School library.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, March 10, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. Remember to set your clocks ahead an hour.
We started our Kindness Challenge this past week. Please ask your student to share the classroom competition activity we are currently doing on campus to promote kindness!
I want to share some informational links about bicycle safety and e-bikes with you and your child. Muirlands requires all students to wear helmets if they intend to bring their bikes onto campus.
If you are considering purchasing an e-bike, please be aware of the different classifications of e-bikes and age requirements. E-bike Safety: Know Your Type
This video explains basic bicycle safety: NHTSA's Bike Safe, Bike Smart
As our next grading period approaches (March 29), I want to remind parents to monitor their students' progress in PowerSchool. The progress report marks will be part of the criteria determining participation in end-of-year grade-level activities. Please review the: Criteria for End of Year Activities - Muirlands Middle.
Contact your student's counselor if you have questions or if your student needs support.
Our next opportunity to attend Core Academy will be on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Core Academy is an opportunity for students to catch up on their school work/homework or clear two full-day absences or up to 8 tardies! Sign up Today! Core Academy Registration
Starting March 14, 2024, students will no longer use a PIN number to get breakfast or lunch. Instead, they will enter their student ID# for school breakfast and lunches. Students are encouraged to use their school ID cards to scan for their meals.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
I would like to begin with the great news shared with me this week from our State Superintendent of Public Education, Tony Thurmond. Superintendent Thurmond shared that Muirlands Middle School has been recognized as a California Distinguished School. This award is an extraordinary accomplishment and prestigious recognition for our school community. This award directly reflects the rigor and support of instruction the entire Muirlands staff provides our students, our students' efforts and commitment to their academic growth, our feeder elementary schools and their diligence in preparing students for their transition to middle school, and the support our parent community. This state award is on the heels of Muirlands being recognized by US News and World Reports as the number one Middle School in SDUSD Best Middle Schools in San Diego Unified School District in California - U.S. News Education. I will be honored to receive the California Distinguished School Award on behalf of our school in Anaheim in May and bring it back to our community. Please use this link to view the San Diego County Department of Education’s press release to learn more about this prestigious award. 21 San Diego County Schools Recognized as 2024 California Distinguished Schools | post
On Saturday, February 24, our Science Olympiad Team competed with teams from throughout San Diego County. Our young Olympians and spectators had a great time. Muirlands had 6 teams finish in the top 10 (last year, we had only one!) and 13 finish in the top 20! Thank you to our club sponsors, Ms. Latta, and Ms. Trombley, and all our parent and community coaches who volunteered their time and resources to make this event possible for our young scientists. Our community is very proud of how our science olympiad team represented our school. Here is the link to where you can go to see the results: https://scilympiad.com/sdso/Info/TourResults.
The 2024-25 PrimeTime Online Application will be available beginning Monday, March 4 at 8:00 am. Please submit your application ASAP, as the submission date is a criterion for acceptance should the program reach capacity. PrimeTime 2024-25 website
The Muirlands boys' soccer and volleyball teams had a great showing at this weekend's semi-final contests. Congratulations on a tremendous season and your representation of Muirlands Middle School.
Join the boys' and girls' wrestling team. No experience is necessary! Tryouts start at 4 pm on Tuesday, March 5th, in the La Jolla HS wrestling room located in the big gym. Practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 pm. Use the QR code posted around campus to register! Link For Wrestling Registration: 2024 MSA Wrestling Flyer.pdf
LJHS PTSA is hosting a welcome event for incoming Muirlands students and their parents/guardians on April 11th. Principal Podhorsky, staff, and students will share information to help you prepare for the transition to high school.
There are two campus tour options:
Tour #1: 5:00- 5:40 pm
Main Information Session: 5:45-6:15 pm in the LJHS big gym.
Tour #2: 6:20-7:00 pm
Sign-Up for Tour: Sign-up for Tour
Beginning tomorrow, Muirlands will have a school-wide focus of KINDNESS. Our school climate and culture program, No Place For Hate, and our ASB are rolling out a school-wide Random Acts of Kindness Challenge from March 4 to March 29.
Open this Random Acts of Kindness BINGO link to see the 2-sided board: the front explains the challenge, and the back is the bingo board. Students will get a copy of the Bingo board loaded with easy acts of kindness. Students will try to complete their board during the challenge.
Please talk with your child about the project, and how everyday kindness can affect individuals, communities, and even the world!
The time has come to send out the annual Cal-SCHLS parent/guardian survey. This survey is designed to provide schools with data useful for fostering a positive learning and working environment that promotes academic success among all students. Your survey participation is critical to ensure accurate and useful data. All responses are anonymous. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
Here is the link to the survey: https://wested.ugam-apps.com/wested/ts/v3kp (when opening the link, choose parent survey/take survey, then select language)
Another quick reminder to mark your calendars for our upcoming Book Fair. The Muirlands Library will host the book fair from March 25 to March 29.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
We are preparing to place our final order with our yearbook publisher. If you want to guarantee that you receive a yearbook, please use this link to place your order:
Our next 8th Grade Spirit Day will be March 1, 2024. The theme is Monochromatic Day. Please encourage your students to join us by dressing up in support. Students participating can find me and receive a Dolphin Ticket!
As we near the end of the year, students who are at risk of not meeting the criteria to participate in the End of the Year Activities due to their tardies must attend the tardy makeup sessions on March 12 and March 19 from 3:20 to 4:20. Each hour-long session will make up two tardies. These hour-long sessions and the March 2nd Core Academy (Saturday School) are the only opportunities to make up tardies before the cut-off date of March 29, 2024. Muirlands goal is to have all students become and remain eligible for the End of the Year Activities.
Students who write an appeal without trying to clear their tardies may have a weak case for the Appeal Committee. Please see page 14 in the Academic Planner for more information on the Appeal Process.
Our next opportunity to attend Core Academy will be Saturday, March 2, 2024
This is an opportunity for students to catch up on their school work/homework or clear two full-day absences and up to 8 tardies! Sign up Today! Core Academy Registration
We will host our annual evening dance on Thursday, March 28th, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Tickets will be available from the financial office window beginning tomorrow. Ticket sales will close on March 1. Students may purchase their tickets before school and at lunchtime. The cost is $15.00, including a DJ, photo booth, games, Kona Ice, pizza, and more. Students must have a semester 2.0 GPA in academic and citizenship marks.
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad and sports teams for an extraordinary showing this past weekend. You all represented Muirlands well. Thank you to our coaches and parents who volunteer their time and resources to support these programs.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you are enjoying our extended weekend as we recognize Presidents Day. We return to campus on Tuesday.
Congratulations! Muirlands boys' and girls' volleyball and soccer teams are going to the playoffs! Support our teams by attending a match on Feb 24th.
