Sunday, June 13, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
As this year is coming to an end, this will be my final Sunday message of the year. Again, thank you, our families, for your support, generosity, and feedback this year. You have been amazing.
Tuesday, June 15th, will be the last day of student attendance. The following school year will begin on Monday, August 30th, 2021.
Please ensure you have returned all school textbooks and materials. In addition, students are to keep possession of their district netbook computers over the summer. Netbook computers should only be returned to Muirlands if your child is leaving SDUSD.
6th and 7th graders will get their yearbooks on Monday, June 14, during 6th period.
8th graders who were absent last Thursday and all online students who have purchased a yearbook can pick up their yearbook in the office this week.
You can still purchase a yearbook in the office this week between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. (8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday). Please bring $30 cash.
Eighth-grade families, please check your email for a special message regarding eighth-grade promotion.
Please have a wonderful and safe summer. We look forward to seeing our returning students in the Fall and wish all the best to our promoting eighth-grade students.
Principal Luna
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands staff is currently working on our MasterSchedule for the 2021-22 school year. As we prepare to open up the next school year with five full days of onsite instruction, your assistance is needed to establish our projected onsite enrollment numbers for next year. If you have not done so already, please take a moment to complete the short form today by clicking on the following link. Confirm Your Child's Enrollment for the 2021-2022 School Year
If your family intends to opt for the online version of school via the K-12 Virtual Academy, you will make that designation on the form as well. Our San Diego Unified K-12 Virtual Academy will offer a robust online magnet school available for students K-12. This Virtual Academy will provide rigorous daily instruction substantially equivalent to onsite instruction, including grade-level standards-based lessons and District and State assessments. At our District Virtual Academy, teacher-directed instruction will require students to be highly engaged and responsible for completing all class assignments. The only option for comprehensive online instruction will be offered centrally through the Virtual Academy rather than at neighborhood schools.
We currently have less than 70 yearbooks for sale for $30 on a first-come, first-served basis. To purchase a yearbook, please bring $30 cash to the Muirlands Office.
If you want to check whether you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. Rodé in the Muirlands Finance Office at [email protected].
Yearbook distribution schedule:
- 8th Grade Students-
- On-Site students that purchased a yearbook will receive their yearbooks on Thursday, June 10th.
- On-Line students that purchased a yearbook can pick up their yearbook at the Muirlands office on Thursday, June 10th, from 12:35 - 4:00 p.m.
- 6th and 7th Grade Students-
- On-Site students that purchased a yearbook will receive their yearbooks on Monday, June 14th.
- On-Line students that purchased a yearbook can pick up their yearbook at the Muirlands office on Monday, June 14th, from 12:35 - 4:00 p.m.
8th Grade families, please submit the required documents to ensure your child is included in our 8th-grade promotion ceremony. Contact Ms. Duncan [email protected] if you still need to notify the school whether your child will participate in the ceremony. We had asked for all forms to be submitted by the end of this past week. We need to have a confirmed decision from all 8th-grade families ASAP. Thank you for your assistance in helping us to plan this event.
Natural High is a drug prevention nonprofit that started locally here in San Diego. Their mission is to inspire and empower youth to find their natural high and develop the skills and courage to live life well. We have shared their positive and proactive message with our students for several years.
I encourage you to click on this link to view an activity you can complete as a family and view the Natural High Website and resources available. I have not found a better entry point and engaging way to discuss substance abuse, peer pressure, and decision-making with our students.
LINK Crew Applications are now available!
LINK Crew is comprised of selected student ambassadors that help new students transition to Muirlands! LINK Crew members help with orientation in the fall before school starts and school tours in the spring when our elementary schools visit our campus. Current 6th and 7th graders may apply through the Muirlands website. Please contact Ms. Wehrli if you have any questions regarding our Link Crew. [email protected]
Please join Muirlands in celebrating June as the start of Pride month. We are committed to promoting a safe and affirming school space for LGBTQIA+ students, families, and educators. Please see our school counseling page for additional information, resources and supports.
Please see the SDUSD Food and Nutrition webpage for free grocery food distribution and Summer meals information.
A reminder that the last day for the Muirlands Late Activity Bus is Thursday, June 10th.
Principal Luna
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend with family and friends.
I visited all 8th-grade classrooms on Thursday to share information regarding our in-person promotion ceremony scheduled for June 15. Each 8th-grade student was given a packet with information and a participation permission slip. Please have your child return the signed permission slip to their 5th-period teacher this week if they intend to participate in the promotion ceremony. Online students can pick up the information packet at the Muirlands office or view the document on our school website.
We have a GATE Chat scheduled for this week. We will have district leadership and cluster principals available to discuss the GATE programs on each campus and answer questions. We have created a link for you to share any issues or topics you would like us to cover during the chat.
The Cluster GATE Chat is scheduled for Thursday, June 3, at 4:00 PM. Please note the tentative time had been 4:30 PM, so this is a little earlier. Here is the Zoom meeting link: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/82879953442
Muirlands sixth-graders currently enrolled in a science class will begin sexual health curriculum on Tuesday, June 1. Each lesson will be delivered asynchronously as independent work, utilizing pre-recorded lessons, with daily follow-up in the Zoom classroom.
