Health Office

See the Health Office Google Site for more information.

The Health Office is located on the northeast side of the Administration Building. The Registered Nurse is here Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. A Health Technician is on campus every day from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If a student becomes ill, needs first aid or health-related assistance, they should inform their teacher and get a pass to the Nurse's Office. Do not call or text parents before being assessed by Health Office. Students should not come to the nurse's office during a passing period.

Student must sign in when they arrive. Minor injury, health issues or illness will be handled at school by the nurse or another qualified/designated staff member. Any on-campus injury should be reported to the nurse's office immediately. If a serious injury or illness occurs at school, parents will be called. Names and telephone numbers of other people who may take responsibility for the student, if their parents are not available, must be on the Emergency Card on file in the office.

The nurse should be informed of any special health matters. Medications must be kept in the Nurse's Office and should be labeled with student's name, the name of the medication, the dose to be taken, and the time(s) to be taken . The medication also must be accompanied by a form completed by the physician. The medication must also be accompanied by forms completed by the physician for long-term medication and by the parent for short-term medication. No medication will be accepted in plastic bags. All students with inhalers must have up-to-date asthma medication forms on file. All forms can be obtained in the Nurse's Office or on the Muirlands website. Please contact the Health Office with questions or concerns.


Students who bring a note from their parents requesting that they not participate in PE due to an illness or minor injury will still dress out for PE. The PE teacher will modify or exempt students' activities based upon a signed parental note up to 3 days. Notes are to be given directly to the PE teacher, not the office. If an illness or injury goes beyond three days, a doctor's note is required (PE Exemption Note).

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