- Girls volleyball - Madison HS 12:00 pm
- Boys Volleyball - Madison HS 4:00 pm
- Girls Soccer - Mission Bay HS 7:15 pm
- Boys Soccer - Madison HS 7:15 pm
Winter Sports Sign Ups for boys and girls Flag Football, Wrestling, and Cheer are open through Feb 27th. The winter season goes from March 4th to May 18th. Practice locations and dates are to be determined. For more information, go to Middle School Athletics
Join the Boys and Girls wrestling team! No experience is necessary. Our coaches will host a lunchtime informational meeting on Wednesday, February 21st, in the Muirlands fitness lab. Practice will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 5:30 pm in the La Jolla HS wrestling room located in the big gym. Please use the following link to view some wrestling action: MSA
We will host our annual evening dance on Thursday, March 28th, from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. Tickets will be available from the financial office window beginning Monday, February 2 through Friday, March 1, before school and at lunchtime (student ID's are required). The cost is $15.00, including a DJ, photo booth, games, Kona Ice, pizza, and more. Students must have a semester 2.0 GPA in academic and citizenship marks.
Happy Heart Run rewards for students start next week.
Thank you to everyone who supported a student in the run and the fundraising. Donations will still be accepted next week, and the foundation accepts HHR donations through Venmo @MuirlandsTreasurer (or cash or checks made to Muirlands Foundation). Please include your child's name, grade, and PE teacher in the memo.
Attendance letters will be distributed from SDUSD beginning the week of February 12. Letters will be sent to the parents/guardians of students whose attendance is “Nearly Chronic” or “Chronically Absent”. Nearly Chronic 8% - 10% and Chronic 10% or higher missed school days
We will host grade-level Honor Roll Assemblies this week for students with a semester academic GPA of 3.5 or higher. Congratulations to all our students that will be recognized.
Our Spring Music Concert will occur on February 27th March 5 at 6:30 pm in the LJHS auditorium. Please come out and support our many talented musicians.
Our cafeteria is looking to hire staff! Please call 858-627-7336 Call 858-627-7336, email [email protected] or use the link: sandiegounified.org/departments/food (scroll down). Make sure you mention Muirlands Middle School.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Happy Heart Run was another big success! All Muirlands students were given an opportunity to participate in the annual run on Friday, 2/9. Over 250 students and teachers completed the 3.1 mile 5k status and earned medals for their efforts. We couldn’t have done it without the help of parent volunteers. Aimie Takata has been our event coordinator for several years, and we are grateful for her time and leadership. The next stage is fundraising. The physical education department relies on these funds for 6th- and 7th-grade swim instruction and to maintain the high quality of equipment and facilities available to students. Click here for a sponsorship form.
A Friendly Reminder that the best way to report an absence and request an early dismissal “blue slip” is to send an email to our Attendance Office at [email protected] (Muirlands Middle School SECretary)
This week, Muirlands Administrative and Counseling staff will meet with students currently at risk of losing participation in their end-of-year activities: Criteria for End of Year Activities
A reminder to review your student's current eligibility status. Muirlands offers free after-school tutoring, teacher office hours, and Core Academy, which is an opportunity for students to get caught up on their school work/homework or clear two full-day absences and up to 8 tardies! Sign up Today! Core Academy Registration
Boys' and girls' flag football, cheering, and wrestling will be offered as spring sports. Sign up to receive more information on tryouts and locations. https://sdusdathletics.com/middle-schools/
Congratulations to our volleyball teams, who are in the running to make the playoffs.
Please use the following links for information on the 2024 Summer Academic and Enrichment Program and the District Level-Up Summer Program information:
All Family Communication_ELO_Summer 2024
8th Grade Summer Option
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands is preparing for our whole-site modernization project, which will begin in the fall of 2025. Please join us for a project update this Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in the Muirlands Middle School Library. District representatives will be present to provide updates and answer questions.
Muirlands had six students accepted into the SDUSD Honor Band. These talented students practiced hard and auditioned for a spot in the Honor Band. The Honor Band will perform at the San Diego Civic Theater on March 24th!
- Maasika C. - Flute
- Jackie L - Clarinet
- Mia S - Trumpet 1st chair
- Axel D - Horn 1st chair
- Ayako M - Euphonium 1st chair
- Olivia W - Tuba
Congratulations, students and Mr. LeGerrette!
Please join us as we welcome February as Black History Month. We look to honor Black people's histories, stories, and voices through their struggles and contributions to our history and country.
In support of our communities severely impacted by recent storm activity, the district’s Children & Youth in Transition department has developed a list of resources to assist families and students during this difficult time. Please use this link to request support from CYT for tangible items (clothes, hygiene items, etc).
It looks like there is more rain in the forecast this week. Please dress for the conditions.
Please open the following link to view the final message that I sent out on Friday regarding the day's event surrounding campus safety: Update Message Safety 2-2-24
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands is preparing for our whole-site modernization project, which will begin in the fall of 2025. Please join us for a project update on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Muirlands Middle School Library. District representatives will be present to provide updates and answer questions.
I want to remind all our 8th-grade students that Friday is 8th-grade spirit day. All 8th grade students are encouraged to dress in Red, White, and Blue.
Our next opportunity to attend Core Academy will be Saturday, February 3, 2024
This can be a valuable time for students to get caught up on their school work/homework or clear two full-day absences and up to 8 tardies! Sign up Today! Core Academy Registration
La Jolla High School’s Drama Department invites you to join them for CHICAGO's "Teen Edition," the musical live on stage at La Jolla High School. Feb. 2 and 3, all shows are at 6:30. Tickets can be purchased online or at the Door with Cash or Check.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
A reminder that the second semester of our school year begins tomorrow. Rain is expected tomorrow as well. Please remember to dress appropriately.
Thank you to all the students, staff, and parent volunteers that made our annual Muirlands Got Talent Show another huge success. I especially would like to thank our students as they were the stars of the show!
Muirlands relies on and appreciates the support provided by our parent volunteers. Volunteer applications must be completed each year. If you would like to volunteer for an upcoming event and have not yet completed your volunteer application, please follow this link.
Our next Core Academy will be held on February 3, 2024. This can be a valuable time for students to catch up on their school work/homework and/or clear 2 full day absences as well as up to 8 tardies! Sign up and for more information please use the following link: Core Academy Registration
Parents of 8th grade students: Friday 1/26 is the last day to submit a yearbook recognition ad for your 8th grader! Please use this link for more information.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, January 14, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
I congratulate Muirlands 2023-24 Teacher of the Year, Ms. Lori Trombley! We are very fortunate to have Ms. Trombley as a member of our staff. She is an amazing educator, advocate, club advisor, and support to our students.
I also congratulate Deb Duncan as the 2023-24 Muirlands Classified Person of the Year. Ms. Duncan wears many hats on our campus and does an incredible job leading our classified staff. She is always a friendly face and a wealth of knowledge for our staff and school community.