Please visit this webpage for detailed information regarding our district's 6th-grade sexual health curriculum.
Please note that parents/guardians may excuse their child from the sexual health instruction for this school year by providing an email in their preferred language to their child's Science teacher, Ms. Trombley, or Ms. Latta.
Textbook return: Onsite students will return their textbooks during their period 4 class, June 1st-3rd.
- Grade 8, Tuesday, June 1st
- Grade 7, Wednesday, June 2nd
- Grade 6, Thursday, June 3rd
Online students will return their textbooks on Friday, June 4th. We will have tables set up outside the main office for returns from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. AND 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Please contact our librarian, Ms. Vintika [email protected], if you have questions regarding the return of textbooks.
All students will take their Chromebooks home over the summer unless they are leaving the school district. All Chromebook returns and exchanges will take place in the Fall.
COVID-19 testing is available on the Muirlands campus on Wednesday, June 2nd, from 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. for students attending onsite instruction. Please use the following link to schedule your appointment. https://covidtestscheduler.ucsd.edu/home/asym/SDUmuirlands
Principal Luna
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
The end of the school year is quickly approaching. We would like to see all students finish well. Please devote a few minutes to review your student’s academic progress in PowerSchool. Contact your child’s teachers or counselor if you have questions or concerns.
A COVID-19 vaccine clinic will be held at La Jolla High School on Monday, May 24, from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Please visit the Muirlands website for more information: Vaccines for youth 12-18 years old
Please drive carefully during pick up and drop off. Our school area is very busy at the beginning and end of our school day. For those riding bicycles, please wear your helmets and ride safely.
A reminder that Monday, May 31 is Memorial Day. This is a national holiday to recognize and honor the men and women that have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Schools will be closed on Friday, May 28th, and Monday, May 31st. We remember and thank all who have served our country.
Confirm Enrollment for the 2021-2022 School Year:
Please read this important message from SDUSD and Muirlands Middle School. You are asked to complete the short survey at the end of this email. Through the survey, you will indicate your instructional model choice for the 2021-22 school year.
Starting on August 30, 2021, we are proud to continue in-person learning for all students, including five full days per week of on-campus instruction that follows established bell schedules, transportation routes, in-person meals, and extended-day programs. All SDUSD schools will continue to monitor and follow health and safety guidelines. While in-person, full-time instruction is the primary and recommended mode of learning for all students. Next year, the district is offering a virtual academy for K-12 students who choose to remain online.
Our San Diego Unified Virtual Academy will offer a robust online magnet school available for students K-12. This Virtual Academy will provide rigorous daily instruction substantially equivalent to onsite instruction, including grade-level standards-based lessons and District and State assessments. Teacher directed instruction at our District Virtual Academy will require students to be highly engaged and responsible for completing all class assignments. The only option for comprehensive online instruction will be offered centrally through the Virtual Academy rather than at neighborhood schools. Students may have on-campus opportunities to receive academic support, labs, or hands-on activities. High school students will have opportunities to participate in athletics.
The Virtual Academy will provide instruction for all participating students, including students receiving special education services and multilingual learners. The Virtual Academy will provide virtual IEP services, as outlined in student’s IEPs.
The Virtual Academy will not offer the following programs: Early Learning, Transitional Kindergarten (TK), Dual Language, International Baccalaureate (IB), and/or STEAM/VAPA Magnet.
Please take a few minutes to complete the enrollment survey below with your information and make a selection for Fall 2021-2022. I ask that you complete this survey by Wednesday, May 26th.
Click here for the survey
We look forward to continuing to serve and support your child during our upcoming school year!
Principal Luna
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
We currently have ONLY 100 yearbooks for sale for $30 on a first-come, first-served basis. This year’s edition is shorter than usual, but extra special since the students submitted their portraits!
Yearbooks can be purchased online at JostensYearbooks.com while quantities last or by June 4, whichever comes first.
If you want to pay with cash, or if you want to check whether you have already ordered a yearbook, please contact Mrs. Rodé in the Muirlands Finance Office at [email protected].
San Diego County public health officials are offering Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine to kids ages 12-15. Kids in this age group need consent from a parent or guardian to get the vaccine.
SDUSD has added three vaccine clinics for next week. These additional clinics will be held at Mira Mesa High, Madison High, and Mission Bay High.
Please visit the SDUSD Nursing and Wellness Vaccine site for details.
With all of the recent news from the CDC, I feel it is important to update our community on our current health and safety guidelines. Our current guidelines at schools and district sites are in place and not changing. Mask wearing, distancing, and other established health and safety measures need to remain in place until the end of the school year.
On Monday, May 17th, we will adjust our staggered dismissal schedule to reflect the following times.
- 8th Grade at 12:35 pm
- 6th Grade at 12:38 pm
- 7th Grade at 12:41 pm
The PrimeTime Summer Program Application will be available online beginning Monday, May 17 at 8:00 a.m. through Friday, May 28, 2021, 11:59 pm. All families with children in elementary (TK-5) and middle schools participating in the SDUSD Summer Experience will be eligible to apply.
