Sunday Notes 22-23

Sunday Notes & Principal's Updates
Posted on 06/11/2023
Sunday Notes Clipart

Sunday, June 11, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

This edition of Sunday notes will be my final Sunday message for this school year. I thank our families for their support, generosity, and feedback. You have been amazing. I thank the Muirlands Foundation for tireless support and involvement this school year.

Wednesday, June 14th, will be the last day of student attendance. We will be on a minimum day schedule. The school will dismiss at 1:37 pm. Our late activity bus will not run on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.

The following school year will begin on Monday, August 21st, 2023.
Please see the following link for next year's bell schedules and the dates of our modified school days.
Muirlands Bell Schedule 2023-204 with Modified Dates

Please ensure you have returned all school textbooks and materials. In addition, students are to keep possession of their district netbook computers over the summer. Netbook computers should only be returned to Muirlands if your child is leaving SDUSD.

Please ensure your students take proper care of their netbooks or store them safely over the summer break. Families will be responsible for the damage/loss of devices or chargers. Here are two links you might use with your child to reinforce the proper use of their assigned computers.

We have a beautiful yearbook this year, thanks to the hard work of our advisor, Ms. Ervin-Fugiel, and her yearbook class. Last week I informed families that we would distribute yearbooks this past week. I also asked that you remind your child about respecting other students' yearbooks and the expectation of sharing appropriate messages. I have one more ask for you to complete tonight. Please review your child's yearbook and edit for appropriate content before sending your child to school tomorrow.

Please have a wonderful and safe summer. We look forward to seeing our new incoming and returning students in the Fall and wish all the best to our promoting eighth-grade students.

Principal Luna

Sunday, June 4, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

This week is the last week of after-school tutoring AND the last week that our after-school late activities bus will operate. During this last week of tutoring, tutoring will occur in Ms. Bujewski’s room, room 402.

Muirlands will collect all textbooks, combination locks, and library books during your child's History/Social Studies classes this week.

  • 8th grade students will return their items on Tuesday June 6

  • 7th grade on Wednesday June 7

  • 6th grade students on Thursday June 8

Please remind your child to have these items available for return on their assigned date. Students should keep their Chromebooks and chargers in a safe place for the summer.

  • Students entering grade 9 will exchange their current Chromebook for a new one at their high school at the beginning of the school year.
  • Students entering 7th and 8th grade will continue to use their Chromebooks for the remainder of Middle School.
  • If you plan on leaving SDUSD, please return your Chromebook with your textbooks.

We are looking for volunteers to assist in the setup for the 8th-grade promotion. The setup will occur on June 13th at 7:30 am at LJHS. Duties include placing chairs in rows and stage set up. Contact our foundation President at [email protected] to volunteer by Wednesday, June 7th.

For those families that purchased yearbooks, we will distribute yearbooks to your students this week. Please remind your child about respecting each other's yearbooks and the expectation of sharing appropriate messages.

Permission slips and event information will be distributed to 8th-grade students attending the end-of-year Bowling Trip or participating in the promotion ceremony on Tuesday, June 6. Please have your child return the permission slips to their science teacher by Thursday, June 8.

Principal Luna

Sunday, May 28, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope all are enjoying this long Memorial Day weekend and spend a moment to reflect and honor those that have served in our Armed Forces.

The last Core Academy Saturday School will be held on June 3rd from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. This is a great way to clear absences and tardies, improve academic standing, and work towards end-of-year eligibility for fun activities and the 8th-grade promotion ceremony. If you want to sign up, please complete this Google form.

8th Grade families: our promotion ceremony will be at the La Jolla High School stadium on June 14th. The ceremony will begin at 9:30 am and end by 10:30 am. We will send home detailed information next week.
The Muirlands Foundation has created a fantastic opportunity for you to enjoy this experience. They are auctioning off press box and reserved VIP seats. These are the best seats in the house. The VIP seats and press boxes auction is live now and will end on Friday, June 2nd, at 6:00 pm. You can go to to submit your bid. All winners will be notified via email.
If you have questions regarding the auction, please contact Hedieh Yamini @ [email protected].

The Muirlands Link Crew is accepting 2023-24 school year applications. Link Crew is a school community-building program. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, it trains members of the 7th and 8th-grade classes to “Link” with and support our new incoming students. As positive role models, Link Leaders are motivators, leaders, and teachers who guide new students to discover success.
If you are currently in 6th or 7th grade and would link to be part of Link Crew next year, fill in the Link Crew application form by Friday, June 2, 2023.
Please email [email protected] if you have questions about the Link Crew program.

Principal Luna

Sunday, May 21, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

A reminder that on Friday, May 26th, and Monday, May 29th, our school will be closed as we recognize the Memorial Day Holiday. We recognize and mourn the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces. We also take this opportunity to thank all who have served and are currently serving in the armed forces.

Parents of current 6th-grade students. Muirlands 6th graders will begin Sexual Health Instruction through their SCIENCE classes beginning on Tuesday, May 30, lasting 8-9 days.
Please note that parents/guardians may excuse their child from the sexual health instruction for this school year by providing an email, in their preferred language, to their child's Science teacher, Ms. Trombley or Ms. Latta.
Please use these links if you would like to preview the Sexual Health Instruction curriculum:

Attention 8th-grade parents of students that have completed Spanish 3-4. LJHS will offer ONLINE Spanish 5-6 during the Summer of 2023. The online course begins on July 24 and concludes on August 8. This interest form must be filled out by June 2, 2023. Please contact the LJHS counseling department if you have questions about this course.

Monday, May 22nd, is this year's final Dine for Dollars. Thank you to everyone that has supported school fundraising and the community businesses we have featured this year. Tomorrow's featured business is Dough Momma Pizzeria. Dough Mama Pizzeria  is at 2152 Avenida de La Playa, La Jolla shores. 20% of all orders support Muirlands Middle School. Dine-in/takeout only.
If ordering online, please use the code Muirlands20.

Principal Luna

Sunday, May 14, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

When you are on campus, please visit our new campus mural. Art teacher, Ms. Cox, was our lead person in a Community Engaged Mural Project. Eighth Grade student, Felipe Outi, designed this year's mural. Our Muirlands students, staff, and community members installed the mural. Thank you to Ms. Cox and all that supported this amazing project!

What a great turnout we had for Muirlands Rocks. The weather, entertainment, and activities were superb. Thank you to our incredible Muirlands Foundation for organizing such a great event. It is a lot of work to assemble an event this big and have it run smoothly. Our Foundation is currently planning for our many end-of-the-year activities and the opening of the next school year. The Foundation will meet this Thursday at 8:45 am in the Muirlands Library. All are invited to attend! Please consider your active participation in our school by volunteering through the Foundation. Here is a link to contact our Foundation President, Ms. Hedieh Yamini, for more information [email protected].

The last Core Academy Saturday School will be held on June 3rd from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm. This is a great way to clear absences and tardies, improve academic standing, and work towards end-of-year eligibility for fun activities and the promotion ceremony. To sign up for our Core Academy, please complete the Google form:

For those families that have purchased a Muirlands yearbook, we will distribute them to your student during the last week of school. In addition, we have several yearbooks that are still available for purchase. You can order your yearbook for $40.00 online through May 27th at

Muirlands 8th Grade Promotion ceremony will be held from 9:30-10:30 am June 14th at the La Jolla High School stadium. Our Muirlands Foundation has prepared an exceptional opportunity for you to share this once-in-a-lifetime event with family and friends. They are auctioning off press box and reserved VIP seats for the event. These are the best seats in the house. An auction for the VIP seats and press boxes will begin on Friday, May 19, at 5:00 pm and end on Friday, June 2nd, at 6:00 pm. You can go to to make your bids. All winners will be notified via email. If you have questions regarding the auction or to volunteer to assist with the promotion ceremony, please contact Hedieh Yamini @ [email protected] .

Principal Luna

Sunday, May 7, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Please join us today at Muirlands Rocks. This family event will run from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on the Muirlands Field. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the entertainment of our Muirlands students and alums as they perform under the blue skies on this beautiful San Diego Day. Games, food vendors, incredible raffle prizes, an obstacle course, a tug-o-war contest, and various sports and clubs will be available.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month: SDUSD is joining the movement to spread awareness of mental health's importance and recognize that mental health is a priority. The District Wellness Council Social-Emotional Subcommittee created a Guide to May is Mental Health Matters Month with activities and events designed to create awareness.

We also recognize May as Asian Pacific Islander American History Month. Here is a link to a resource guide developed by SDUSD: Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American Heritage.

Please see the announcement from LJHS for the parents of our 8th-grade students.

We are excited to have your child join us in 9th grade at LJHS. We welcome you to visit LJHS on Wednesday, May 10th, from 5-7 PM. During this orientation, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Join a student-guided tour of the campus
  • Meet Principal Dr. Chuck Podhorsky and the school staff
  • Learn about PTSA and ASB Leadership
  • Get information on clubs and sports and how to get involved at LJHS
  • Find out important dates and bell schedule
  • Hear from the counseling office about course articulation

If you cannot attend the orientation, we look forward to seeing you at our 9th grade registration day on Friday, August 18th at 8 AM.

I hope to see you at Muirlands Rocks, this afternoon!

Principal Luna

Sunday, April 30, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Wednesday, May 3rd, will be our next late start day. Our campus will open at 9:35 am, and our classes will begin at 9:55 am.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. In addition, Tuesday is designated as National Teacher Appreciation Day. Please join me in recognizing the incredible teaching staff at Muirlands for their work with our students by sending them a quick email or message. Here is a link to our Teacher Directory and Webpages.