Ms. Trombley’s and Ms. Duncan’s names are submitted to the district as candidates for further recognition. We wish them both the best of luck!
Monday, January 15, 2024, our country celebrates a holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Our school is closed in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Please spend a portion of your day with your family to reflect on Dr. King’s life and work. Please reflect on his work on civil rights and the principles he modeled and championed of equity, justice, and the pursuit of harmony among all people.
The first semester of school closes on January 19th, 2024. Semester report cards will be available to families on Friday, February 2, 2024. Muirlands uses the district’s Digital Document Delivery Service to email report cards. Please verify your email address on file and that you have not opted out of receiving documents via Digital Document Delivery Service. View this link for instructions.
If you have questions, please contact our Site Tech, Sandy Rodriguez, @ [email protected].
Speaking of grades, I want to share some incredible news.
The 2024 US News and World Report Rankings of Best Middle Schools in San Diego Unified School District ranks Muirlands Middle School as the Number One Middle School in SDUSD. Please open the following link for the report: Best Middle Schools in San Diego Unified School District in California - U.S. News Education.
In addition, The California Department of Education recently released the California Dashboard results. The Dashboard is a key component of the state’s school accountability system, which includes the latest data on academic performance, academic engagement, and conditions and climate for schools. I am pleased to share that Muirlands academic performance was rated significantly above standard and within the highest level possible in the state. In addition, our scores improved from the very strong scores achieved last year. Please use the following link to access the 2024 California Dashboard Report (2023 results): caschooldashboard
Our students and school have achieved these incredible accomplishments with the support of our amazing teachers, support staff, and parents. Please stay tuned for more details, additional information, and data on our recent incredible academic accomplishments.
Yesterday, the Middle School Athletics Winter Sports Season started. Girls and Boys Volleyball won both their matches at La Jolla High School. Girls soccer won both their matches at UC High. The boys soccer team won their first match but faced a strong opponent in their second match and lost to Challenger Middle School. Congratulations on a great opening week of competition.
Our student-athletes will play again next Saturday when our girl's and boy's Volleyball teams play at La Jolla High School from 8:00 am-11:00 am. Girls Soccer will play at San Diego High School at 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm. Boys soccer will play at Mission Bay High School at 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm.
Parents, please reinforce the importance of our students being good neighbors in our school community. Please respect our neighbors' property and do not sit on fences, walls, or any other non-designated area on public or private property.
I continue to recover at home from my knee replacement surgery. I am working daily from home and available via email should you need to reach me. However, we have an excellent support team of administrators on campus, including Ms. Nash, Ms. Greco, and Mr. Fairley, who can support your needs. I plan on returning to on-site work at the end of this month. I very much look forward to returning to campus and reconnecting in person with our students, staff, and community.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our semester grading period closes on January 19th. Please remind your students to finish the semester strong. If your child wants additional academic support, our tutoring center is open after school every Tuesday and Thursday. We staff the tutoring center with credentialed teaching staff and paraprofessionals. Here is a link to our tutoring schedule and teacher's office hours: Tutoring Schedule. Please contact your child's counselor for additional information.
As we are in the cold and flu season and have returned from winter break festivities, I want to share that Muirlands has a supply of COVID test kits and a limited supply of digital thermometers to support our student's well-being. If you want your child to pick up either item, they are available in the nurse's office.
Lastly, please save the date to attend the second annual Muirlands Got Talent evening show performance. The show will take place on Thursday, January 18th, at 5:00 p.m. and will surely be a hit!
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you are having a wonderful winter break, and I wish you and your family a safe and fun New Year's Eve celebration. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school on Wednesday, January 3rd.
The next Core Academy is scheduled for Saturday, January 6th. This is an excellent opportunity for students to clear absences and tardies. For Core Academy Credit, your child must attend the entire four hours from 8 am to 12 pm. If you would like to sign your child up to attend, please use this link.
Here is the link to our end-of-the-year participation guidelines Criteria for End of Year Activities - Muirlands Middle. Please review the attendance and tardy criteria.
Parents of 8th-grade students, please click the link to read about the NAEP test administered in February 2024. 2023 Parent Letter Public Math and Reading
We look forward to an exciting and prosperous 2024. Several fun activities are planned for our campus, including our talent show, athletics, field trips, a school dance, and much more!
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Enrollment is now open for Winter 2024 After School Enrichment Classes. If interested, sign up early to ensure classes can occur! These classes are offered through outside vendors for a fee. There are several great opportunities available on the Muirlands campus for your child. Options include Media Computing with Python, Young Actors Workshops, Sewing and Fashion Design, and Tennis. Detailed information on classes offered at Muirlands is available on our website: After School Enrichment Classes - Muirlands Middle.
The Lost & Found cart will be cleared out before winter break. If you are missing items, please stop by and check the Lost & Found by Wednesday, December 13th. Unclaimed items will be donated.
The Muirlands Winter School Concert will occur on December 12th at 6:30 pm at the La Jolla High Auditorium. The concert will feature music ensembles from Muirlands Middle School and La Jolla High School. Come to the auditorium and enjoy an evening of great music performed by our talented and hard-working students.
Starting this week, you can use SchoolCash Online to purchase replacement ID’s, locks, Chromebooks, Chromebook chargers, etc…
You may get an email stating these items are available on your student’s account. It only means that you can purchase them online IF/WHEN you need to purchase a replacement or pay a library fine.
After making a purchase on SchoolCash Online, please have your student bring the receipt to the Finance Office to pick up the purchased item or clear any library fine.
More information about school purchases is on the Muirlands website Finance Office page. Please contact Mrs. Rodé in the Finance Office if you have any questions.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
The 2024-2025 Matriculation Forms are available for current 6th and 7th graders to complete and submit. The due date for these forms is December 4th. Please fill out the Matriculation form with your student. Parents can access the Matriculation Form only through your student's Google account on their district Chromebook. If you have questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with Robin Dominguez at [email protected]
The Muirlands Foundation has canceled this Thursday's Foundation meeting. The next scheduled meeting is January 18th from 8:45 am to 11:15 am in the Muirlands library.
The winter season for Middle School Athletics begins this week. Tryouts for Volleyball and Soccer will occur on the Muirlands Volleyball courts and lower field and start this Tuesday, 12/5, at 3:30 pm. All practices are on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school, with games on Saturdays. Volleyball is allowed a 15-player roster, and Soccer is permitted a 20-player roster. You should have received a message from the athletics department if you have already signed up. If you haven’t signed your child up yet, please do so ASAP using the following link. Winter Sports Registration.
As mentioned last week, we have begun work on the Muirlands 2024-2025 site budget. An essential part of this process is gathering feedback from the Muirlands school community. I thank all those who have completed the survey. Your time and input are appreciated as we consider our budgeting priorities for the 2024-25 school year.