The PrimeTime Summer Program Application will be available online at sandiegounfied.org/PrimeTime. If you have any questions, please contact the Extended Learning Opportunities Department at (858) 503-1870 or via email at [email protected]
The California Healthy Kids Survey window is now open. Muirlands uses the data collected from this survey to determine our campus climate and areas to focus our resources. This survey is entirely anonymous and voluntary. Most importantly, it helps us plan prevention and intervention programming to meet the current needs of our students.
Our staff, parents, and 7th-grade students are asked to complete this survey as your input is essential to ensure Muirlands addresses your needs.
Parents, please use the following link to take this 10-minute survey. https://wested.ugam-apps.com/wed/ts/qVga . The survey is available to all families. Please complete this survey by May 21st. <br>If you have questions regarding the survey, please contact Ms. Wehrli. Please view the flyer for more information.
All students except for those graduating or leaving the district will keep their netbook devices over the summer. If you plan to leave the district after this school year, you will return your district netbook with your textbooks. Students will have access to applications in Clever until July 30th.
On Wednesday, May 19th, COVID testing will be available for Muirlands students participating in onsite learning. The testing will take place between 1:30-3:30 pm on the west side of the auditorium. Please go to the following website for more information, schedule an appointment, and access the required documents. COVID-19 Testing
Principal Luna
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
8th Grade students interested in speaking at our promotion exercise should submit their speech to their English teacher. Speech format information and timelines are posted on your child’s English teacher’s Google Classroom.
In honor of Mental Health Matters Month, we have free resources and workshops for parents, students, and staff to explore.
- Mental Health Matters Month Opportunities for Families, students, and staff
- Muirlands Middle School Calming Room
Your child’s final progress report for the year will be available in PowerSchool on Friday, May 14th.
Principal Luna
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
At last week's Board Meeting, both Board President Richard Barrera and Superintendent Cindy Marten clarified the district’s plans for the 2021-22 school year.
San Diego Unified is planning for a full return to full-day, in-person learning, five days a week, for the 2021-22 school year, beginning in August of 2021. Our fall programming will not include a hybrid model for students. Our educators will not be required to simultaneously teach our onsite instructional model and our online instructional model.
We are in the process of developing a robust online learning program for students who will choose an online instructional model. Therefore, we will accommodate students and families who choose to remain at home based on health and safety needs and students and families with sensitive medical needs. We look forward to an amazing year of learning as we welcome back our students and families with excitement, enthusiasm, and joy.
I am happy to announce that we are moving forward with planning a modified 8th-grade promotion exercise. If we continue in the red or orange tier, we can hold an outdoor promotion ceremony. We have tentatively set June 15th from 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. for our promotion ceremony. We will have a mandatory promotion rehearsal on June 14th during school hours. If you would like your 8th grader to participate in the promotion exercise, please ensure they attend school on both June 14th and 15th. We will have limited seating in the stadium this year. The number of seats we can allow each family will be determined by SDUSD and the color tier we are in on June 15th.
On Friday, we hosted three fantastic grade-level recognition assemblies. We recognized 55 students for their outstanding efforts and contributions during our third grading period. Congratulations to all of our honorees.
SDUSD continues to provide free grocery items to our families. Extra grocery items will be available (while supplies last) at our 19 curbside meal locations on a rotating basis. Grocery Item Schedule for Week of 5/3-5/7.
Principal Luna
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
We had another great week at Muirlands. Thank you for your efforts and patience to maintain a safe drop-off and pick-up environment for our students and staff for our families that drop off their students.
Now that many of our students are back on campus, please review our school dress code with your student. Here is a link to Muirlands Dress Code.
For our students using their phones to show the completion of their ClearPass, please zoom in on the date to make it easier for our staff to read as you enter your assigned gate. Once you have shown your period four teacher the pass, you need to put your phone away for the remainder of your time on campus. Please refer to the following link for the Muirlands and SDUSD's cellphone policy. Cellphone Information
In addition to the beautiful mural upgrade that Stephen and Micaela Jeffrey donated, I want to recognize Kurt and Jason luli-Kinsey for donating the artwork that greeted our students on Wednesday. We are thankful for the many contributions from our community that make Muirlands such a great place.

COVID Testing information
As a reminder, if your child is attending onsite learning, they are eligible for free Covid-19 testing. We offer to test on-site every other week. Our next testing date is Wednesday, May 5th. Please use the following links for information and to schedule an appointment for your child.
Please contact Nurse Robbins [email protected] for additional information.
Principal Luna
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
I want to thank all of our families for their support as we transitioned many of our students back to campus. I could not be prouder of the way our staff and families have prepared for this day. On Monday, our school district experienced slow internet speed, and many classes had sporadic connectivity issues. The district resolved the problems the same day, and we continue to have very good internet connectivity for our staff and students.
I would like to recognize a tremendous accomplishment by four of our campus student leaders. California Coastal Commission's public education program ran a statewide competition titled, 2021 Climate Video Challenge. This year, students were asked to answer the question: What does climate justice look like to me? Four of our 8th-grade students: Solaine Bardin, Elena Grilli, Inji Hamdoun, and Emma Weibel, won 3rd prize in this statewide competition. Please view their video, “What will we choose” 2021 Climate Video Challenge 3rd Place Winner
For our families that have returned to campus, please ensure you send your child to school prepared to enter campus with a completed ClearPass and a properly fitting mask. As a reminder, neck gaiters and masks with valves do not meet the campus requirements. Please refer to the CDC guidance on selecting a mask. We continue to stress the importance of proper social distancing on campus, your support in discussing this topic within your child is appreciated.