Muirlands will begin its annual state testing this week. Our staff has shared this information with our students, but please ensure they are on time, rested, and ready to do their best. Please click the link to see Muirlands Testing Schedule 2023.

Rob Machado is one of the world's most decorated and well-known professional surfers. However, he’s also become a name that transcends surfing — as an environmentalist, activist, and ambassador of the sport. He discovered his natural high at a young age, yet despite temptations to get off track, he’s maintained a disciplined focus to pursue it throughout his life. This week, we’d like to highlight Rob’s Natural High Storyteller video and encourage you to share it with your family as appropriate. Rob's Natural High Video

We are one week from our Muirlands Rocks Festival. It is shaping up to be an incredible day. Buy tickets now to join us at Muirlands Rocks on May 7th, from 2-5 pm on the Muirlands Athletic Field. This is a family event. Enjoy the student bands, sports demonstrations, and games with your kids. Please sign up to help the committee run booths and activities.

Principal Luna

Sunday, April 23, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you enjoyed this weekend's beautiful San Diego weather.

Please note the following important dates for next school year.

  • We will hold our annual New Student Orientation on August 15, 2023. Orientation day is for all students and families new to Muirlands. The two orientation sessions will be from 10:00 am - Noon and 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
  • Our first day of school is August 21, 2023
  • Our Muirlands Bell Schedule for 2023-24 Muirlands Bell Schedule 2023-204 with Modified Dates. This a reminder that next year we will have three early out days a month with a 2:20 pm dismissal. Our regular school day dismissal has moved from 3:15 pm to 3:20 pm.

Coach Gray’s 6th Grade PE Classes begin swimming this week. Please pack the appropriate swim gear.

We will hold our 8th-grade promotion ceremony on June 14, from 9:30 - 10:30 am at LJHS Stadium. Please monitor your student's attendance, academic, and citizenship performance. More information on our promotion ceremony will be shared with families as we get closer to the end of the school year.

Please join us at Muirlands Rocks on May 7, from 2-5 pm on the Muirlands Athletic Field. Admission is free to this fun community event. Come enjoy the student bands, sports demonstrations, and games with your kids (no drop-offs). Use the following link to purchase game and raffle tickets: Buy your tickets. If you can spare an hour, please sign up to help the committee run a booth or activities.

Thank you to all the students and families that supported our Happy Heart Run. Your donations not only allow our students the opportunity for swim instruction, but they also provide funds to maintain all of our fitness equipment. The deadline for submission of donations is Tuesday, April 25th.

Principal Luna

Sunday, April 16, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I want to share our recently adopted Muirlands Bell Schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Next year we will no longer have our 9:55 am late-late start on the first Wednesday of the month. Instead, we will have early out days, and school will dismiss at 2:20 pm on these days. We will have a consistent 8:35 am start time for the school year. Please see the link for the Wednesdays we will have our early-out days and bell schedules for next year.
Muirlands Bell Schedule 2023-204 with Modified Dates

Muirlands Rocks, our annual community event, is back! The event will occur on May 7th, from 2-5 pm. This fun festival will feature student bands, sports demonstrations, games, and more! Tickets and Family Sponsorships opportunities are now available here. In addition, the committee is looking for helpers to run booths for an hour at the event. Please sign up to help.

On Wednesday, May 24th, at 6 p.m. in the LJHS auditorium, SAY San Diego will present life-saving information regarding fentanyl and opioids. Attendees will learn about the risks of fentanyl, how to recognize an opioid overdose, and how to use Naloxone (Narcan) to attempt to reverse the overdose. Persons attending the meeting will receive FREE Narcan Nasal Spray ($130.00 value). What you learn could save a life!
Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for people between 18 and 45 in the United States. Nothing else comes close. In San Diego, overdose deaths from fentanyl start at around age 14.
Please sign up using this link to attend. We encourage all to attend but require registration as the presenter will distribute free Narcan, so an accurate head count is necessary. If you sign up and decide you cannot attend, kindly remove yourself from the sign-up.

The Spring Scholastic Book Fair is NOW OPEN in the Muirlands Library. The book fair will run from April 17-21st. Students can visit the book fair and make purchases before school, during lunch, and after school. The in-person fair ends Friday, April 21st, but purchases can be made online. The following payment options are available: cash, credit card, Google/Apple Pay, eWallet, and check. Muirlands Book Fair Homepage and eWallet set up directions:
All purchases through the Book Fair benefit our school. Thanks for supporting our kids! Happy reading!

Ms. Hunt’s 6th grade PE classes will begin their swim unit this week. Please remember to send them to school with the appropriate swim gear.

Principal Luna

Sunday, April 9, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Muirlands Middle School administers the FAST aREADING and the FAST Math assessments three times each school year. The Winter 2022-23 FAST Student Score Reports (SSRs) will be emailed to parents, from the district office, via Digital Document Delivery starting Friday, April 7.

Our grading period closed this past Friday. Official progress report grades will be available on PowerSchool on April 14th. These grades will determine eligibility for our End of Year Activities, including our 8th-grade promotion ceremony. To review the eligibility criteria, please refer to page 14 in the student planner.

If you would like your student to make up absences or tardies, please sign them up to attend our Core Academy/Saturday School. The Core Academy/Saturday School registration information is available on the school website, or you can click this link. The upcoming Core Academy dates are April 15, May 13, and June 3rd. This is particularly important for our 8th graders who have accrued excessive absences and/or tardies and want to participate in the 8th-grade Promotion Ceremony.

This month’s counselors Newsletter, Middle School Parents Still Make The Difference is available for viewing. Topics include helping your student with goal setting, organization, and retaining authority to maintain the boundaries your child needs.

Due to a conflict in my calendar, I must move the Principal Chat scheduled for 11:00 am on Friday, April 21, 2023, to 11:00 am on Thursday, April 20th, 2023. Thank you for your flexibility.

This week the Muirlands GSA Club will host a "GSA Inclusion Spirit Week" for our students and staff. Information for the event can be found in our Dolphin Details and on the Muirlands website. Spirit Week will include fun dress-up days, a scavenger hunt, and other lunchtime activities. Our entire student body is invited to participate. Please click to see the Spirit Week schedule of events.

The Finance Office will be closed until April 11th. Parents can purchase PE uniforms online on the Foundation Store.
Other items (such as replacement IDs, planners, and locks) can be purchased on the School Cash Online site from San Diego Unified.
Instructions to register for School Cash Online
For any online purchase, students should bring their receipt to the office to pick up the ordered items.

As we launch our Spirit Week, I want to remind our community that we have incredible students and staff at Muirlands. Please remind your students of the importance of being kind, accepting, inclusive, and standing up for one another when we see or hear an injustice or bullying. We must work together to ensure ALL our students feel Muirlands is a safe and welcoming place to be.

Principal Luna

Sunday, April 2, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you all had a wonderful and safe Spring Break. The Muirlands staff look forward to welcoming back our students tomorrow.

We have our next late start day on Wednesday, April 5. Our school day will begin at 9:55 a.m. and dismiss as usual at 3:15 pm. Our campus will open at 9:35 am.

Enrollment Information for our PrimeTime Before and After school program is now available for both the Summer program and the 2023-24 school year. Please use this link and visit the PrimeTime information page on the Muirlands website for more information.

SDUSD will host a Flag Football Kickoff Event on Saturday, April 8, 10 a.m - noon at Madison High School, 4833 Doliva Drive, San Diego, CA 92117.
San Diego Unified students in grades 6-8 are invited to join a special flag football skills and drills camp hosted by the Los Angeles Chargers. Register Today | Participation Waiver

As we approach the end of our 9 week grading period I encourage you to make a special effort to review your child’s academic progress by logging into the Parent Portal. Click here for more information about the Parent Portal. 

If your student is At-Risk of not being eligible to participate in the End of the Year activities, we encourage you to sign your student up for Muirlands next Core Academy session which will be held on Saturday, April 15. If your student needs to make up an absence or tardies, this is an opportunity for students to clear 2 full-day absences as well as up to 8 tardies as well as to get caught up on their school work/homework.

Principal Luna

Sunday, March 19, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Parents/Guardians, please complete the following survey to help us learn more about your perceptions of Muirlands Middle School. Participation is anonymous and voluntary.
Link to survey: (when opening the link, choose parent survey/take survey, then select language)

The Spring Middle School Athletics Season is scheduled to begin this week. Unfortunately, the date and location of the tryouts for both flag football teams have yet to be finalized. Families that signed up for tryouts will be notified once a field location has been established.

We are happy to announce the return of Muirlands Rocks on May 7th. The event will take place from 2 pm-5 pm on the Muirlands athletic field. This fun festival will have games, music, a color run, and food! If you're interested in volunteering, please join the committee in the library this Wednesday at 8:30 am or email [email protected].

The Finance Office will be closed until April 11th.
Parents can purchase PE uniforms online on the Foundation Online Store. Other items (such as replacement ID’s, planners, and locks) can be purchased on the School Cash Online site from San Diego Unified. Instructions to register for School Cash Online
For any online purchase, students should bring their receipt to the office to pick up the ordered items.

Principal Luna

Sunday, March 12, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

STEAM CAREER DAY is back after a multi-year hiatus! On Thursday, March 16, students will listen to presentations by our community members. We will have a modified bell schedule to ensure enough time for our students to listen to the fantastic presentations. A special thank you goes to our STEAM DAY committee for making this happen.