Please complete this feedback survey by Monday, December 4, 2023.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Welcome back from Thanksgiving Break. I hope you had time to relax and reflect on aspects of your life to be thankful for. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school tomorrow. Our campus will open at 8:15 am, and school will begin at 8:35 am.
Muirlands Monthly Theme for December is Kindness and Caring. Let us be reminded of the importance of these characteristics as we navigate life.
Friday, December 15th, is a special day for our 8th-grade students on our campus. We will once again hold our annual 8th grade Western Day. The 8th Grade Western Day is a yearly December lunchtime event for 8th-grade students. This event coincides with the 8th-grade American History curriculum they are learning in their History classes. Teachers will discuss this period's historical significance and encourage students to dress in Western attire for the festivities. With the help of the Muirlands staff and the Muirlands Foundation, games and activities are organized, along with a special-themed luncheon and a DJ for the 8th-grade students during their extended lunch period.
We will need parent volunteers to help during our 8th-grade Western Day. Please look for volunteer sign-up opportunities in our eSplash.
Muirlands students take the FAST aReading and the FAST Math assessments three times a year. The Winter assessment window is December 4, 2023 - January 1, 2023. The FAST assessments are universal screeners that allow teachers access to the recommended reading and math screening assessments for each grade level. Our staff reviews student performance data to monitor our students' progress. By identifying areas of strength and relative weakness, we can offer support in our instruction to meet our student's needs.
Enjoy the rest of your break. The Muirlands staff looks forward to welcoming our students back to campus tomorrow morning!
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful extended Veterans Day weekend. I would like to thank all our community members and Muirlands staff who have served or are currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. Your service is greatly appreciated.
Ensuring a safe space for students and staff is our school's priority. I want to thank the Muirlands students and staff for helping establish and maintain a safe, empathetic, and respectful campus and community. This will be our school's ongoing work. Our student body's active participation and support is a huge factor in establishing and maintaining this desired state. Please encourage your students to report any dangerous acts or objects, bullying, and hateful speech or acts to a school official.
We had a tremendous turnout last week for our Muirlands Got Talent auditions. However, if you missed last week's audition and want to be part of Muirlands Got Talent, we added one last audition. This Thursday, November 16th, at lunchtime only. Hope to see you all there!
Please welcome our new Librarian, Lauryn Gates, to Muirlands Middle School. Ms. Gates has a wealth of experience, and we are fortunate to have her join our learning community. Our new library hours and available services will be shared with our students this week. I want to share an excerpt from her welcome message to our site.
I am passionate about making and maintaining the library as the hub of the school,
inspiring others to be life-long learners like myself. I strive to provide a safe and caring space where every student can embrace the love of reading and hone the research skills they need as 21st-century learners. I look forward to being a part of the Muirlands community.
Kind regards,
Lauryn Gates
[email protected]
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
As we approach the Veterans Day Holiday, I thank those in our community who have served and are currently serving our country. We wish you all a Happy Veterans Day.
In recognition of the Veterans Day Holiday, SDUSD schools will be closed this Friday, November 10. Please remember the reason for this holiday and why it is important to recognize our veterans on this day.
We are back to daylight standard time. Please set your clocks back one hour today.
Muirlands will undergo modernization of our site, which will begin during the summer of 2025. We will host a meeting led by the SDUSD project team, architects, and other design members. The meeting will be held in the Muirlands Middle School library on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. This meeting is open to the school public. Please calendar the date if you would like to attend.
Congratulations to Muirlands Middle School for being awarded the America’s Healthiest Schools Award. America’s Healthiest Schools celebrates schools for implementing evidence-based practices to support the physical, mental, and social-emotional health needs of their learning community. This recognition was awarded for our efforts in promoting tobacco-free schools and implementing the district’s tobacco-free policy.
Does your child have a talent they want to share? Now is their time to shine. The MGT (Muirlands Got Talent) show is here! Auditions will be held on November 9th during lunch and after school (3:30 - 4:30 p.m.). The Muirlands Got Talent show is rescheduled for January 18, 2024. Please sign up your child using this Google Form.
MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETICS - Congratulations to the Middle School Track and Field Team: Division 1 Overall Team Champions.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
I am very proud of the hard work and dedication of our students and staff each day on campus. Your student's P1 progress grades are now finalized and posted in PowerSchool. Please take a moment to review these marks with your student through the parent portal. As a reminder, several extracurricular activities happen throughout the school year that will require a minimal GPA or mark requirement in both academic and citizenship. These extracurricular activities include but are not limited to dances, middle school athletics, field trips, and end-of-year activities. Here again is the link to our end-of-the-year participation guidelines.
As Halloween takes place on Tuesday, you might be assembling a costume for your child. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Muirlands Halloween costume guidelines.
Does your child have a talent they want to share? Now is their time to shine. The MGT (Muirlands Got Talent) is here! Open to all forms of student talent. The Muirlands Got Talent (MGT) Show will be held on December 14th, 2023. We will have shows for the students during the school day and an evening performance beginning at 6:00 p.m. on December 14th in the auditorium for our amazing school community. We hope you can join us as we celebrate our gifted students on stage while they perform their talents!
Auditions will be held on November 9th during lunch and after school (3:30 - 4:30 p.m.). Please sign up your child using this Google Form.
Gum is showing up on campus in areas it should not, such as on furniture, carpet, and the sidewalk. We ask that gum not be chewed at school. Please help ensure your student does not bring chewing gum on campus.
MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETICS UPDATE: Congratulations to our fall athletes who participated in Basketball and Track and Field. Our Track and Field team won the District Team Championship, with many student-athletes moving forward to the finals held this weekend. The girl's basketball team won their first-round playoff game.
Middle School Athletics registration for the winter season is currently open, and tryouts will begin on December 5, with practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays and games on Saturdays. Link to registration information: https://sdusdathletics.com/middle-schools/
We will offer Volleyball and Soccer during the Winter season. Please contact our Athletic Director, Suzanne Serafin [email protected], with questions or concerns. We are looking forward to more great experiences.
Please open the following link to view the Muirlands School Accountability Report Card: Muirlands Middle SARC Letter for 2023-24
Our sixth-grade students have an incredible opportunity to have a guest speaker from La Jolla High School speak with them about the dangers and impact of drugs and alcohol. LJHS Senior student Petra Schulz has coordinated with AP Psychology teacher Ms. Dill to prepare an age-appropriate presentation for our sixth-grade students. Please review the presentation here: Drug abuse awareness. LJHS Presentation.pdf
Our afterschool tutoring center will be closed on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. We will open back up on Thursday, November 2, 2023.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Thank you to our Muirlands Foundation and all the community that gathered last week at The Lot for the Muirlands Mixer. It was a wonderful evening.
Tomorrow, our 6th-grade students will report to the next class of their wheel rotation. Please use this link to view our wheel rotation information.
