Muirlands Dolphins! Project Wisdom has some words to say:
Each time you listen to words set to music — whether that music is country, rock, rap, or opera — you are listening to the words of a poet. Poems express emotions like love, sadness, wonder, and longing, and are a means of expression and self-discovery, a way human beings share feelings and experiences.
Poet Robert Frost once wrote:
Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.
When our emotions and thoughts find one another and are condensed into words chosen for their sound, rhyme, or rhythm, the result is poetry.
Reading, writing, and sharing poetry can help us discover what makes each of us unique. This month is National Poetry Month. Find time to reflect on what matters most to you — what you value above anything else — and then commit your thoughts to paper by writing a poem. You may just discover something about yourself you never knew before.
With something to think about, this is Project Wisdom. Make it a great day . . . or not. The choice is yours.
Click on this google form to submit your poetry. EXPRESS YOURSELF!
Here are your poems:
Click here to view the Google Doc with all your poems.