*** Students, if you want to start a club, please see the instructions on this webpage. ***
Scroll down to the end of the page or CLICK HERE to view Google Calendar.
Board Game Creators
Advisor: Ms. Shelton
This club is for anyone interested in creating and playing board games! Come to the art room 101 every Monday at lunch.
Meeting time: Every Monday in Room 101 (Art Room) from 12:34 to 1:04 p.m.
Computer Gaming
Advisor: Mr. Heinze
Meeting time: Fridays in Room 408 from 12:34 to 1:04 p.m.
Share strategies and test online games using district-approved websites.
Students planning to attend should go to Mr. Heinze’s classroom (408) before school each Friday to get a pass for the lunchtime meeting. Due to space, a maximum of 36 students will be admitted. New passes will be issued each
Friday in order to be fair.
Advisor: Mrs. Strauss
This club is for anyone interested in doing their homework during lunch.
Meeting time: Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday in Room 104 during lunch.
Link Crew
Advisor: Mr. Velasquez
Link Crew is a group of 7th and 8th graders who help new students get familiar with Muirlands. They lead tours during Orientation Days, and help with other activities during the year.
Applications are available in May or June for the following year.
Science Olympiad
Advisor: Ms. Trombley
General meetings during lunch (first Tuesday of the month, 12:32 - 1:04 p.m.) in Room 303 if needed. Individual event meetings are scheduled by the coaches and listed in Google Classroom.
Advisor: Ms. Trombley
Come in to Room 303 on Tuesdays from 3:05 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and learn Parliamentary Debate with other students.
Welcome to the debate club! We teach parliamentary, where teams of two receive twenty minutes to prepare for a forty-minute debate. Learn about argumentation and politics through lectures, practice debates, review games, and candy! This training helps prepare for both middle and high school tournaments.
Come have fun learning new math tricks and sharpen your number sense with Math Counts, the Muirlands team that needs you to join us in victory when we compete against other area schools in math competitions. If competing isn't your thing, don't worry! You'll learn tons of exciting math even if you don't participate in the competitions.
We meet on Thursdays in the Library from 3:05 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- American Mathematics Competitions (from Mathematical Association of America, Date TBD): maa.org/amc
- MathCounts (school competition in January 2025, chapter competition in February 2025): mathcounts.org
If you enjoy math and like to compete, this is a place where you can feel proud and enjoy making new friends! CLICK THIS LINK TO SIGN UP
Google Classroom invite code: xbcje7e
Advisor: Ms. Granger
This club is for anyone interested in theater and drama!
Meeting time: Thursday in Room 308 from 3:05 p.m. to 3:55 p.m.
Book Club
Advisor: Ms. Granger
This club is for anyone interested in reading and discussing books!
Meeting time: Every other Thursday (2nd and 4th Thursday of the month) in Room 308 from 12:48 to 1:18 p.m.
Advisor: Ms. Latta
This club is for anyone interested in learning to crochet and make new friends!
Meeting time: Every Tuesday in Room 302 (Art Room) from 12:48 to 1:18 p.m.
Environmental Action
Advisor: Ms. Latta
Meeting time: Wednesdays in Room 302 from 12:06 to 12:36 p.m.
We gather to put into action ideas that promote a sense of love and responsibility for planet earth, and all the life it supports.
GSA (Gender & Sexuality Alliance)
Advisors: Ms. Cox and Mr. Plezia
Our plan is to meet Tuesdays at lunch in room 101 (Art Room) from 12:48-1:18 weekly.
GSA seeks to create a safe and affirming space for Muirlands LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and their allies. We come together weekly to socialize and build community, leadership skills, and informed advocacy. We also share ways to increase the climate of safety and inclusion of LGBTQIA+ students in all their multi-faceted identities on our campus. Finally, we also seek to spread the message that ALL people deserve kindness, compassion and acceptance.
Website: https://sites.google.com/stu.sandi.net/muirlands-gsa
Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTYyMTkzMzYwNTY4?cjc=qlqqsob
La Catrina
Advisor: Ms. Cital Silva
Come and learn about the Latino Culture.
Meeting time: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12:48 to 1:18 p.m. in Room 202.
Sea of Friends
Advisor: Ms. Trombley
A path to inclusion! Interested in developing new friendships? Meeting new people? Practicing your social skills? Playing games? Spreading joy and happiness?
Meeting time: Mondays from 12:48 to 1:18 p.m. in Room 303.
Space Club
Advisor: Mr. Ruiz
This Club is a place to learn about NASA’s programs and missions (including with Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and SpaceX), the International Space Station’s experiments, and to imagine what future life in space might look like for humans. We will do some experiments and projects, watch interviews with astronauts, and find some competitive opportunities.
Meeting time: Thursdays from 12:48 to 1:18 p.m. in Room 401.
Advisor: Ms. Taylor
Come in to Room 515 on Mondays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and have fun preparing for Quizbowl competitions.