Mr. Allen, the Theater Teacher at LJHS, would like our eighth-grade students to know he is offering a free Summer Theater Opportunity at LJHS. Please use the following link to access an informational flyer. Summer Flyer 2023

I ask for your support in reminding your student that wearing headphones, slippers, or hoodies is prohibited at school. Thank you for your support.

Our Middle School Athletics Winter season has ended. Our Boys and Girls Volleyball teams had a fun inaugural season. Our Boys' and Girls' Soccer teams played great this weekend but were eliminated in the playoff semifinals. I thank all our Winter Season student-athletes and coaches for the incredible job they did representing Muirlands Middle School.

Our lost and found bin is full. Have your child stop by if they have left items at school. We have water bottles, lunch boxes, and clothes in our bin. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity at the end of the month.

Muirlands Middle School is hosting the 3rd Annual 8th Grade Legacy Mural Design Contest! All 8th graders are invited & encouraged to design a mural for our school and potentially leave their expressive mark on a wall for years to come. Contest details and entry form may be found in Ms. Cox's Google Classrooms or your student's 8th grade Science teacher's Google Classrooms. 2 or 3 top designs will be selected and presented to the 8th-grade class for them to vote on their favorite design. The contest winner, the art students, staff, and community volunteers will help to install this community mural. If you have any questions or are interested in helping with the mural installation, please get in touch with our visual art teacher, Ms. Cox, [email protected].
Link to info./entry form: Legacy Mural Project 2023

In addition, selected 7th & 8th-grade art students' Digital Self Portraits are on display now through the end of the month at Birdrock Coffee Roaster Cafe in La Jolla.

Principal Luna

Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,

Muirlands Middle School is pleased to announce the opportunity for students to participate in Core Academy on select Saturdays throughout the remainder of this school year. This can be a valuable time for students to get caught up on their school work/homework and/or clear 2 full-day absences as well as up to 8 tardies! Please check your PowerSchool Parent Portal account and review the amount of tardies and/or absences your student has.

Please review the End-of-the-year and 8th-grade promotion ceremony requirements.

The following Saturdays will be scheduled from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Student drop off and pick up will be near the main gate onto campus just north of the flagpole between the administration building and the auditorium. Please ensure students are on time, as late arrivals will not be accommodated.

  • 3/11/23
  • 4/15/23
  • 5/13/23
  • 6/3/23

You must register online by NOON the Thursday before you attend. Please do not be late, gates will close at 8:05 am! A breakfast and lunch meal is available for all students attending Core Academy at no charge.

Core Academy Registration Form

For any questions or information on the day of Core Academy, you may contact the office at 858-302-3150.extension 3020 (option 7 from the phone tree). 

Muirlands Middle School 

Sunday, March 5, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Muirlands offers a PrimeTime before and after-school care program free of charge. The  2023-24 PrimeTime Online Application is available for submission beginning on March 6th at 8:00 a.m. 
2023-24 PrimeTime Application Parent Flyer [English|Spanish
Muirlands Program Prime Time

2022-23 CAASPP testing will take place at Muirlands in May. SDUSD sent a Parent Notification Letter via school messenger on March 1, 2023. Please use the following links to view the parent letter: English | Spanish. All students in grades 6-8 will take the Smarter Balanced assessment for English Language arts and mathematics. The California Science Test (CAST) is administered only to eighth-grade students.

Middle School Athletics sign-ups for the Spring Flag Football season will close Monday, March 6th: register. More information can be found on the Middle School Athletics website

Please join SDUSD as we recognize March as Women's History Month and celebrate women's immense contributions to history, culture, and society.

Attention future Vikings:  April 21 is the due date for incoming grade 9 Biomed Applications. Click the link below for more information. Biomedical Pathway Application

Principal Luna

Sunday, February 26, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Wednesday, March 1, is our next late start day. Our campus will open at 9:35 am, and our classes will begin at 9:55 am.

Congratulations to the Muirlands Concert Band and Orchestra, led by Mr. Legerrette, for an outstanding performance this past week. You all did a fantastic job of representing Muirlands.

Summer PrimeTime is available for Muirlands MS Summer School Program students. After the Muirlands Program, the PrimeTime program will begin at 1:30 pm and end at 5:30 pm. There will be many fun activities for students, such as homemade ice cream, tie-dye, and more! Here is the link to register your student for the Prime Time Program.

Having so many students riding bicycles, scooters, and skateboards to school is excellent. We recently installed a scooter rack and an additional bicycle rack to accommodate the increase in students riding. Remind them they must walk their transportation device through the parking lots and on campus. We ask that all students wear helmets and obey all safety laws.

LJHS Theatre Director, Mr. Allen, will offer a free Summer Theatre Program available to Muirlands students. La Jolla High School Summer Theater 2023

We are excited to host our first evening dance at Muirlands. We had a higher-than-anticipated response to ticket sales, and the event has sold out. At this time, no further ticket sales will take place. We look forward to hosting more evening events.

Please support the Muirlands Foundation’s next Dine for Dollars. This event will occur on Tuesday, February 28, at The Nautilus Tavern. 20% of ALL dine-in and take-out orders (delivery service orders excluded) will go directly to the Muirlands Middle School Foundation. The food and drinks at The Nautilus Tavern are outstanding! So let’s show up in force and support our school and local business community.

The district is seeking feedback from educators, families and the community on a new DRAFT Middle School Placement Policy The district's goal is to create a clear and fair procedure for all sites to ensure all students are placed in mathematics courses that best support their individual needs and goals. Use this response form to share your feedback on or before March 12. Contact Wendy Ranck-Buhr ([email protected]).

Principal Luna

Sunday, February 19, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you are enjoying this long Presidents Day Weekend. Tomorrow is a school holiday, and Muirlands will resume studies on Tuesday, February 21.

We had a wonderful Western Day celebration for our 8th-Grade students. There was an incredible meal cooked by Milan Dimich, a DJ and line dancing, and a tug-a-war contest organized by our PE teachers, Ms. Serafin and Mr. Wood. The kids looked great, all dressed up in western wear. Thank you, 8th-grade History teachers, Ms. Taylor and Ms. Turnbull, for organizing the kids. This event would not have been possible without the assistance of our teaching staff and our parent community. Thank you to our Western Day committee chair, Kendall Goldstein, and our parent volunteers that made this possible.

Western Day

STEAM CAREER DAY is back and will be held on March 16th! We seek parents to speak to our students about STEAM careers. Parents, if you are interested in participating in this event, please see our upcoming e-splash for participation information.

The 2023 LEVEL UP ACADEMIC PROGRAM (Summer School) sign-ups are live. Muirlands will once again be a host site this Summer. Please open the links for more information about Summer School.

Thank you for your support in educating our middle school citizens! Understanding student perspectives of school climate and safety, student wellness, and youth resiliency makes us effective educators. Our district and state provide students with the California Healthy Kids Survey to gather this vital feedback.
All students in 7th grade are scheduled to participate. If you wish for your child to NOT participate in this survey, please email School Counselor Mr. Velasquez [email protected] by noon, Friday, February 24th. More information on the survey can be found here.
In addition, we are asking for parent feedback! The California School Parent Survey (CSPS) assesses parents' perceptions of school climate, parent outreach, and student achievement compared to staff and student perspectives. Please complete the parent survey using this link:

  Attention 8th Graders: Please click the link below if interested in the Biomedical Pathway at LJHS for the 2023-2024 school year. Biomedical Pathway Application

  This past week, selected students met with Mr. Luna and Mrs. Dominguez to review the criteria for participation in the End of Year Activities. Please take a minute to review the requirements for the End of Year Activities and appeal process at EOY Activities Criteria or on page 14 in the school planner.

Principal Luna

Sunday, February 12, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

A reminder that we will have a four-day weekend as we recognize Lincoln Day on Friday, February 17, and Washington Day on Monday, February 20th. We will return to school on Tuesday, February 21st.

As we continue to recognize February as Black History Month, please see the following resources and opportunities shared by SDUSD. Black History Month 2023.pdf

During the week of February 20th and again in April, the SDUSD central office will send ALL families an attendance letter of their child’s current attendance counts. Letters will be shared with both the primary and secondary contacts listed in PowerSchool via the digital document delivery service. Please take the opportunity to review your child's attendance record.

SDUSD will host several FAMILY ENGAGEMENT WORKSHOPS in support of the Level Up Summer 2023 Academic Program. The workshops will take this week on Monday February 13th and Thursday February 16th via Zoom. Please reference the following flyers for information and registration. Flyers: English or Spanish
Summer Applications are live and available for families for Summer Academic Programs/ESY and Summer PrimeTime. Please attend one of these available workshops if you would like additional information. If you have questions regarding Summer School, please contact Pamela King. In addition, here is a link to the Family Engagement Calendar for your reference.

Recruitment for Middle School Athletics (MSA) has begun. The Spring season includes boys' flag football and girls' flag football. Sign-ups are officially open and will close on March 6th. Schools must have 20 students signed up for each team. Register your child ASAP if you want them to participate in tryouts.

8th-Grade Western Day will be held this week on Thursday, February 16th, from 12:40 pm to 1:40 pm. The 8th-grade Western Day is a special annual lunchtime event for our 8th-graders. We are pleased to bring this longstanding event back to our campus. This event supports and brings to life the 8th-grade American History curriculum. Teachers will discuss this time period's historical significance and encourage students to dress in Western attire for the festivities. With the help of Muirlands staff, games and activities are organized along with a special themed luncheon and a DJ for the 8th-grade students during their extended lunch period.  