The safety of our students, staff, and families is our main priority. In a continuous effort to foster safe and inclusive school environments, we are providing the following information.
Important Prevention Hotlines:
- 2-1-1. Community Resources
- Child Abuse Hotline 1-858-560-21
- Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255
- National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233
- Mental Health and Substance Use Services 1-888-724-7240
Students in Grade 8, last names beginning A-L, may return textbooks used in Periods 1, 2, and 3 and any library books or textbooks from last year to the library in the morning before classes begin on Monday, April 19, and Tuesday, April 20th.
Students in Grade 8, last names beginning M-Z, may return textbooks used in Periods 1, 2, and 3 and any library books or textbooks from last year to the library in the morning before classes begin on Wednesday, April 21st, and Thursday, April 22nd.
Our library will collect Grades 6, and 7 textbooks in the following weeks - announcements will be coming.
Principal Luna
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
On Monday, we begin the final grading period of our school year. I am very grateful and proud of what we have accomplished this year, considering the unknown path we traveled.
On Monday, we will welcome back on campus those families that chose to return to onsite learning. We have worked hard to prepare for this day but anticipate we might encounter a few bumps as we transition our staff and many of our students back to campus.
For the many families that chose to remain online, your child’s experience will stay reasonably consistent with what has taken place in the past.
All onsite learners, please take a few minutes to review the document in the link below. This document will explain what you need to know and do to prepare for Monday.
Return to campus parent letter 4-11-21
If you have not already done so, please review our Phase 2 in-person learning handbook for those scheduled to return to campus. Being familiar with the handbook information will help your child to a smooth transition back on campus.
2021 Students Procedures and Policies for Phase 2 In-Person Learning at Muirlands
We look forward to Monday and the excitement it brings.
Principal Luna
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
I hope you and your families had a great Spring break. We are all very excited to welcome our students back from vacation. This week is the final week of our 3rd grading period. Please ensure your student has completed all available work. Final grades for our 3rd grading period will be posted in PowerSchool on April 16.
Our 4th and final grading period of the school year will begin on April 12th. April 12 is also when those families that indicated they would like to have their child return to onsite learning will be returning to campus. Parents who selected online learning for their child or did not submit a final survey cannot change to onsite at this time due to the number of students who did request onsite learning. For planning purposes, we needed to know precisely how many of our families would be returning. We planned accordingly to accommodate students around the health and safety guidelines.
Please use the following link for some preliminary information regarding your child’s and Muirlands transition to Phase 2 on April 12.
Parent Communication for April 12th Reopening
Our ASB president, Mr. Kevin Chiu, would like to offer an exclusive Zoom meeting to current Muirlands 6th graders to introduce the Muirlands campus. Kevin understands the excitement and anxiety that comes with stepping onto a new campus for the first time! He has recruited some awesome 8th graders to join the Zoom and offer some words of wisdom and encouragement and a friendly face that can help out if the need arises on campus. Kevin will answer questions from a student’s perspective. If you have a 6th grader, please consider attending this informational meeting brought to you by our Student President! The Zoom meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 7th, from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Our office staff is available to help you upon their return to campus on April 5th. Please call our office at 858-459-4211 if you have any further questions. Please continue to monitor our website for additional information regarding the week of April 12.
We are looking forward to welcoming our students back soon.
Principal Luna
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
Muirlands will be on Spring Break March 29th - April 2nd. Please continue to take proactive steps to ensure your safety, health, and wellbeing. Muirlands Middle School will resume on Monday, April 5th.
On April 12th, families that choose to return to onsite/hybrid learning will return to campus. We have been working diligently to ensure our campus can host the number of students that requested to return. After reviewing the data and strategically planning room environments, we are confident at this time that we will be able to safely provide 4 days (Monday -Thursday) of onsite instruction for all students that indicated they want to return to campus. Our number one goal will always be health and safety as we continue to prepare for April 12th.
As we continue to plan the logistics of a safe return, more information will be provided to you regarding arrival and dismissal protocols and health and safety guidelines and procedures.
Thank you all for your continued support. We will continue to keep you informed with additional information to prepare for April 12th.
Have a wonderful Spring Break!
Principal Luna
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
On behalf of the Muirlands Wellness Committee, I would like to invite parents, students, fellow staff members, and the community to send a “Shout Out’ to our staff! Let us recognize and put a smile on someone’s face by acknowledging them for their work, inspiration, and contributions to our culture of positivity and kindness. Shout Outs received will be shared on our website for all to see.
Students also have a way to express their appreciation for one another via an ‘Awesome Gram.’ “Awesome Grams” are submitted by students to let other students know that they are appreciated. When students submit an ‘Awesome Gram,’ the recipient will be notified through Google Drive.
Please see the links attached to this message and check out our Muirlands website under Quick Links to submit your ‘Shout Out’ or ‘Awesome Gram’ today!
Muirlands staff continues to prepare for the district’s launch of phase 2 and an option for students to return to in-person teaching. Here is a summary of our current progress.
- We have portable HEPA air purifiers placed in each classroom.
