The Enrollment Options Online Application for the 22-23 school year will open on October 4, 2021, and close on November 15, 2021. Parents have the opportunity to submit an online Enrollment Options application via the School Choice, Magnet, and Voluntary Enrollment Exchange Program (VEEP), by accessing the district website.
The online application is available in English and Spanish and parents may identify up to three (3) schools of Choice.
Choice applications are required for all non-resident pupils wishing to enroll in a school including:
- Incoming younger siblings of currently enrolled Choice pupils
- Pupils who were enrolled as residents and then moved out of a school’s area but wish to remain enrolled
- Currently enrolled Choice pupils who originally were accepted as residents of SDUSD, but then moved out of the District boundaries
- Children of employees
- Pupils currently attending an Early Learning program at a site that is not their school of residence
- Pupils currently enrolled in Magnet programs who wish to articulate to a similar program at the next level, if it is not located in the same high school cluster as the current school of enrollment.
Choice applications are not needed for:
- Resident pupils
- Currently enrolled Choice pupils who have not moved out of the district
- Currently enrolled Choice pupils who reside out of district and have valid Interdistrict Attendance Permits on file, and/or are articulating to the next level within a cluster feeder pattern
- Currently enrolled Choice pupils who are preparing to articulate within the high school cluster to the next level school
If you have any additional questions or concerns please reach out to Mrs. Allison Ichihara at 858-302-3150 or [email protected]
2022-2023 Choice Application Website