We are excited to announce that Muirlands will begin offering Contactless Checkout of library books beginning this Wednesday, February 3rd, from 2-4pm. Students must have placed a book on hold with the library BEFORE coming to the school for pick up. Please review the slideshow on the library website or go to the library Google Classroom (code cru6sfc) to learn the procedures for holding books and book pickup.
Our procedures are developed through extensive research of best practices from peer library systems, as well as professional resources including American Library Association (ALA), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)and REALM (Reopening Archives, Libraries and Museums) studies and testing.
Please be patient about book availability as returned items must sit, unstacked for a period of time before they can be checked in and available for checkout again. We appreciate your understanding as it is important to maintain safety for all.
Watch this video to learn how to place a book on hold.
What you need to know about Book Checkout:
- You may hold up to 2 books at one time.
- Mrs.Vintika will email you when your book is ready for at home learners, otherwise your book will be delivered to your 4th period class.
- Your hold needs to be placed before noon on the pick up day.
- Remember to wear a mask and maintain social distancing, and come alone or with only one parent to pick up your book.
Do You Need Book Suggestions?
Join the Library Google Classroom Code (code cru6sfc) to find many slides with book suggestions.
Click on the book covers (this is only active in the Google Classroom) to learn more about each book.
- If a book does not have a link, then you will need to search for more information.
- If you find a book you are interested in, go to Destiny and enter it into the search box to find the book and place a hold.
Thank you. We can't wait to see you! Happy Reading everyone!!