We are entering Red Ribbon Week. Muirlands will periodically share information with our students and community from the drug abuse prevention organization Natural High. Please take time to view this article from the Natural High organization: 7 steps you can take if you suspect your kid is using substances.
Our Fall Middle School Athletics is winding down. I want to thank our Dolphins, who participated in this year's Fall season sports. Our Track and Field Team won the District overall Team Championship. Our girl's basketball team made the playoffs and won their first-round game.
Winter session sign-ups for Boys and Girls Soccer and Volleyball are now open. Please use the following link to register your child for a winter sport: Winter Season Registration Form Soccer/Volleyball.
Our practices are scheduled to be held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Muirlands Middle School.
As Halloween approaches, you might be assembling a costume for your child. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Muirlands Halloween costume guidelines.
Please have your students stop by the Lost and Found rack if they are missing clothing items. We will donate or discard all items that remain at the week's end.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Many of us have been touched by the recent global events. I want to begin this message by offering our condolences and support to our families that have been impacted. As shared in my email last week, I want our school community to know we are committed to keeping our campus safe with a respectful, supportive, and inclusive environment for our students and staff. The Muirlands counseling team can assist your student and family with safety, emotional, or psychological assistance as needed. Please contact your child's counselor with questions regarding the support services available to your student and family. Muirlands Counseling
The end of our first grading period is October 20th. Please take the time to log into the Parent Portal to check your student's grades and attendance.
You may also want to review the Criteria for End of Year Activities.
This year's International ShakeOut Day, Earthquake Safety, is October 19, when millions worldwide will participate in earthquake drills. Muirlands will actively participate in this year's ShakeOut Day.
In addition to participating in the International ShakeOut Day, the Muirlands staff and students will continue to participate in drills to respond to various emergencies that may arise on a school campus.
The Muirlands Foundation invites you to join them and the Muirlands staff on October 19th at the Lot, La Jolla, from 6-8 p.m. for the Muirlands Mixer. The mixer is a great event with food, drinks, entertainment, and great conversation. Please click on this link https://donate.onecause.com/muirlandsmixer2023-24 for more details and to purchase tickets for yourself or to sponsor a staff member.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Picture make-up day is Tuesday, October 10th. To preview and purchase portraits, visit the Jostens eCommerce site at shop.jostenspix.com. For more information, visit our school website.
If you did not like the original pictures from September 15 and WANT A RETAKE, you MUST REQUEST a RETAKE on the JostensPix's website (You will see a button at the top of the page).
As Halloween approaches, you might be assembling a costume for your child. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the Muirlands Halloween costume guidelines. Halloween Guidelines 23-24
The LJHS administration and the athletic department have requested that I remind our community about the requirements for attendance at LJHS sporting events: LJHS Spectator Message 10-8-23
We are happy to announce that we will again offer Core Academy (Saturday School) this year on select Saturdays throughout the school year.
Attending a Core Academy session is a great way to get extra academic support, have an opportunity to complete assignments in an educational environment, and clear tardies and absences that might be accumulating.
Saturday sessions will be from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm on the following days and take place on the Muirlands campus:
- October 14, 2023
- November 4, 2023
- December 2, 2023
- January 6, 2024
- February 3, 2024
- March 2, 2024
- April 13, 2024
- May 11, 2024
If you are interested in registering, please fill in this form.
If you have any questions, please contact Deb Duncan at [email protected]
The Muirlands Foundation invites you to join them and the Muirlands staff on October 19th at the Lot, La Jolla, from 6-8 p.m. for the Muirlands Mixer. The mixer is a great event with food, drinks, entertainment, and great conversation. Please click on this link https://donate.onecause.com/muirlandsmixer2023-24 for more details and to purchase tickets for yourself or to sponsor a staff member.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
What a great job everyone did with Spirit Week. Thank you, parents, students, staff, and our ASB team, for a fun week!
A reminder that Friday, October 6, 2023, is a non-instructional day. Enjoy the three-day weekend!
The La Jolla Art and Wine Festival is next weekend, October 7th and 8th. Proceeds benefit our school and our fellow cluster schools. Volunteers from Muirlands are needed to help at the event. The LJAWF silent auction is now live and open for you to bid and help the success of the festival. And don’t forget to attend the event.
On Monday, October 2nd, our students will have an opportunity to commit to the No Place for Hate Pledge.
As we continue to ensure a safe, respectful, supportive, and inclusive campus, our students and staff will have an opportunity to take the No Place for Hate Pledge. Our ASB Students will pass out dolphin-shaped papers to students and staff who wish to sign their names and commit to the No Place For Hate Pledge.
Message from the SDUSD Family Engagement Department: The Family Engagement Department and Instructional Technology are pleased to provide an overview on navigating the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Families will learn how to access features such as: how to communicate with their student’s teacher, access grades, attendance, and specific standardized test scores records.
Please join us Wednesday, October 4, 2023 from 5:30pm to 6:30pm or Thursday, October 5, 2023 from 10:00am - 11:00am at the Zoom Link: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/89694316809 or Zoom ID: 896 9431 6809.
Interpretation services start 15 minutes before each session.
If you need interpretation in another language, please click on the link and fill out the form at least 3 days ahead of the workshop:
For more details, please see the Family Engagement website calendar at SDUSDfamilies.org.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands will have our first Spirit Week of the school year this week. All staff and students are encouraged to participate. Monday is “Decade Day.” Please dress to impress in your favorite Decade attire! Here is the link for the entire week: Spirit Week 9/25-9/29
To preview and purchase your child's school portraits, please visit Jostens eCommerce site at https://shop.jostenspix.com and our school website, School Website Picture Day page, for more information.
If you did not like the original pictures from September 15 and WANT A RETAKE, you MUST REQUEST a RETAKE on the JostensPix's website (You will see a button at the top of the page). Our picture retake day is October 10, 2023.
The Muirlands Foundation invites you to join us and Muirlands staff on October 19th at The Lot in La Jolla from 6-8 p.m. for our annual Muirlands Mixer. Please click on this link https://donate.onecause.com/muirlandsmixer2023-24 for more details and to purchase tickets for yourself or to sponsor a staff member.
We had a great turnout at last week's first Foundation Meeting of the school year. I thank all who have shown up in support of our Foundation. The Muirlands Gives campaign is off to a great start. Thank you all who have supported this campaign. https://donate.onecause.com/muirlandsgives
Some important facts regarding your contributions:
- 84% of our budget goes towards Curriculum and Student Support (field trips, clubs, after-school sports, staff for tutoring, teachers working during prep)
- 12% of our budget goes towards School Support (campus upgrades, raptor security system)
- 96% of our budget goes directly to our students and the staff that support them.
