And the winner is:
Any and all 8th graders were invited to submit designs for a mural - the third of an annual “legacy project”, where the students from that class get to “leave their mark” on their campus by choosing an artwork designed by one of their own to be painted on a wall at Muirlands.
Design Requirements:
- “Multi-panel” format: Each “panel” should illustrate Muirlands culture (academic subjects, school values, symbolic imagery that represents the community, etc. (picture plane is broken into panels that come together to make artwork)
- Bold 3-6 color scheme (may add black, white &/or gray)
- Create design directly on this wall template (Print template & draw on it, or digitally design mural on template)
- Submit design here by March 24 (all .png, .jpeg, .jpg files accepted for digital entries).
Click HERE to view more details about the project requirements.
Muirlands 8th grade art students and Ms. Cox will paint the mural before the end of the school year!