Principal Luna

Sunday, February 5, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

February 6-10 is National School Counselor Appreciation week . Please join me in recognizing our incredible counselors, Ms. Dominguez and Mr. Velasquez . These two are available to support your students with academics, career decisions, and their social and emotional well-being. Please visit their webpage and discover the tremendous resources available to our students and their families. Muirlands Counseling

SDUSD is offering an IEP PARENT VIRTUAL INSTITUTE . The institute is a six-part series that covers everything you need to know about the IEP process.

Middle School Math Adoption : SDUSD s eeks a cross-section of individuals from various communities to provide feedback on the math curriculum materials being considered for adoption. The math materials will be available for the public and sites to view, January 30- February 28, from 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. Please contact Rachel Escobedo if you are interested in participating.

Independent Study Contract (ISC):
The issuing of ISCs has returned to a site-based decision . ISC requests are reviewed for approval on a case-by-case basis. An ISC may be issued ONCE per year for a minimum of 3 days and up to 5 days . Because teachers and clerical staff need time to prepare for an ISC, we appreciate as much advance notice as possible but require a minimum of 5 days prior notice . When considering a request for approval, the following criteria will be reviewed:

  • A contract will not be granted if a student has chronic or excessive absences or if the student’s academic or citizenship grades are below a 2.0 GPA.
  • Students with IEPs will only be considered for a contract if written into the student’s IEP.
  • School attendance is important. Please do not plan vacations on instructional days—instead, plan trips when school is not in session. An ISC will not be provided for family vacations.

Thank you for cooperating in scheduling vacations during non-instructional days and ensuring students are in school every possible day.

Principal Luna

Sunday, January 29, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

Wednesday, February 1st , will be our next late start day . Our campus will open at 9:35 am, and our classes will begin at 9:55 am .

Grade-level assemblies were held last week. It was an opportunity to kick off the second semester and recognize the accomplishments of our students. I am proud of their achievements in semester one. We discussed the importance of a positive start to the second semester, the resources on campus available for support, and the importance of acceptance and support of one another. Please use this link to view our grade-level presentation. Grade Student Recognition Assembly 1.24.2023

Please review with your student and monitor the criteria for participation at the end of the year school activities. Criteria for End of Year Activities - Muirlands Middle

The Black History Month Resource Guide from the Equity & Belonging Division includes resources for educators, students, and families to honor and observe Black History Month.

All current 6th and 7th grader students are asked to complete an online 2023-24 matriculation form with their parents. The forms will be available on January 30. The link to these forms is posted in your student's period one Google classroom, in the Dolphin Details, and on the Muirlands Counseling website.

On Thursday, February 2nd , LJHS will host a parent night for parents of 8th-grade students . However, due to the renovation of the LJHS Auditorium, this event will be held via Zoom Webinar at 6:00 pm .
Please click the link to join the webinar: https: //

On Friday, February 3rd , 8th-grade students will attend a presentation by LJHS counselors on high school information. These presentations will take place during your student's history class. In addition, students will be given their matriculation/course selection forms for 9th grade . This form should be completed and signed by a parent.

On February 14th and 15th – LJHS Guidance counselors will meet 1:1 with all MMS 8th graders during their history class to review and collect matriculation cards/answer questions. In addition, LJHS will contact students/families that are absent to collect matriculation cards.

The District IT department will reset passwords for all students on Monday, January 30, 2023 . Once the District resets the passwords, teachers will provide students with their new passwords. Please remind your child not to share usernames and passwords with other students. This reset process will only affect students. Your Parent Portal usernames and passwords will not be affected. Feel free to email Sandy Rodriguez at [email protected]

Principal Luna

Sunday, January 22, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

We have a new safety measure at Muirlands. This past week we installed an electronic entry system to our main office door. Upon arrival at the main office, you will notice a new doorbell at the front entrance. Visitors to our campus will now need to ring the doorbell, be recognized or state their business on campus, then be granted entry and "buzzed In. "

The Physical Education department is committed to ensuring every student receives quality swim instruction in 7th grade . As part of our swim program, students walk down to the Coggan Aquatic Center one week in the fall and one week in the spring. The Muirlands swim program is funded entirely by the " Happy Heart Jog a Thon . " The PE dept organizes this event with the foundation's help every year. If enough additional funds are raised, the 6th-grade students are also included in the swim program. More information on our Happy Heart Jog a Thon and swim program will come from your child's PE teacher!

Please come to support our stand-out student artworks and other SD County student artworks at the annual Youth Art Month Exhibition. Please see the YAM Flyer '23 for details.

SDUSD is seeking nominations for The VAPA Spotlight Awards . Anyone may nominate a student, parent, teacher, school leader, or community art organization. The deadline for nominations is Monday, Jan. 30, at 11:59 pm. Please contact Russ Sperling [email protected] if you have questions.

Please read the linked Parent Newsletter called, " Middle School Parents Still Make The Difference! " Each month, check the Muirlands "Counseling Website" for the latest edition of this informative parent newsletter .

8th-grade families , please save the date of May 10th @ 3:30 pm for a LJHS PTSA-sponsored welcome tour for incoming students and families. Principal Podhorsky, counselors, and students will present information to prepare incoming students for their transition to high school. More information to come. Please note, if you attend the May 10th tour, there is no need to attend the scheduled prospective tour on 2/15 and 4/11.

Principal Luna

Sunday, January 15, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I congratulate Muirlands 2023 Teacher of the Year , Ms. Amy Hunt ! We are very fortunate to have Ms. Hunt as part of our staff. She is an incredible educator, advocate, and support to our students.

Tomorrow, January 16, 2023, our country celebrates a holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr . Our school is closed tomorrow in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Please spend a portion of your day with your family to reflect on Dr. King’s life and work. Let us be inspired by his call to serve and his efforts toward social justice and human rights.

Semester report cards will be available to families on Friday, January 27th, 2023. Muirlands uses the district’s Digital Document Delivery Service to email report cards. Please verify your email address on file and that you have not opted out of receiving documents via Digital Document Delivery Service. (See below instructions) If you have questions, please contact Sandy Rodriguez @ [email protected] .
Document Delivery

The Muirlands Foundation looks forward to the Mingle event on 1/24/2023 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the La Jolla Community Center . Please join the Muirlands Foundation members, school teachers, and staff for a catered dinner by our business sponsor, Taco Surf. In addition to the dinner, dessert options from Girard Gourmet, a signature cocktail, wine, beer, and soft drinks will be provided. So let’s gather, mingle, and continue to build our Muirlands Middle School community. Tickets are $35 before 1/18 and $50 till 1/22. Space is limited. This is an adults-only event. Click Muirlands Foundation's store to purchase your ticket. Please contact Marcia Branstetter @ [email protected] if you have questions regarding this Foundation event.

Please remind your students that they must wear closed-toe shoes to school. Please do not let them arrive on campus wearing pajamas, slippers, slides, or flip-flops.

I congratulate all Muirlands students participating in the Winter session Middle School Athletic tryouts. Thank you for your support and willingness to represent Muirlands Middle school.

Over the past year, the SDUSD math team met with school communities to listen and share information about math. This information will be used to draft a new accelerated math placement policy. Please use the survey form below, if you are interested in providing input on the math placement policy .

SDUSD Youth Advocacy Department has published a newsletter titled Intersections. This Intersections Newsletter aims to advance intercultural understanding, education, and solidarity while reflecting the diversity of SDUSD's students, faculty, staff, and the community in which we live.

Effective January 28th , COVID testing will shift from weekly site testing to an ALL HOME test kit model . Students who wish to test regularly or as needed after Jan. 28 can pick up a free home test kit from the Muirlands Health office through the end of the school year. Home test kits will also be available at the Ed Center front desk M-F 8 am - 4 pm.

Principal Luna

Sunday, January 8, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

The Muirlands Foundation looks forward to the Mingle event on 1/24/2023 from 6:30-8:30 pm at the La Jolla Community Center . Please join the Muirlands Foundation members, school teachers, and staff for a catered dinner by our business sponsor, Taco Surf. In addition to the dinner, dessert options from Girard Gourmet, a signature cocktail, wine, beer, and soft drinks will be provided. So let’s gather, mingle, and continue to build our Muirlands Middle School community . Tickets are $35 before 1/18 and $50 till 1/22 . Space is limited. This is an adults-only even t. Click Muirlands Foundation's store to purchase your ticket. Please contact Marcia Branstetter @ [email protected] if you have questions regarding this Foundation event.

Muirlands Middle School Athletic Teams are now fully staffed with coaches. We will begin our regularly scheduled practice/tryouts tomorrow. Here is a link to our Winter 2023 Practice Schedule SDUSD Middle School Athletics . Please contact our site Middle School Athletics liaison, Mr. Velasquez, @ [email protected] if you have any questions.

Your students do an incredible job on campus by cleaning up after themselves during breakfast and lunchtime. This may seem trivial, but 700 students could have an enormous negative impact on our campus climate if they do not all take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves. Our kids are doing a great job this year!

Our semester grading period closes on January 20th . Please remind your students to finish the semester strong. If your child would like additional academic support, our tutoring center is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We staff the tutoring center with credentialed staff and paraprofessionals. Here is a link to our Tutoring Schedule . Please contact your child's counselor for additional information.

Principal Luna

Sunday, January 1, 2023
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you had a wonderful winter break and that this message finds you and your family well. We look forward to welcoming back our students on Tuesday, January 3, at 8:35 am .

We have our next late start day on Wednesday, January 4 . Our school day will begin at 9:55 a.m. and dismiss as usual at 3:15 pm. Our campus will open at 9:35 am.