We are officially up to 10 Muirlands Clubs on campus. There is a strong correlation between a student's connection to their school and their academic success and well-being. I encourage you to have your child participate in one or more of our school clubs. Thank you to our teaching staff who volunteer their time to make these activities available to our students! Please use this link for more information about our school clubs: Clubs - Muirlands Middle.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
What an incredible turnout for our Back to School Night. Our community participation was amazing. I am so proud of the evening our staff prepared for you. In addition, I thank our Muirlands Foundation for supporting our teachers on one of our longer days.
Please save the date for the Muirlands Mixer scheduled for October 19th. This year's event will be held from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at The Lot. This event is always a lot of fun for our staff and community!
I would like to thank all the parents and community members who have offered their services to serve on our SSC/SGT committees. Please take a moment and vote for your representative.
SGT/SSC Parent Election Form
The first nine-week progress report grading period will close on October 27, 2023. Please periodically monitor your child's academic progress through the Parent Portal. Please use the Parent Portal sign-in link: https://powerschool.sandi.net/public.
If your child missed picture day this past Friday, we will have a make-up opportunity on October 10, 2023.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
This Thursday, September 14, 2023, is our Back to School night. Join us in the Auditorium for a quick meeting (5:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m.). Please use this link for back-to-school night details and a class schedule template your child can help you complete.
Principal Luna and Foundation President Ms.Yamini will share information. Parents/guardians will visit their children’s classrooms as they follow our modified bell schedule. During the classroom presentations, teachers describe the curriculum and learning goals, share upcoming projects, identify available support, and more.
Our Sexual Health Education Program “SHEP” curriculum presentations for parents of our 6th and 8th grade students will start at 7:00 p.m.
- Parents of sixth-grade students will meet in room 302.
- Parents of eighth-grade students will meet in room 404.
(Attendance is optional. Contact your child's Science teacher with questions.). The presentation starts directly following the Back to School class presentations.
We have several Muirlands Clubs up and running. Please utilize this link: Clubs - Muirlands Middle for the latest information on clubs offered at Muirlands. I thank our staff for providing these opportunities for our students.
Picture day is Friday, September 15, 2023. The students will take their school pictures during their Physical Education class. Please click this link for photo and ordering information. Here are a few things to remember:
- There will be a “Green Screen” background for the pictures. The green screen allows you to choose your background when ordering pictures. Please do not have your child wear green, as green will not appear in the picture.
- Please ensure their photo outfit is in line with the Muirlands dress code.
- Students will be asked to remove their hats for the school photo.
The safety of your children and our community is of utmost importance. Therefore, I ask that all families follow the safety procedures for pick-up and drop-off we have in place to maximize the safety of our students and staff.
Please do not :
- Double park your vehicle. You are establishing an unsafe condition for your child to cross in front of and behind parked cars, blocking the bike lanes, and breaking the law.
- Stop in the red curb area. The red curbs establish a line of sight to oncoming traffic for pedestrians and vehicles to exit or enter the parking lots.
- Stop in the marked bus loading zone. These areas are reserved for our school buses.
- Ask your students to cross the street at unmarked intersections or through traffic.
- For families with a student who rides a bike, skateboard, or scooter to school, please ensure your child knows the rules of the road and practices safe riding. Muirlands requires all students who ride to school and bring their bike/scooter/skateboard on campus to wear a helmet.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Monday Sept. 4 is a school holiday as we recognize Labor Day. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize workers’ contributions to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. I hope all can enjoy this holiday with family and friends.
Muirlands currently has three parent/community member positions available for each of the following two essential decision-making groups. These groups are the School Site Council and the Site Governance Team. If you want to nominate yourself or someone else for these positions, please complete and submit the following forms. These groups meet from 2:30-3:30 p.m. eight times a year. Please open the document below for details on how each group supports Muirlands.
SSC/SGT parent and community nomination form
Back to School Night: Our BTSN will take place on September 14, 2023, and begin at 5:15 p.m. with a short presentation in our school auditorium. You will then have the opportunity to visit your child's classrooms and hear from each teacher. This event is typically very well attended. Due to space limitations, we ask Muirlands students not to attend this event. The information and staff presentations are intended for the parents/guardians.
Sexual Health Education Program-6th and 8th Grade Parents:
The Sexual Health Education Program Parent Preview will directly follow Back To School Night. Please join 6th and 8th-grade science teachers and SHEP educators for an informative preview of topics covered in the two-week sexual health unit. SHEP lessons will be presented at the end of the first semester for 8th graders and at the end of the second semester for 6th graders.
Thursday, September 14 from 7:00-7:30 p.m.
- Parents of 6th grade parents will meet in room 302
- Parents of 8th grade students will meet in room 404
The La Jolla Art and Wine Festival is in its 15th year and will occur on October 7th and 8th. The Festival is an important fundraiser for the five local public schools. As one of those five schools, we invite you to participate in its success. Please consider volunteering for a shift, bringing friends and family to attend the festival and checking out the silent auction, https://LJAWF23.givesmart.com which goes live 9/29/23. However, you can preview items now.
We have had several COVID-19 cases on campus. If your child is symptomatic or sick, please keep them home. Test kits are available for pickup at Muirlands. Any non-symptomatic adult can stop by Muirlands main office to pick up a kit to test your child. If your child is COVID-19 positive, please contact Muirlands and then use this link or email [email protected], to report the positive case to the SDUSD tracing team. The SDUSD Contact Tracinging Team will then notify contacts of possible exposure. Please remind students to wash their hands and practice other safety measures. We continue to have each room equipped with a MERV-13 air purifier and hand sanitizer.
Muirlands after-school tutoring center is now open. The tutoring center is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20- 4:50 p.m. This is a drop-in program, and sign-ups are not required. The Tutoring Center is staffed with Muirlands teachers and classroom support staff. I would like to thank the Muirlands Foundation for the financial support of this incredible program.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, August 27, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
Thank you and your student for a wonderful first week. It has been a pleasure to welcome our students back to school.
I would like to share with you the following information.
Grade Level Assemblies
We held our first Grade-Level student assemblies on Wednesday. Please take a moment to review the slide deck Grade Level Assemblies Opening of School August 23 and guidelines. I encourage you to pay special attention to the End of Year criteria.
No Place for Hate
As we continue our work to ensure all students feel safe, are seen, and feel included on our campus, we look forward to earning a No Place for Hate school designation. Please open NPFH Parent Letter 8-27-23 for more information regarding this designation and how you can get involved as a parent.
PE Uniforms
Students will need to have their PE uniforms this week on Tuesday to put in PE lockers. Wednesday will be the first day that students suit up. If you ordered PE clothes online, have your student pick up their uniform in the office before school or during lunch. If you still need to order, you may do so on the Foundation Online Store or at the school’s Financial Window. Click here for more information about PE, including directions on how to write your student’s name on the uniforms.
Chromebook Parent Management System
At Muirlands, we use a computer management tool that allows staff to monitor and control the Chromebooks used in the classroom. This tool also has a parent component that will enable parents to control and monitor their child's district Chromebook during non-instructional hours. Please use Blocksi Parent Job Aid to learn more about this tool.