- Our new HVAC system is now working in all rooms on campus. We are scheduled to upgrade from the current MERV 8 filters to the more efficient MERV 13 filters.
- Our custodial staff is ensuring all windows and vents are in working order to ensure proper air circulation.
- We have wash stations strategically placed around campus.
- We have signage to limit the capacity of common areas such as our lunch court and restrooms.
- We have a significant supply of gloves, masks, hand sanitizer, wipes, and shields for our school community.
- We have safety protocols, a flow chart, and training if someone becomes symptomatic on campus.
- UCSD COVID 19 testing is currently available for our staff and students on campus and participating in phase one learning.
I will continue to provide updates as we approach our reopening date.
If your child is looking for a safe and fun way to socialize with schoolmates, please consider attending one of our school clubs. All clubs are open to taking new members and are free of cost to join. Here is a rundown of the student clubs that will meet this week.
Club Anime will meet on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
- The GSA Club will meet on Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.
- The Bulletin Club will meet Wednesday at 1:15 p.m.
- The Gaming Club will meet on Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
- The Math Club will meet on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
- The Drama Club will meet on Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
Club descriptions and meeting information are available on our school website.
Parents and community members, if you are looking for a way to become more involved with our school community, please consider one of the following options. Our School Foundation will meet this Thursday at 8:45 a.m., The La Jolla Cluster Association will meet this Thursday at 4:15 p.m., and I will host a Principal Chat this Friday at 1:30 p.m. Zoom link information for these meetings can be found on our school website.
Principal Luna
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
For the past ten years, Muirlands Middle School has partnered with Kaiser Permanente and the Educational Theatre to bring our students a theatrical production that supports the areas of mental, emotional, and social health as well as injury prevention and safety. In support of Kaiser Permanente's and Muirlands equity, inclusion, and diversity efforts, our families are invited to join a free performance-based exploration of the beauty, unrest, and "two-ness" of the Black experience in America, expressed through the work of Black authors, poets, activists, artists, and leaders. This event aims for communities to feel inspired and seen, wanting to learn more and do better. This webinar will take place on Wednesday, March 10th, and begin at 3:30 p.m. The webinar has been rated appropriate for people aged 9+. If your family is interested in attending this free webinar, please register through the following link https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hMZcepJgQrGPkuUMw2v_8w
This weekend, all SDUSD families received a “Parent Preference Survey.” Please take a moment to complete and submit this survey by March 12, 2021. https://sandiegounified.org/survey. While the results of this survey will inform the District’s planning, families will have an opportunity prior to spring break to confirm their selection in a second survey.
I do not have additional information on SDUSD’s reopening of our campus. These specific details have not been released. Muirlands continues our campus and classroom preparation to ensure our student’s and staff’s safety upon our return. Please use the following link for SDUSD’s new, reopening updates page https://sandiegounified.org/covid-19_status#ReopeningUpdates for the most current information.
The La Jolla High School Foundation is excited to announce its first-ever virtual spring fundraiser to benefit La Jolla High School, The Viking 5K Charge. The event will take place on May 15-16, 2021. The 5K event details can be found on the registration page https://Viking5KCHARGE.givesmart.com
Principal Luna
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
This week, San Diego Unified announced plans to return to in-person instruction the week of April 12. This date would apply to all grade levels and take effect as soon as San Diego County drops back into the state’s Red Tier. I am happy to announce that Muirlands staff who wish to be vaccinated now have the opportunity to do so.
As we prepare to return to in-person instruction, we recognize some parents will not feel comfortable sending their students back on campus at this time. For those families, online learning will continue to be an option. As we get closer to our reopening date and as information becomes available, I will communicate more reopening specifics.
Muirlands Learning Labs will continue to be open. We will expand this appointment-based option as we secure staffing resources.
LJHS registration forms are now being accepted for 9th grade. Please find the form at this link.
Forms are due March 2 by noon. LJHS counselors will meet with 8th graders individually on March 3, 4, and 5th. Please do not be absent or late on these days.
Muirlands 3rd Grading Period progress reports will be available in PowerSchool on Friday, March 5th.
And lastly, a reminder to please save the date of March 4th at 6:00 p.m. to view the release of our 2020-21 edition of the Muirlands ASB Talent Show.
Zoom Link: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/84419953160
Watch our *** Talent Show Trailer *** in Google Drive or as a download!
Principal Luna
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
SDUSD will offer a Vaccine Education Workshop for Parents on Wednesday, February 24 @ 5:15 p.m. You are invited to attend this meeting focused on information vaccine education. District health experts will share facts and respond to your questions or concerns regarding the new vaccines.
Evening Session: Wednesday, February 24 5:15pm – 6:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
ZOOM Meeting ID
823 5430 7803
Decisions made at the State and local levels will impact our schools and the progress made towards our reopening. Please use the following links to find the latest COVID-19 updates from SDUSD.
The progress report 3 grading period will end on Friday, February 26. The progress report grades will be available online for parents on Friday, March 5th. As a reminder, these are progress grades and not the end of the grading period grades. Our current grading period will end on April 9, 2021.
If you have recently driven past Muirlands, I am sure you have noticed our beautiful new mural in front of our school. Please join me in thanking Micaela and Stephen Jeffery for giving back to the community by orchestrating and funding this wonderful project. We are all so happy to have a fresh and classy new mural that showcases our school spirit.