As we return to campus, I want to thank our school community for their support in keeping our campus safe for students and staff. Before winter break, we distributed two COVID test kits to our students. We encourage students and staff to test tomorrow, January 2nd , and again on January 5th . Testing is encouraged but not required to return to campus. Additional test kits are available at the Ed Center COVID-19 testing facility .

We offer COVID testing on-site every Friday . Parents/guardians must register and consent in the Primary.Health website For more information and to sign up for weekly testing, please check the district’s COVID-19 testing website .

SDUSD recently sent attendance letters to all families . The purpose of this letter was to inform families of their child’s attendance thus far in the school year. The district has received feedback regarding the language and purpose of the letters, and we can anticipate changes to the language and clarity of the letter. Daily attendance is vital to a student's academic and social progress. However, our student's health and well-being must continue to be our top priority .

Muirlands will host our annual schoolwide lunchtime soccer tournament on January 11 through January 20 , 2023. This tournament is open to all Muirlands Students. Sign-ups for the tournament will be available from January 4th - January 6th . All participating teams must be signed up by January 6th. Students will receive more information through their PE classes this Tuesday.

8th Grade Families - Please open the following link provided by the LJHS counseling department for information regarding the articulation process and important dates. - 8th Grade Articulation Information 2022-23

Principal Luna

Sunday, December 11
Hello Muirlands Community,

I want to acknowledge our talented and courageous artists that performed at our Muirlands Got Talent performances. You all did a fantastic job. In addition, I want to thank our ASB students, their advisor Ms. Hunt , and parent volunteer, Ms. Yamini , for organizing and supporting the event.

I also thank the Muirlands Foundation for organizing and funding our Wellness Wednesday presentation. Those in attendance were treated to a very informative presentation regarding the impact of screen time and how to support their children with moderation. Although the presentation was not recorded, the material presented is available on Zoom .

Please support our hard-working student musicians as they present an evening of great music on December 15 , from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. , in the Muirlands Auditorium. The Winter Concert will feature the Muirlands Concert Band and String Orchestra in their first performance of the school year.

Order your Muirlands Yearbook
Yearbooks are available on the Jostens website for $35 until December 31 and $40 starting on January 1, 2023.
You can review this flyer before ordering to make your online selections easier.
Also, January 27, 2023 , will be the last day to:

  • personalize yearbooks (with a nameplate and/or icons on the cover)
  • submit a recognition ad on . Recognition ads are only for 8th graders .

For any questions, please contact Mrs. Rodé in the Muirlands Finance Office at [email protected] .

Muirlands now has an online store for Muirlands spirit ware and accessories. There is also an option to purchase alums and family clothing. As a reminder, Fridays are spirit days on campus, and we encourage our students and staff to wear clothing that supports their favorite college, sports team, or Muirlands Middle School. Please visit the site if you are interested. https: //

Finally, at Muirlands, we believe in communicating openly about all matters that affect our campus. As such, I am writing to inform you of an incident that occurred on Friday.
On Friday evening, it was reported that a student may have brought a weapon to campus. Following this notification, we immediately contacted law enforcement, who visited the student’s home, and met with the student and their parents. Police determined the report to be non-credible. There was no threat to our school or the safety of our students and staff. However, we continue to encourage our students to abide by the mantra, “If you see or hear something, you need to say something,” that Officer Noyes shared during our opening week assemblies.
Please take this opportunity to talk with your student about the consequences of making statements about weapons. Also, please reinforce the importance of reporting any potential dangers they may hear about or see to a school official.
The safety and security of students and staff continues to be our top priority. If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

Principal Luna

Sunday, December 4
Hello Muirlands Community,

Wednesday, December 7th , will be our next late start day. Our campus will open at 9:35 am, and our classes will begin at 9:55 am .

Please add it to your calendar if you still need to commit to attending this week's Wellness Wednesday Speaker Series . Our first in-person event will occur in the Muirlands auditorium on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 5:30 - 6:45 pm . We welcome Ms. Nicole Rawson as she presents "Healthy Screen Time: Research and Tools for Parents to Guide with Confidence. " This presentation’s target audience is LJ Cluster parents of students in 5th-12th grade. The presentation will contain some mature content and is intended for adults only . Please open the following link for more information Healthy Screen Time Presentation .

Muirlands Got Talent is back! We will hold grade-level assemblies on Thursday, December 8th , for students to display their talent for their peers. In addition, a Muirlands Got Talent evening show has been added! So please join us for our first-ever Muirlands Got Talent evening performance on Thursday, December 8th, at 5:30 pm in the auditorium .

The Muirlands Foundation is happy to announce the new Muirlands Mix and Mingle date is January 24th, 6:30-8:30 , at the La Jolla Community Center . Purchase tickets for $35 for an adult and find out more details here .  

Middle School Athletics winter season sign-ups will close on Monday, December 5th, 2022. Our district will offer soccer and volleyball during the winter season. See this Flyer for more information.

If you would like to receive information regarding SDUSD summer opportunities for students , please log into your Parent Portal account and ensure that your “ Primary Phone ” is your cell phone number. Otherwise, you will not receive information from the District for current offerings and summer opportunities.
To make this update, log in to your Parent Portal account and select the ADDRESS tab along the top menu. On this page, you will see “Primary Phone” about halfway down. Once you update the phone number, check the box that says, “ I certify that this information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge,” and click “Save Changes” on the bottom right of the screen (you might need to scroll to the bottom of the page) and “submit to school for review.
If you need assistance with your Parent Portal account, please reach out to Mrs. Rodriguez at [email protected] . If you have other questions, please contact our main office at 858/302-3150 or email Ms. Duncan at [email protected] .

I want to share two health and safety opportunities for our school community. First, SDUSD will offer a Fentanyl awareness webinar on Tuesday, December 6th, from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm . Please open this flyer to register in advance and for additional information. The second is an invitation from SD County to attend an in-person or online listening forum regarding gun violence prevention and reduction. Please open this link for dates and additional information.  

Principal Luna

Sunday, November 27
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you had time to relax and reflect on everything in life to be thankful for. We look forward to welcoming our students back to school tomorrow. Our campus will open at 8:15 am, and school will begin at 8:35 am.

Wednesday, December 7th , will be our next late start day. Our campus will open at 9:35 am, and our classes will begin at 9:55 am.

Tomorrow is one of the recommended days to utilize the COVID Test kit provided by the district. Please do not send your child to school if they are feeling sick or experiencing symptoms of any cold-like virus until they start to improve and there is no fever for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication). Keeping your sick child home will significantly benefit the health and wellness of our students and staff.

The Muirlands Foundation will postpone the Muirlands Mixer event to January. The new date will be confirmed and posted soon. Those tickets already purchased will be rolled to the new date. If you want a refund or have questions, email Marcia Branstetter at [email protected] .

With Gratitude,
Principal Luna

Sunday, November 13
Hello Muirlands Community,

We have postponed the " Muirlands Got Talent " talent show until December 8 . We currently have 24 acts that have auditioned for the show. We look forward to seeing our students and staff shine!

The Middle School Athletics Fall season has come to an end. I congratulate all our student-athletes for their outstanding job representing Muirlands Middle School. Please visit the district's Middle School Athletics - San Diego website for our final standings.
Sign-ups for the winter season are now open and close on December 5. Use this Sign-Up Form  to sign your student up and receive information on tryouts. Our winter sports season will feature soccer and volleyball. All athletic teams are available to Muirlands students FREE of charge.

Please save the date of November 30 to celebrate the amazing opportunities your contributions to the Muirlands Gives Campaign provides our children. An invite will be sent next week to purchase tickets for an evening to mix and mingle at the La Jolla Community Center . Did you know that thanks to the Muirlands Gives campaign, the Foundation is able to fund after-school homework tutoring , which is available to ALL Muirlands students at no cost?

With our Muirlands Foundation's support, we will again offer our Wellness Wednesday Parent Seminar Series . Our first in-person event will take place in the Muirlands auditorium on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 5:30 - 6:45 pm . We welcome Ms. Nicole Rawson as she presents " Healthy Screen Time: Research and Tools for Parents to Guide with Confidence . " This presentation's target audience is LJ Cluster parents of students in 5th-12th grade. The presentation will contain some mature content and is intended for adults only.
Healthy Screen Time Flyer

I am happy to share the completion of two restrooms converted into gender-neutral restrooms for our students and staff. The two restrooms are located on the west side of the administration building.

Principal Luna

Sunday, November 6
Hello Muirlands Community,

As we approach the Veterans Day Holiday, I thank those in our community who have served and are currently serving our country. We wish you all a Happy Veterans Day. In recognition of the Veterans Day Holiday , SDUSD schools will be closed this Friday, November 11 . Please remember the reason we recognize our veterans on this day.

We are back to daylight standard time . So please set your clocks back one hour today.

Our MGT (Muirlands Got Talent) is almost here. If you could not make it to the first audition, we will have a 2nd audition this Wednesday, Nov 9th . So if you are interested in being part of the show, please come to the auditorium on Wednesday during lunch .

I want to thank our parents for their support and our students' daily dedication to attending school. Our district recently shared attendance data for the first portion of the school year. Muirlands attendance percentage was number one within our La Jolla Cluster schools and number two in our district compared to all middle schools in SDUSD.

Please open the following link that shares why kids participate in viral social media challenges and how you can help them make responsible decisions. Help Kids Navigate Viral Social Media Stunts

Principal Luna

Sunday, October 30
Hello Muirlands Community,

We will have our next late start day on Wednesday, November 2 . Our school day will begin at 9:55 a.m. and dismiss at 3:15 pm. Our campus will open at 9:35 am.