PowerSchool and Parent Portal
We ask parents to log into PowerSchool and verify or edit their current information each year. If you have no changes, you still must log into PowerSchool to verify and confirm that no changes were made. The information you provide is used to deliver essential documents, including progress reports, report cards, and other important/emergency messages from SDUSD.
Parents, please log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and update ALL information for this item. If you need assistance, there is a link titled: Enrollment Form - Power School - Muirlands Middle. After you have submitted the information for review, you should receive a message stating that the information has been submitted to the school and that you will receive an email notification once the information has been approved. If you need login information, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriguez, @ [email protected].
Lunch Service Update
The lunch lines were busy at the beginning of the week but are running much more smoothly now. However, we also have an indoor service area available to our students. The inside service has a salad bar and serves entrees. All students can pick up breakfast and lunch at no cost if they choose to do so.
Drop Off, Pick Up, Crosswalks, Skateboards, and Electric Bicycles
Parents, please be cautious as you pick up and drop off your student. Nautilus Street and the bike lanes are very busy during these times. Remember to follow safe practices and the law when picking up and dropping off your student. Do not double park for pick up and drop off. If your child must cross Nautilus for pick-up and drop-off, please direct them to the crosswalk.
PLEASE!!! - If your child rides an electric bike, skateboard, or scooter to school, discuss safe practices and riding laws with them. Students must wear a helmet if bringing their bike, scooter, or skateboard on campus. A reminder that students must walk bikes, scooters, and skateboards through the parking lot and on campus.
After School Activities
After-school Clubs will be organized by students in the next few weeks. When information becomes available, we will post it here: muirlands.sandiegounified.org/students/clubs
Outside vendors also offer two after-school classes for a fee: Teen Trendsetters/Sewing with Shapes and Media Computing class with Python. See our website for all the details: muirlands.sandiegounified.org/students/extra_curricular/after_school_enrichment_classes
Middle School Athletics
Middle School Sports will start for Muirlands on August 29. The Fall season will offer Basketball, and Track and Field. Tryouts/practices are held Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:40 - 5:10 p.m. There will be two weeks of tryouts/practice where students can still sign up and participate before coaches submit a final roster to the Athletics Office. See the SDUSD Athletics website for details and to register: sdusdathletics.com/middle-schools/
First Day Packets
Thank you to all the parents/students who submitted their First Day Packets. If your student did not return their completed packet this past week, please take the time to read over the documents and return the completed forms with your required signatures and information to their first-period teacher as soon as possible.
Please continue to contact Muirlands if you have questions.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - Recap of Day One
Hello Muirlands Community,
Thank you for your support and for entrusting the Muirlands staff with your children. We had a great first day. I visited every classroom today and was very impressed with the enthusiasm and participation of our students. The Muirlands teachers prepared their classrooms and curriculum to ensure a positive learning environment as we welcome your students back on campus. I hope you have time tonight to talk with your student about their first day at school.
Our gates will open at 8:15 am tomorrow morning.
A few items as we prepare for day two.
- A manilla packet went home with your child today. Please review the enclosed documents following the provided instructions. Several documents require your signature and must be returned to the school. Your child should submit the signed documents to their period one teacher.
- Please remember to have your child charge their Chromebook every night and bring a fully charged SDUSD Chromebook to school daily.
- Lunch lines are always long the first week of school as our students figure out “The System.” Please be patient. Bringing a sack lunch is another option. This year we have brought back our salad bar. Please remind your child of this option.
- Our students will review the Muirlands handbook this week. The handbook is available on the Muirlands website 23-24 Muirlands Handbook. Please take some time to review the handbook with your student. Pay special attention to reviewing the cell phone and dress code policy with your student. Your support in ensuring your child's attire aligns with our dress code is appreciated. When a student's attire does not meet the dress code, he/she/they will be asked to remedy the issue in one of the following ways:
The student will be asked to:
- Change into appropriate alternative clothing from their PE locker
- Change into clothes provided by the office
- Call home from the office to request a change of clothes
Muirlands staff will address non-compliance with the dress code respectfully and professionally. Students who repeatedly make clothing choices that do not adhere to the dress code will face consequences for defiance.
Lastly, I want to thank you all for your cooperation this morning with drop-off and dismissal. Your diligence in creating a safe environment for our students and staff is appreciated.
Please feel free to share your constructive feedback regarding our opening.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you and your families are safe and doing well. At this time, our schools will open TUESDAY AUGUST 22. Please continue to monitor your phone calls and emails for updates from Superintendent Jackson regarding the potential effect of Hurricane Hilary on the first day of school. I will immediately notify our community if there are significant changes to our opening plan.
The Muirlands staff is excited to welcome your student to campus and begin our year together. We spent this past week preparing for your student’s arrival. This past week emphasized establishing a warm and welcoming environment to ensure their school year and arrival back to campus is a positive experience.
The first order of business for our students on Tuesday is to pick up their “Official Schedule.” If the weather dictates, we plan to move our schedule distribution from our quad area to our auditorium. If the distribution is moved to the auditorium, students will enter campus through the auditorium, not our front gates.
Our campus will open at 8:05 am. Please use caution when dropping your student off for school on Tuesday. In addition to the current weather situation, there will be a lot of car and foot traffic on Nautilus. In addition, many students may be biking and walking to school, so please be aware of your surroundings during drop-off and pick-up. Please use this link to view our school schedules, Bell Schedule.
Only students will be allowed on campus Tuesday morning. We will tremendously supervise, assist, and support your student on Tuesday and this year.
Your child’s class schedule is now accessible via the Student/Parent Portal in PowerSchool. If you need assistance with Parent Portal, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriguez, @ [email protected]. All students must pick up their “Official” schedule as they enter campus Tuesday morning.
Please remember to have your child bring a fully charged district Chromebook and charger on Tuesday. Sixth-grade students who did not exchange their netbooks during orientation and those who do not currently have a district netbook will receive their netbooks this week. We will have a team of adults ready to support our students experiencing Chromebook issues.
Of course, we hoped for a beautiful San Diego day for our opening. However, we will adjust and excel as we have repeatedly done these last few years. I am extremely confident in our team at Muirlands to make Tuesday's opening a success!
Please email me @ [email protected] if you have questions regarding Tuesday's opening.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Friday, August 11, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope this message finds you well and enjoying these last days of summer vacation. On behalf of the Muirlands staff, allow me to warmly welcome all new and returning Muirlands students and families. I hope you are as enthusiastic as we are, anticipating an incredible year working together in partnership.
The first day of school is August 21st August 22nd. School and classes will begin at 8:35 a.m. We will open our gates at 8:05 am on our first day, giving our students ample time to pick up their official class schedule. Student schedules will be available for preview in PowerSchool on Sunday, August 20th. However, all students will need to pick up their official class schedule on the first day of school in the school quad.