Please save the date of March 4th at 6:00 p.m. to view the release of our 2020-21 edition of the Muirlands ASB Talent Show!
Principal Luna
Monday, February 15, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
On Friday, February 5th, SDUSD approved an expanded format of Phase 1, appointment-based learning. Muirlands has now begun the process of establishing learning labs on our campus. We will open our first learning lab this week. At this time, we are sending out invitations based upon both the original eligibility guidelines and the expanded guidelines established by SDUSD.
Original Phase 1 Eligibility Criteria
- Those students that received a D or F in all of their courses on the most recent grade report
- English Learners not progressing in their language proficiency goals
- Students that are not meeting IEP goals
- Students that have an IEP and in need of intense support
Expanded Phase 1 Eligibility Criteria
- Students who need social and/or emotional services
- Students in foster care
- Students experiencing homelessness
- Students that are military-connected
- Students that are chronically absent
- Students experiencing connectivity issues that prevent them from engaging in online learning
- Students that have been referred for mental health services by staff
LJHS registration forms are now being accepted for 9th grade. You can find the form link in your students google classroom. Forms are due March 2 by noon. LJHS Counselors will return to meet individually with our 8th graders on March 3, 4, and 5th.
Lastly, please join me for my Principal Chat this Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Principal Luna
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
I would like to begin by acknowledging and thanking our students and families for their efforts and marked improvement with camera usage during synchronous learning. We need to continue our progress in this area.
Parents are now able to access and print unofficial transcripts through the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. Please contact Ms. Rodriguez [email protected] if you need assistance or have questions regarding the Parent Portal.
We continue to celebrate and recognize Black History Month. Please feel free to have your family join Muirlands in the 28-Day Read-Aloud. The Read-Aloud is a wonderful family activity opportunity.
LJHS Parent Night Presentation for families of 8th graders will be on Tuesday, February 9th, from 6-8 p.m.
La Jolla High School counselors will meet with our Muirlands 8th grade students during our regularly scheduled class time on February 10 or 11 to discuss our student’s transition to LJHS. Following these general sessions, counselors will hold one-on-one meetings
with students on March 3, 4, 5th. Students, make sure you are present in class to get this essential information and have an opportunity to ask questions.
A reminder that Muirlands will be closed next Friday and Monday as we recognize Lincoln and Washington Days. Enjoy “The Game” today and the remainder of your weekend.
Principal Luna
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
Please join me as we recognize Black History Month. Black History Month is an opportunity to reflect upon, acknowledge, and celebrate African Americans’ achievements and the critical role of blacks in U.S. history.
Muirlands teachers strive to provide the best online experience possible for our students. We believe this is best achieved when we can see and have the opportunity to interact with our students. This happens when our students have their cameras on and are participating in the classroom activities. We also believe our students will perform better academically and feel better emotionally if they are seen and have the opportunity to interact with their classmates. With this being said, we ask our families to encourage and monitor your child to ensure they are actively engaged in their learning to the best of their ability. Our teachers might be reaching out to you throughout the remainder of online learning to update you on your child's progress in these areas. We look forward to working collaboratively with our families during the remainder of online learning.
I am excited to announce that Muirlands will begin offering contactless checkout of library books starting this Wednesday, February 3rd, from 2-4 pm. Students must have placed a book on hold with the library BEFORE coming to the school for pick up. Please see the Library Webpage or the Library Google Classroom (cru6sfc) for directions on how to place a hold for a library book.
Our procedures for contactless checkout were developed through extensive research of best practices from peer library systems, as well as professional resources including the American Library Association (ALA), Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and REALM (Reopening Archives, Libraries, and Museums) studies and testing.
Please help us celebrate National School Counselor Week this week, February 1-5. Join me in recognizing our two amazing counselors, Robin Dominguez and Nicole Wehrli, for their tremendous contributions to our students, staff, and school community. If you have not done so already, please visit their counseling webpage and discover the wealth of information and supports available to our school community.
Our word of the month is Empathy. We practice Empathy by engaging one another with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.
Our next SSC/SGT meetings will be held this Thursday from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Meeting information can be found on our school website.
Principal Luna
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
Tomorrow we begin our second semester and Q3 grading period. Students will return to their periods 1, 2, and 3 classes. Please have your student log into Clever for their Q3 Google Classroom information.
Semester one grades will be posted and available in PowerSchool beginning Friday, January 29th. Semester one grades will only be available online. The grades will not be mailed home.
I want to remind all families the SDUSD IT department help desk is staffed and available to assist with technology issues. The IT help desk can assist with computer and internet issues. Please visit our Technology Support for Parents page on Muirlands website for assistance and information.
We continue to collect the district Universal Form from all families. Please contact Ms. Ichihara [email protected] for assistance. The Universal Form is required in order to have your student's photo published in the yearbook.
Current Muirlands Middle School 6th and 7th graders were given access to their 2021-2022 Matriculation Forms last week. Please talk with your student if you have not already seen the Matriculation form. Please contact our counselor, Robin Dominguez at [email protected] if you have questions. Matriculation forms are due by February 1. For more information on your elective options, please visit our counseling department page on our website.