Thank you for encouraging your students to support our Red Ribbon Spirit Week. We had a record number of students and staff participate. I also want to recognize our ASB students and the leadership they are providing our campus. The haunted house was fantastic!

It is your time to shine! MGT ( Muirlands Got Talent ) is here! ! ! Open to all musicians, singers, dancers, actors, comedians, magicians, and more. Auditions are on Wednesday, November 2nd, at 3:30 pm in the Muirlands auditorium. The Talent Show will take place on Wednesday, November 16th , 2022. Please use this link to sign up for the auditions and additional information regarding our talent show!  

Muirlands is not permitted to administer Over Counter Medications to students without a doctor's order. However, parents are welcome to bring their student medication. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Halloween is this Monday, October 31st. Please open the following link for our school guidelines regarding Halloween costumes. Halloween Guidelines 22-23

As an effort to support the safety of our students and community, I invite you to open the following link for information on “Rainbow Fentanyl” DEA Warns of Brightly-Colored Fentanyl Used to Target Young Americans

Principal Luna

Sunday, October 23
Hello Muirlands Community,

Join Muirlands as we recognize Red Ribbon Week . Each day this week, our students will watch a short, inspirational, and thought-provoking video in their first-period class. We will also have a Red Ribbon Spirt Week to show our support for positive choices. Please see the schedule below.

  • Monday: Wear RED in Support of Red Ribbon Week!
  • Tuesday: Stuffed animal day - Hugs not Drugs! (bring a small stuffed animal to share your desk)
  • Wednesday: Jersey Day - Wear your favorite jersey as we team up against drugs!
  • Thursday: Hawaiian Day - Wear your favorite Aloha gear and lei off drugs!
  • Friday: Crazy Hair & Sock Day - From head to toe, I am DRUG FREE!

The Muirlands teaching staff sponsor many clubs on campus. So, if your student is looking for something fun to do, please have them consider joining a school club. We currently offer the following clubs on campus: Art Club, Chess Club, Coding Club, Debate Club, Filmmaking Club, Gender and Sexuality Alliance Club, Jeopardy Club, La Catrina Club, Math Club, Pet Club, and United Students Climate Awareness Club. Please use this link for a description of the clubs and meeting times.   I would like to thank the Muirlands teaching staff for volunteering to sponsor these clubs on our campus.

For parents/guardians seeking enrollment for their child in a school other than the school of residence, the Enrollment Options Online Application is now open and closes on November 15, 2022 . Parents can submit an online Enrollment Options application via the School Choice, Magnet, and Voluntary Enrollment Exchange Program (VEEP) by accessing the district website at https: // .

This Friday, October 28th , ends the nine-week grading period . Please use the Parent Portal to monitor your child's grades and encourage them to do their best as we conclude the first nine weeks of our school year.

Principal Luna

Sunday, October 16
Hello Muirlands Community,

Our attendance clerk, Ms. Gabby, was promoted to a different position within the district. She will be dearly missed, and we wish her the very best. We currently have a vacancy for our attendance clerk position and are short-staffed in the front office. This is a reminder to please not drop off lunches in the office as our office staff continues to be understaffed, and we do not have the resources to provide this service. All students are currently eligible for a free and balanced lunch from our cafeteria if they ever forget to bring their lunch.

To report an absence, you can email [email protected] or call the office at 858-302-3150, option 2, if your call is not answered by our office staff.

There will be a computer event for students to get a computer at an affordable price. The event in North County will be held on November 5 , 2022, and in South County on December 3 , 2022. Preregistration is required. Registration details can be found at https: //

The Dolphin Details is up and running. The Dolphin Details is a student-run school publication that is shared with our student body every Monday during their period one class. Parents, please view the Dolphin Details with your students. Only San Diego Unified emails can view the presentation. Click here to check out the latest news by the students

If your student has misplaced an item on campus, please have them stop by outside of the main office to look through our collection of lost and found items . Items that are not claimed this week will be donated to charity.

The district offers The Parent University for families to learn how to better support their students education. Parent University – Family Engagement Department

Lastly, picture make-up day or retake day will be on Thursday October 20 . If your student was absent on our original picture day, their teacher will send them to the auditorium to have their picture taken. However, if you did not like the original pictures from September 14 and WANT A RETAKE, you MUST REQUEST a RETAKE on the JostensPix's website https: //

Principal Luna

Friday, October 7
Hello Muirlands Community,

Today I am sending out an early version of our Sunday Notes. I want to share a couple of options for you to support Muirlands Middle School this weekend. Please consider participating in the Muirlands Gives campaign
Another option is to support this weekend's La Jolla Art and Wine Festival . The LJAWF is a fun event that supports La Jolla’s public schools.

Each year school sites, in collaboration with parents, prepare and distribute a Parent & Family Engagement Policy, and a School-Parent Compact. These documents can be reviewed by clicking on the links below.

The Parent & Family Engagement Policy describes how the school will involve the parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way. In addition, the School-Parent Compact describes the responsibilities of the school, the parent, and the student for improved student achievement.

Please ensure your students take proper care of their district-issued netbooks and store them in a safe location. Families will be responsible for damage/loss of devices or chargers.

Halloween is just a few weeks away. Muirlands Middle School students are encouraged to dress up for Halloween on Monday, October 31st. Please open the following link for our school guidelines regarding Halloween costumes.
Halloween Guidelines 22-23

If you know of a family that will be new to Muirlands or considering Muirlands for the 2023-2024 school year, please have them go to our counseling website or click the following link to sign up for a Meeting/Tour for Parents of Incoming 2023-2024 Students .  We offer six different meeting dates. Our first tour date is Friday, October 14th, 2022 .

Principal Luna

Sunday, October 2
Hello Muirlands Community,

A reminder that we have our first late start day on Wednesday, October 5 . Our school day will begin at 9:55 a.m. and dismiss as usual at 3:15 pm. Our campus will open at 9:35 am.

We will host our first SGT/SSC meeting of the school year this Thursday, October 6th . The meetings will be held in the school library at 7:15 am .

The CORE SEL Survey administration scheduled for Monday, October 3, 2022, has been postponed by the district until further notice. Again, we thank you for your cooperation.

Our Media class is launching Dolphin Details ! Dolphin Details is a student-run school publication that will be shared with our student body every Monday during their period one class. We anticipate the Dolphin Details to include special announcements, events, student work samples, staff interviews, and student recognition. We look forward to viewing the creativity of our students.

LJHS will host a blood drive on October 4th . There is an urgent request for types O negative and O positive blood. The blood drive will take place on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 8 am-1:30 pm at La Jolla High School - in the Little Gym . The drive is open to all Parents, Caregivers, Teachers/Staff, and Community Members. A photo ID is required, please arrive hydrated, and walk-ins are welcomed.

Reminder, we now have skateboard racks available for our students. Students must bring their locks each day . All locks need to be removed at the end of the day. The skateboard racks are located outside of the 100 bldg. All bikes, scooters, and skateboards must be walked on and off campus.

As we are constantly evaluating how we can make our campus safe for our students and staff, we have a couple of updates. The first is for our students not to run through the hallways and around campus . The second is we are starting to see students bringing Yo-Yos on campus. Unfortunately, these are being used in densely populated areas, and I am concerned that a student might accidentally get hit. Therefore, at this time, we will allow the use of yo-yos on a limited basis . They are allowed out only at lunchtime and in the PE area , where there is enough safe space to play. Yo-yos are not allowed out at any other time or place on campus.

Find your voice with the Muirlands Debate Team , where you will learn about communication, argumentation, and current events through parliamentary debate. Bring a partner to debate and your friends! The Debate Club will meet Tuesdays from 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. in room 303.

Principal Luna

Sunday, September 25
Hello Muirlands Community,

I thank all parents and guardians for attending last week's Back to School Night. Our community participation was incredible. I was able to visit all classrooms and was so proud of the evening our staff prepared for you. In addition, I thank our Muirlands Foundation for supporting our teachers on one of our longer days.

Our campus has ten clubs up and running, and the list is growing. I want to recognize our teachers for volunteering as club advisors. Please share our current school club list . Clubs - Muirlands Middle .

I encourage you to establish a schedule to monitor your student's academic progress . Please utilize your PowerSchool parent portal. Powerschool Portal Sign-In . If your child would like additional assistance from our staff, please use the following link to view our teacher's office hours. 2022 - 2023 Teacher Support for Students

As a reminder, we have some great activities and opportunities planned for our students this year that require minimal attendance, academic, and citizenship performance . These include our end-of-the-year grade-level activities, middle school athletics, dances, and more. If you would like to review our end-of-the-year activity guidelines , please visit this link Criteria for End of Year Activities - Muirlands Middle .

Each year the district is responsible for collecting information from our students’ families to support the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) process . The LCFF is legislation that changed how all local educational agencies (LEAs) in the state are funded, how they are measured for results, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their potential.
Please visit the PowerSchool Parent Portal and complete the LCFF form . This link LCFF Parent Portal Help will give detailed instructions on completing it. If you need further help, please contact Deb Duncan at [email protected] or 858/302-3150.

We thank you for your continued support in educating our middle school citizens! Part of what makes us effective as educators is understanding the needs of our students . The SEL Core Survey is provided by our district to students twice a year for just that purpose: to ensure we know our student's social and emotional needs.
The survey will measure students’ competencies in a growth mindset, self-efficacy, self-management, and social awareness, including student perceptions of school climate and culture.
This survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Students will take the survey via our District’s Illuminate online platform . Our school and educators will use data from the survey to continue to support students’ needs.
All children in grades 4 –12 are scheduled to participate. If you wish for your child to NOT participate in this survey , please email School Counselor, Mr. Velasquez ( [email protected] ), by Tuesday, September 27th at noon .