On Tuesday, August 15th, we will host a New Student Orientation for all incoming 6th-grade students and those 7th and 8th-grade students that are new to Muirlands. We will offer two orientation sessions for our new Dolphins. Both sessions will begin in the school auditorium.
- Session One: 9:30-11:30 am - for families of students whose last name begins with A-L*.
- Session Two: 12:30-2:30 pm - for families of students whose last name begins with M-Z*.
* If you cannot make the suggested session based on your last name, please join us at the alternate session.
On our first day of school, parents are welcome to escort their students to our main gate area but will not accompany them onto campus. Staff members and our Link Crew Team will be present to assist and support your students with their class schedules and questions.
Please use this link Bell Schedule -- Muirlands 2023-2024 to view our bell and modified days schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Please note that we have a modified release time of 2:20 pm every Wednesday.
Here are some reminders as you begin to prepare for the start of the year:
- Students will not suit up for their physical education classes during our first week of school. Your child’s PE teacher will share specific information regarding the first day to suit up and how to purchase a PE uniform during the first week of school.
- Before the first day of school, please take a moment to review our school dress code with your student. Your support in ensuring your child leaves for school in attire that aligns with the Muirlands Dress Code is appreciated. Link: School Dress Code
- To enable our staff to better support our students in the classroom, Muirlands will require all students to use district-issued computers in all classrooms. As a result, students will not use personal computers in the classroom.
- We have filtered water dispensers throughout our campus. You are encouraged to send your child to school with a refillable water bottle.
- All incoming 6th-grade students will receive a new Chromebook from Muirlands. 6th-grade students should bring their current district-issued Chromebook and charger to Tuesday’s new student orientation and exchange it for a new Chromebook. If you cannot make the orientation, you will have the opportunity to exchange your Chromebook during the first week of school.
- To ensure the safety of our students, Muirlands does not allow student pick-up or drop-off in our school parking lots. Therefore, please plan where to meet your child for pick-up as needed. If your child rides a bicycle, skateboard, or scooter to school and wants to secure it on campus, they must arrive wearing a helmet. Muirlands provides bicycle and skateboard/scooter racks on campus. Students must bring their own lock.
- The Muirlands Foundation is a significant and long-standing contributor to our school’s success. Please ensure you are signed up to receive weekly e-Blasts by visiting the Foundation website at www.muirlandsfoundation.org. A HUGE thank you and much appreciation to our returning president Hedieh Yamini, who will continue to coordinate the important work of partnering with and supporting the Muirlands Middle School students, staff, and community.
- Muirlands has a school website: www.muirlands.sandiegounified.org. Here you will find the school calendar, access to teacher webpages, excellent links and shortcuts, staff directory/email contacts, and much more. Please bookmark it!
- Muirlands has two full-time counselors on site. Mrs. Dominguez (student last names A-L) and Mr. Velasquez (student last names M-Z), will be responsible for ensuring all students are placed in the appropriate classes. If you or your student would like to contact your child's counselor, please email them directly, call them, or visit the counseling website Muirlands Counseling and complete the Request to See My Counselor Form. We worked hard to give 7th and 8th grade students their 1st or 2nd choice of electives, and to enroll all students in the appropriate core subject courses.
- Muirlands will issue textbooks, locks, and assign lockers to students during this first week of school. Muirlands staff will distribute these items to our sixth-grade students on
Tuesday, August 22 Wednesday, August 23, our seventh-grade students on Thursday, August 24, and our eighth-grade students on Monday, August 28.
- Registration for Muirlands Fall Middle School Athletics Basketball Teams, and Track and Fields Teams is now open. Please use the following link to register your student. Middle School Athletics – San Diego Unified School District
- SDUSD will continue to provide free meals to all students. All students can receive one free breakfast and lunch daily. Please remember to complete and submit the Meal Application that will be a part of the first day packet your child brings home on day one.
- And finally, I have included the link to the Muirlands Welcome Back FAQ Handbook. This handbook is designed to assist Muirlands families as we open our school year. We have tried to provide answers to many of your potential questions in our handbook.
Important Dates
- Sunday, August 20th - Unofficial student schedules will be available in PowerSchool.
Monday, August 21st - Our first day of school. The Muirlands campus will open at 8:05 am. All students will pick up their official color-coded schedule in the school quad. The official color-coded schedule is required to enter classes on the first day of school.
Back to School Night will be held in person on Thursday, September 14, 2023, from 5:15 - 7:00 pm.
- Student picture day will take place on Friday, September 15, 2023.
- Friday, September 22 - Principal Chat, Muirlands Library, 9:00 am-10:00 am.
I know this is a lot of information to process. Please contact the school if you have questions or need assistance.
Our staff is anxious to welcome our students back to campus. We look forward to a wonderful school year.
Jeff Luna, Principal
Friday, August 4, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,
We are excited to welcome all incoming 6th graders and their families to Muirlands’ Orientation Day on August 15th, 2023.
We will offer two orientation sessions for our new Dolphins!
- Session One: 9:30-11:30 am - for families of students whose last name begins with A-L*.
- Session Two: 12:30-2:30 pm - for families of students whose last name begins with M-Z*.
* If you cannot make the suggested session based on your last name, please join us at the alternate session.
We will begin the orientation promptly at the listed start time with a short welcome and presentation in the school auditorium. Please allow yourself time to park and arrive at the auditorium by the start time. During your visit, students and families will be shown around the campus by our student Link Crew. Our Link Crew is composed of 7th and 8th graders who have volunteered to become Muirlands ambassadors to welcome and support our new students.
In addition to the tour, your student can participate in a scavenger hunt to learn more about their new campus. Muirlands staff members, club representatives, sports teams, and outside vendors will be on campus to inform students and families about activities for the 2023/24 school year.
Please bring the SDUSD netbook and charger cord your child was issued in elementary school. Our librarian, Ms. Vintika, will be available to exchange your child’s old netbook for a new Muirlands netbook.
You will have the opportunity to purchase your child's Physical Education uniform as well. Uniforms will be available for try-on and purchase on the day of orientation. However, you can save time by pre-ordering uniforms on the Muirlands Foundation Online Store. All online orders must be picked up in person. Please print and bring your online receipt to pick up your pre-purchased clothes at Orientation. You can also pick up your online purchased clothes after school starts in the Muirlands office.
In addition, if you are interested in purchasing Muirlands spirit wear for you or your family, you can visit the following ASB-sponsored link: Muirlands Dolphins - Sideline Store - BSN Sports.
Finally, please plan on joining us on the Muirlands lunch court after each session for a complimentary pizza lunch.
If you have questions about Orientation Day or want to volunteer, please contact Raquel at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you all on September 15th!
Your Muirlands Middle School Orientation Team