LJHS counseling team will be visiting our current 8th-grade classrooms soon to discuss matriculation to LJHS and scheduling options. LJHS will host an 8th-grade Parent Information Night on February 9th.
Lastly, a reminder that we start the Great Kindness Virtual Spirit Week on Monday. We begin with Hats Off to Kindness on Monday. Please wear your favorite hat on Monday!
Principal Luna
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Hello Muirlands Community,
Tomorrow is a school holiday as we recognize and honor Dr.Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday and his incredible leadership, work, vision, and sacrifices. Please use the following link to view a short video that highlights the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I encourage you to view this video as a family. It is titled, The Story of Martin Luther King Jr. by Kid President.
Acts of kindness are contagious. The last week of January we will be participating in The Great Kindness Spirit Week! More information can be found in this link to the Kindness Month, and on our school website.
Send in your pictures displaying kindness to muirlands_official instagram account!!! Let’s keep the Muirlands kindness wave rolling!
We had a wonderful week honoring our students at our grade level recognition assembly. Thank you to all our honorees, their families, and our staff. You are all doing a fantastic job.
Our next Foundation meeting will be held this Thursday Jan. 21 from 8:45 - 9:45 A.M.
Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/79847416967?pwd=WFVnQXh5UUZoRFB5RTVlWGpFZ0s2Zz09
Meeting ID: 798 4741 6967
Passcode: 19ULUg
Later that evening, our La Jolla Cluster will meet from 4:15 - 5:30 P.M.
Zoom link: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/85312055625
Meeting ID: 853 1205 5625
All community members are welcome and encouraged to attend. You can find Zoom link information on our Muirlands webpage.
Friday, January 22nd, will mark the end of our first semester. Please devote some time this week to review your child’s progress in PowerSchool. Our students will transition back to their period 1, 2, and 3 classes on Monday, January 25th, as we will begin our second semester of school.
SDUSD’s food services department will have Grab n’ Go meals available for free to all children this Monday-Friday from noon-2 p.m. at 77 locations! Visit the SDUSD website for more information or view this flyer.
Extra grocery items available (while supplies last) at select schools on a rotating basis. Check the schedule for grocery distributions for next week.
Principal Luna
Sunday, January 10, 2021
We are entering the final two weeks of our first semester. We encourage all students to make a strong push as we wrap up the semester. Please plan some time to check your student’s academic progress over the next week.
The Muirlands virtual talent show will be airing soon. Please check the Muirlands website and our official Instagram account for updates.
Please join me on Friday, January 15th, for our next Principal's Chat. You can find the Zoom link information on the Muirlands website.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 1011 5323
Password: PrinChat
We are beginning week 2 of The Great Kindness Challenge. As a reminder, each week, there will be three activities to complete. We will wrap up the challenge at the end of January with The Great Kindness Challenge Spirit Week!
Student wellness is of utmost importance. As part of the Parents as Partners series, SDUSD offers a webinar on Wellness and Self Care. The webinar will take place on January 13th. You can find detailed information regarding the webinar on our school website or click the flyer link below.
Topic: Wellness and Self Care
January 13, 2021, from 5:30-6:45
Flyers: English / Spanish
Webinar link:
Webinar ID
896 3984 4168
Interpretation services available
Principal Luna
Sunday, January 3, 2021
I hope you had a wonderful winter break, and this message finds you and your family well. We will resume school tomorrow at 8:35 a.m.
We began our school year on August 31st, with a schoolwide focus on welcoming our students back to school and establishing a positive community in each of our classrooms. This focus allowed us to have a fantastic opening to our school year. As a community, we realize that teaching and learning in the online format have made it necessary for our students, families, and staff to make adjustments. We continue to reflect upon, address, and adjust our current practices. The Muirlands learning community must do what we can to ensure we give our students and staff the best opportunity to succeed in our current learning environment.
As we prepare to meet tomorrow, I ask each family to please have a conversation with their child about the importance of their active participation in each class. Questions you can ask your child are
- Do you have your camera on during class?
- Do you actively participate in class? Are you answering questions, asking questions, and following the lesson and assignment given during class?
- Are you meeting with the teacher or attending Muirlands asynchronous tutoring sessions if you need additional support?
If they answer no to any of these questions, please attempt to discover the reason why. Our teaching staff, counselors, and administrators are looking for ways to support every student’s success. Each student’s voice and visual presence is valued and essential. Your child and your child’s classmates will benefit from every student doing their very best to actively participate in each of their classes.
For January, the Theme of the Month is Kindness. We will be participating in The Great Kindness Challenge. Each week there will be activities to demonstrate our commitment to kindness, culminating in a Spirit Week the last week of January. See your teacher's google classroom for the link to The Great Kindness Challenge!
Principal Luna
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our GAP Learning classes have started for those students that requested enrollment. These classes are available to those students not currently enrolled in math and/or English during this 9 week grading period. Parents should email the Muirlands Foundation [email protected] if they submitted the enrollment survey and requested enrollment during this grading period but have not received the class information.