Picture Make-Up Day or Retake Day will be on Thursday, October 20 . If your student was absent on Picture Day, teachers will send them to the auditorium to take their picture. However, if you did not like the original pictures from September 14 and WANT A RETAKE, you MUST REQUEST a RETAKE on the JostensPix's website (You will see a button at the top of the page). Picture Day - Muirlands Middle

Principal Luna

Sunday, September 18
Hello Muirlands Community,

This Wednesday, September 21, 2021 , is our Back to School night . Join us in the Auditorium for a quick meeting (5:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m.) Principal Jeff Luna and Foundation President Hedieh Yamini will share information. Parents/guardians will visit their child's classrooms as they follow our modified bell schedule. During the classroom presentations, teachers describe the curriculum and learning goals, share upcoming projects, identify available support, and more. Please use the following link for back-to-school night details and a class schedule template your child can fill out. Muirlands Back to School Night letter | Muirlands Back to School Night SPANISH

The first progress report grading period will close on October 28, 2022 . I encourage you to monitor your child's academic progress periodically through the Parent Portal. Please use the Parent Portal sign-in link: https: // .

If you need assistance accessing the Parent Portal, please use this following link  or contact Mrs. Rodriguez @ [email protected] .

After School Tutoring in the library began last week, and we had a great turnout. Please have your child stop by our drop-in tutoring program if they need a place to complete an assignment or assistance. The tutoring center is open from 3:20 - 4:40 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays . In addition, there will be a late activity bus departing Muirlands at 4:45 p.m.

Seeing our students dressed for success for picture day this past week was great. As a reminder, you can order your student's pictures online . Please  use this link for picture ordering information.

Each year our district receives over $8 million in Impact Aid funding . This is not automatic – we must apply for it each year. The U. S. Department of Education requires that a Federal Impact Aid Survey be conducted on a common day every year and a claim be filed based upon the cards received. We are not allowed to use enrollment cards for this purpose. To apply, we need information from you. Your response helps increase the dollar value of the district's claim. Federal Impact Aid Surveys will be mailed directly to families on or before October 5, 2022 . Please take a moment to complete and submit this form.

The safety of your children and our community is of utmost importance. Therefore, I ask that all families follow the safety procedures for pick-up and drop-off we have in place to maximize the safety of our students and staff. Unfortunately, several families haven't followed the guidelines, creating an unsafe environment for our children and staff and slowing traffic flow. This can be frustrating for the drivers who follow the rules and encourage others to break the safety rules or traffic laws. In addition, this makes for unnecessary and awkward situations for our supervision staff that need to ask you to please move your vehicle to ensure the safety of our students.
Please do not :

  • Double park your vehicle. You are establishing an unsafe condition for your child to cross in front of and behind parked cars, blocking the bike lanes, and breaking the law.
  • Stop in the red curb area . The red curbs establish a line of sight to oncoming traffic for pedestrians and vehicles to exit or enter the parking lots.
  • Stop in the marked bus loading zone . These areas are reserved for our school buses.
  • Ask your students to cross the street at unmarked intersections or through traffic .

Your efforts are appreciated.

Save the date! The La Jolla Art and Wine Festival will return to downtown La Jolla on Saturday, October 8, and Sunday, October 9 , 2022. All profits raised benefit La Jolla's public schools . Art, music, science, physical education, and technology programs all benefit. Since its inception, the La Jolla Art & Wine Festival has donated more than $1,000,000 to these schools for the educational benefit of more than 4,000 children. Please visit their website for more information .

Please consider joining one of our site leadership committees. We currently have vacancies for our School Site Council (SSC) and our Site Governance Team (SGT). Please submit this nomination survey if you are interested. SSD/SGT Nomination Form
The School Site Council is a governing body responsible for deciding how to spend Title l and LCFF funding to improve the instructional program here at Muirlands Middle School. The School Site Council members work together to set goals for improving student achievement at the school and allocate the funds to accomplish those goals.
The Site Governance Team works together to make long-range decisions and changes to promote student academic, social and physical growth.
We have 3 Parent/Community Member opening s for the coming school year. The teams meet every first Thursday of most months at 7:15 a.m. in the school library. This is a two-year position . A year membership term is October 7, 2022, through September 2023 . Agendas for meetings are posted on the Muirlands Middle School website at least 72 hours before the meeting, and we post the minutes on our website once approved.
Please submit this nomination survey if you are interested. SSD/SGT Nomination Form

Please join SDUSD as we recognize Hispanic Heritage Month and honor the Latinx population's contributions. https: //

Principal Luna

Sunday, September 11
Hello Muirlands Community,

Muirlands Picture Day will take place on Wednesday, September 14 . Jostens photography uses a "Green Screen" technology to customize your student's picture background. Therefore, please do not wear green clothing for your picture, as green clothing will disappear with the green screen. Also, we will ask that students not wear hats or headgear for their official school photo.

Please save the date of September 21, 2022, for our Muirlands Back to School Night. Please open the link following to view our informational flyer. Muirlands Back to School Night letter September 21, 2022

Parents of 6th and 8th Grade Students: Sexual Health Education Program Parent Preview will be available following our Back To School Night on Wednesday, September 21 , from 7:00-7:45 pm
Please join sixth and eighth-grade science and SHEP educators for an informative preview of topics covered in the two-week sexual health unit. SHEP lessons are presented at the end of the first semester for eighth graders and at the end of the second semester for sixth graders. Parents of sixth-grade students will meet in room 302 . Parents of eighth-grade students will meet in room 403 . (Attendance is optional. Contact your child's Science teacher with questions. )

Please open this link to view the State Wide Assessment Annual Parent Notification .

After School Tutoring will begin in the Muirlands library on Tuesday, September 13. Tutoring will be available from 3:20 pm - 4:40 pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays . There will be a late activity bus departing Muirlands at 4:45 pm these days.

Game cart- Please let your children know that card and board games will be available during lunch every Friday. Look for the Link Crew with the game cart between the lunch area and the office.

Student Chromebooks and chargers

  • Students must bring their Chromebook and charger to school each day.
  • There are a limited number of Daily Loaner Chromebooks that students may borrow.
  • After borrowing five times, each subsequent borrow in the semester will result in the student being assigned lunch detention.
  • Chromebooks are issued for academic work. Games, videos, and music are not allowed except as assigned by a teacher.

Chromebook Care

  • Students should keep their Chromebooks in working order, free of stickers, markers, and other substances.
  • Students should set their backpacks down gently and refrain from closing their lockers forcibly when the Chromebook is inside their backpack. Loss, Damage, and Replacement
  • Chromebooks and chargers that are lost or damaged due to willful intention or negligence will be charged $100 for Chromebooks and $15 for chargers. A replacement will be issued immediately.

Our Muirlands Foundation will meet on Thursday, September 15 , 2022, at 8:45 am in the Muirlands library. Please join me for our next Principal Chat on Friday, September 16 , 2022, at 11:00 am in our school library.

Principal Luna

Sunday, September 4
Hello Muirlands Community,

I thank you and your student for a wonderful first week. It has been a pleasure to welcome our students back to school. Tomorrow is a school holiday as we recognize Labor Day. The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize workers' contributions to America's strength, prosperity, and well-being.

I want to share a few informational items and asks.

Lunch Service Update

The lunch lines were busy at the beginning of the week but are running much more smoothly now. However, we also have an indoor service area available to our students. The inside service has a salad bar and entrees . I assure you all students have an opportunity to pick up lunch if they choose to do so.

Please remind your child that card and board games will be available during lunch every Friday . Look for our Link Crew Students with the game cart between the lunch area and the office. In addition, we have a dedicated seating area with a variety of board and card games for our students to use.

We ask for your assistance in limiting the number of non-essential visits and contacts on the campus . Please do not bring lunches to the office for delivery to your child's classroom. As an option - all students are welcome to a free cafeteria lunch again this school year. Families do not have to sign up to receive a free lunch.

The district recently updated its menu website . Please " Click Here to View Your School Menus "

Also, please plan birthday and other celebrations outside of the school day . Unfortunately, we do not have the staffing to deliver and supervise cakes and gift deliveries during the school day.

Drop Off, Pick Up, Crosswalks, Skateboards, and Electric Bicycles

Remember to follow safe practices and the law when picking up and dropping off your student. If your child needs to cross Nautilus for pick-up and drop-off, please direct them to use the crosswalk.

PLEASE! ! ! - If your child rides an electric bike to campus, discuss safe practices with them. I have observed and received several calls from the community regarding dangerous riding behaviors . These include exceeding the speed limit, weaving in and out of traffic, multiple people on one bike, riding on the sidewalk, not wearing a helmet, and doing stunts on bikes while traveling along with traffic.

We have a newly installed skateboard rack on campus. Students will need to bring a padlock to secure their board. If you need assistance with the skateboard rack, please see Principal Luna. A reminder that students must walk bikes and skateboards through the parking lot and on campus.

First Day Packets

Thank you to all the parents/students who submitted their First Day Packets. If your student did not return their completed packet this week, please take the time to read over the documents and return the completed packet to their first-period teacher as soon as possible.

