Immunization Reminders

New Immunization Law


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Immunization law changed on July 1, 2019. When each student enrolls at a new school within San Diego Unified School District the following immunization requirements must be met prior to attending class at the new school. If your child does not meet these requirements, they will be excluded from school until the requirements are met.

Students in grades TK through 12 Need:

  • Polio (OPV or IPV) — 4 doses (3 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday)
  • Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DTP, Tdap, or Td) — 5 doses

(4 doses OK if one was given on or after 4th birthday. 3 doses OK if one was given on or after 7th birthday.)
For 7th-12th graders, at least 1 dose of pertussis-containing vaccine is required on or after 7th birthday.

  • Hepatitis B — 3 doses (Not required for 7th grade entry)
  • Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) — 2 doses (Both given on or after 1st birthday)
  • Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses

These immunization requirements apply to new admissions and transfers for all grades, and for all students moving from TK to kindergarten.

Students advancing to 7th Grade Need:

  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap) —1 dose • Varicella (Chickenpox) — 2 doses
TK/K-12 Admission

or Transfer from another school in SDUSD requires:

4 Polio at any age
3 Polio if at least one dose given after age 4
5 DTaP at any age
4 DTaP if at least one dose given after age 4
3 DTaP if at least one Tdap given after age 7
3 Hep B
[Hepatitis B]
Both doses must be given on or after age 1
2 Varicella
Also required of all enrolling or transferring into 7th-12 grade 1 Tdap given after age 7
Also required of all 7th Graders, regardless of previous district enrollment 1 Tdap given after age 7 Hep B is recommended but not required for 7th grade attendance 2 Varicella

If your child does not meet these requirements, they will be excluded from school until the requirements are met.

Depending on your medical insurance, your child may receive the necessary vaccines from your primary care practitioner, local pharmacy, or public health clinic. If you need assistance in obtaining immunizations, please contact your school nurse.

If you have any questions about immunization requirements, please send an email to [email protected] with your questions and your child's name and date of birth.

View and Print Letter to Parents (English and Spanish)


For information about the new law, please visit the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) ShotsforSchool website.

Pertussis (whooping cough): Get The Facts


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