The first item listed on the packet is our ' K-12 Enrollment Form 2022-2023 '. Parents, please remember to log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and update ALL information for this item. If you need assistance, there is a link titled: ' K-12 Enrollment Form Instructions for Parent Portal . ' After you have submitted the information for review, you should receive a message stating that information is being submitted to the school and that you will receive an email notification once the information has been approved. Please print this message/email notification and include it in the first-day packet. If you need login information, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriguez @ [email protected] .

Please continue to contact me if you have any questions or constructive feedback. Enjoy your extended Labor Day weekend!

Principal Luna

Thursday, September 1
Hello Muirlands Community,

Student COVID Testing:

Keeping our students safe, healthy, and IN SCHOOL is our #1 priority. Monitoring the health of our students and staff is crucial in ensuring we are taking the steps necessary to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all.

SDUSD will once again offer weekly COVID-19 testing on-site to those families that choose to take advantage of this service. Please click here if you have not signed your child up for testing and would like them to test. Thank you to all who have already filled out this form.

Testing will take place on the Muirlands campus every Friday from 12:00 - 3:00 pm . Students will have their first opportunity to test Tomorrow, September 2, 2022 . Our teachers will announce to their classes when testing is available for their students. Students will then leave class and receive the test and promptly return to class. Testing will also be available for students during lunchtime if they choose to test .

Testing Schedule:

  • 6th Grade - Period 4
  • 7th Grade - Period 5
  • 8th Grade - Period 6

Important- Our students who have signed up for testing will have the option to test each week. As this testing is voluntary, parents, if you do not want your child to test on any particular Friday, please share that information with your child and instruct them to remain in the classroom when the teacher delivers the prompt to leave for testing. Please get in touch with our health office if you have questions.

Principal Luna

Tuesday, August 30
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope all are well and your children can share some positive experiences from their first two school days.

Today your child attended a grade level assembly . Please ask them to share their experience. Some of the topics discussed and shared were:

  • Our Dolphin Ticket Reward System
  • Middle School Athletics
  • Our School Citizenship Rubric
  • Lunchtime Procedures and Available Activities
  • School Picture Day- Wednesday, September 14, 2022
  • Our School Dress Code
  • Technology/Cell Phone Policy
  • Bullying/Harassment Reporting
  • Criteria for our End of the Year Grade Level Activities

First Day School Packets:

First Day Packets were sent home yesterday through the student’s first-period class. Please take the time to read the documents and return the completed packet to their 1st-period teacher no later than Friday, September 2, 2022 .

The first item listed on the packet is our ‘K-12 Enrollment Form 2022-2023 (Update Your Information)’. You will need to log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and update ALL information online for this item. If you need assistance, please refer to our Muirlands website. There is a link titled: K-12 Enrollment Form Instructions for Parent Portal . ’ After you have submitted the information for review, you should receive a message stating that information is being submitted to the school and that you will receive an email notification once the information has been approved. Please print this message/email notification and include it in the first-day packet.

Step-by-step instructions to Update the K-12 Enrollment Form (Update Your Information) through the Parent Portal: English or Español

If you have not created a parent account and need login information, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriguez, @ [email protected] .

Voluntary COVID Testing will take place each Friday from 12:00 - 3:00 pm on the Muirlands campus.

Please click here to sign your child up for weekly testing for the 22-23 School Year.

Please reach out to the school if you have questions or concerns.

Principal Luna

Sunday, August 28
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you and your families are well. The Muirlands staff is excited to welcome your student to campus tomorrow and begin our year together.

The Muirlands staff spent this past week preparing for your student's arrival. We have worked this week to establish a warm and welcoming environment to ensure their school year and arrival back to campus is a positive experience.

Your child's class schedule is now accessible in PowerSchool via the Student/Parent Portal. If you need assistance with Parent Portal, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriguez  [email protected] . All students must pick up their "Official" schedule as they enter campus tomorrow.

Our campus will open tomorrow at 8:10 am . There will be a lot of car traffic on Nautilus; please plan your student's arrival accordingly. In addition, many students will be biking and walking to school; please be aware of your surroundings during drop-off and pick-up.

As we will be diligent in maintaining a safe and healthy campus for our students and staff this year, only students will be allowed on campus tomorrow morning . We will do a tremendous job supervising, assisting, and supporting your student tomorrow and this year.

Additional Information

Please remember to bring a fully charged district netbook tomorrow. Those students who do not currently have a district netbook will check one out from our library this week. Sixth-grade students that did not exchange their netbooks during orientation and students that do not currently have a district netbook will receive their netbooks this week.

School Bell Schedule
Please use this link to view our school schedules Bell Schedule

Technology, Textbooks, and Materials
Muirlands will issue student Chromebooks, textbooks, locks, and lockers during the first week of school. Muirlands staff will distribute these items to our sixth-grade students on Wednesday, our seventh-grade students on Thursday, and our eighth-grade students on Friday.

Food Services
SDUSD will continue to provide free meals to all students. Families will not need to apply to be eligible for the free meal program. Student lunch PINs are located on their official schedule.

Please continue to check your email and our website for information. We know this is a lot of information to process. Please get in touch with the school if you have questions or need assistance.

We look forward to a wonderful and impactful year.

Principal Luna

Friday, August 25
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope this message finds you well and enjoying these last few days of summer vacation. The first day of school is August 29th . The school will begin at 8:35 am. We will open our gates by 8:10 am on our first day, so our students have ample time to pick up their official class schedule.  Staff members and our Link Crew Team will be on standby to assist and support our students with their class schedules.

Here are some reminders as you begin to prepare for the start of the year:

  • Students will not suit up for their physical education classes during our first week of school. However, your child’s PE teacher will share specific information regarding the first day to suit up and how to purchase a PE uniform during the first week of classes.

  • Before the first day of school, please take a moment to review our school dress code with your student. Link: https: //

  • Mandatory Use of District Computers in classrooms : To enable our staff to better support our students in the classroom, Muirlands will require all students to use district-issued computers in all classrooms beginning this school year. As a result, students will not use personal computers in the classroom.

  • We have filtered water dispensers thought our campus. Please send your child to school with a refillable water bottle.

  • If you are a student new to Muirlands and could not exchange your current district-issued Chromebook for a new one at Tuesday’s orientation, please bring your current Chromebook to school starting Monday. You will have an opportunity to exchange for a new Chromebook during the first week of school. >

  • To ensure the safety of our students, Muirlands does not allow student pick-up and drop-off in our school parking lots . Therefore, please plan where you will meet your child for pick-up if needed.

  • On our first day of school, parents are welcome to escort their students to our main gate area but will not accompany them onto campus. Staff and our wonderful Student Link Crew will be available to assist our new students.

Important Dates

  • Friday, August 26th - Principal Chat , via Zoom, 11:00 am-12:00 pm https: //

  • Sunday, August 28th - Unofficial student schedules will be available in PowerSchool.

  • Monday, August 29th - our first day of school. The Muirlands campus will open at 8:10 am. All students will pick up their official color-coded schedule in the school quad . The official color-coded schedule is required to enter classes on the first day of school.

  • Student picture day will take place on Wednesday, September 14th , 2022.

  • Back to School Night will be held in person on Wednesday, September 21st, 2022, from 5:15 - 7:00 pm.

Please monitor your email for additional information. In addition, we encourage all families to sign up for the Muirlands Foundation e-Splash. The e-Splash is a weekly newsletter filled with important information and resources. Sign up here https: // .

Our staff is anxious to welcome your students back to campus. We look forward to a wonderful school year. Please reach out to the school if we can assist in any way.

Principal Luna

Friday, August 19
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope all are well. I want to share a correction to a previous message and a few updates.

Muirlands Orientation:

Muirlands will host two new student orientation sessions on Tuesday, August 23rd . The sessions are identical, but families should plan on attending only one session. We ask that all attendees monitor their COVID systems and stay home if they are symptomatic.

The first orientation session is 10:00 am - 12:00 pm . The second session is 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm . Please join us in the auditorium at the beginning of each session for a short presentation and welcome. In addition, we will serve a complimentary lunch from 12:00 - 1:00 pm.

Sixth-grade students that bring their current district-issued Chromebook and charger will exchange them for a new Lenovo Chromebook during our orientation event. Those students new to SDUSD are not required to return a Chromebook and charger.

COVID Information and Testing on Campus:

Muirlands will offer weekly COVID testing on campus. Our testing will take place on Fridays. To sign your child up for weekly COVID testing, please click here .

Please check the SDUSD COVID website for additional district information. COVID-19 Information

Mandatory Use of District Computers in Classrooms:

To enable our staff to better support our students in the classroom, Muirlands will require all students to use district-issued computers in all classrooms beginning this school year. As a result, students will not use personal computers in the classroom .

Please ensure your students are taking proper care of their netbooks and storing them in a safe location. Families will be responsible for damage/loss of devices or chargers. Here are two links to reinforce the proper use of their assigned computer. Chromebook Care video  |  Chromebook care lesson slides

Please contact Muirlands if you have questions or need assistance. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.

Principal Luna

Monday, August 15
Hello Muirlands Community,

I hope you're enjoying your summer in our beautiful city or wherever you're traveling. We're two weeks away from our first day of school. Our school year will resume Monday, August 29th, at 8:35 am (campus will open at 8:10 am). On the first day of school, all students will report to the quad area to pick up their "Official Schedule. "


  • Effective Monday, August 15, masks are strongly recommended but no longer required for district employees, students and visitors.
  • We will continue air filtration mitigations with MERV-13 filters and/or air purifiers in each room.

Middle School Athletics Students in grades 6-8 will now have the opportunity to participate in organized team sports this fall. Registration is now open for basketball and track & field.

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