Our Yearbook class is working to complete our school yearbook. Please ensure your child has submitted a portrait photo by Friday, December 18th. Their portrait file needs to be at least 500kB. Otherwise, the resolution of the photo is too low for us to use in the yearbook. Here is a link for step by step instructions on how to submit your portrait photo https://muirlands.sandiegounified.org/news/what_s_new/yearbook_portraits
You should use this form to submit your portrait photo.
Thank you to those families that have submitted your Universal Form and your LCFF Survey. Both of these are required. If you need assistance with the submission of these forms or have questions please contact Ms. Ichihara [email protected] for support with the Universal Form and Ms. Duncan [email protected] for support with the LCFF Survey.
We will have a few opportunities for our learning community to gather this week. The Muirlands Foundation will meet on Thursday, December 17th from 8:45 A.M. to 9:45 A.M. The La Jolla Cluster Association will also meet on Thursday, from 4:15 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. Lastly, we will have our final Principal Chat for 2020 on December 18th from 1:30 P.M.- 2:30 P.M. The Zoom links for these meetings can be found on the Muirlands website. I hope to see you there!
- Muirlands Foundation
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 798 4741 6967
Passcode: 19ULUg
- La Jolla Cluster
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 7995 3442
- Principal's Chat
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 1011 5323
Password: PrinChat
Principal Luna
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Congratulations to the students and families that were recognized at Wednesday’s Student Recognition Assembly. Your positive contributions to our classrooms are noticed and appreciated. I also want to thank our Muirlands staff for their input and attendance at the assembly.
- 6th Grade Recognition Students - Sarah B., Rafael B., Addison C., Lola C., Ella K., Andrew L., Mila M., Gianina Kamryn P., Carter S.
- 7th Grade Recognition Students - John B., Samatha C., Catherine G., Maggie H., Catlin H., Harper L., Jordi S., Meredith V., Maya W.
- 8th Grade Recognition Students - Alexis A., Luke F., Martin I., Lucy S., Tyrus T.
We look forward to recognizing our next group of students after semester one. We will host another Student Recognition Assembly and an Honor Roll Assembly. Again, congratulations to all those students recognized. Keep up the great work!
The grading period for Progress Report 2 (P2) ended on Friday 12/04/20. The grades will be posted online in the Powerschool student/parent portal on 12/11/20.
We still have a significant amount of families that have not submitted the required “Universal Form”. Please take a moment today to submit this form. The form and instructions can be found on our website.
If you have not submitted this form by the end of the week, we will need to spend additional workforce time to contact you directly by phone and emails with reminders. If you have questions regarding the submission of the Universal Form, please contact Ms. Ichihara by email at [email protected]
This is a unique time in history. Truly, a year like no other. We are looking for your assistance and support as our yearbook staff prepares the 2021 yearbook.
- The 2021 yearbooks are for sale! Order before December 18th for a discounted price of $25, and $30 afterward.
- This year, we are asking each student to submit their own portrait for the yearbook. It must be a high-resolution jpg file (not .png) of about 1 MB. If scanning an existing portrait, please use a resolution of 300dpi. Details about uploading your portraits can be found here.
- 8th-grade parents: Purchase and submit a recognition ad for your 8th grader by clicking here.
- Upload your candid photos (not portraits) of your MMS students through the Jostens Muirlands portal.
For guidelines on photo submission and yearbook order details, click here.
This past week our district announced a decision that due to the current spread of coronavirus in our community it is unsafe to move forward with Phase 2 of our reopening at this time. Our district will reassess the public health conditions and provide an updated timetable on January 13.
Muirlands will continue with our scheduled Phase 1 opening that is scheduled to begin this next week. As a reminder, Phase 1 will be exclusively appointment-based academic and assessment sessions with a limited number of students and staff. These families will be contacted and offered appointments directly by Muirlands Administrators and Counselors.
Please use the following link for covid-19 status updates from our district.
Our campus word of the Month is “Giving”.
Have a wonderful remainder of your weekend and a great week ahead.
Principal Luna
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
A short message to welcome you back from vacation. I hope you were able to enjoy quality time with those closest to you. School will resume Monday morning November 30th.
Friday December 4th will mark the midway point of our second grading period. Your child’s second progress report grades (P2) will be available in PowerSchool on 12/11/20. Please take a moment to review your child’s progress in PowerSchool.
Muirlands will hold our monthly SGT/SSC meetings on Thursday, December 3rd. Please find the meeting information on our school website.
Enjoy the remainder of your evening.
Principal Luna
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Please encourage your child to join us this week as we celebrate Muirlands Spirit Week. We kick off our Spirit week tomorrow with pajama day. Please visit this link for a complete list of scheduled activities.
Parents can email Ms. Hunt ([email protected]) pictures of your student dressed up for spirit week and she will publish them to our school Instagram page. If you are not currently following us on IG, our profile is muirlands_official.
Please stop by Friday Nov. 20th’s Zoom gathering for our monthly Principal’s chat. The chat will begin at 1:30 p.m.
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 920 1011 5323
Password: PrinChat
SDUSD schools will be on vacation from November 23rd through November 27th. Muirlands classes will resume on November 30th.
We want our students and families to know that we are here to help and support our students when they are the victim or witness of inappropriate or dangerous behaviors, including bullying. I am proud to say, Muirlands students have done a wonderful job this year of lifting up each other and supporting one another. However, if your child experiences inappropriate behaviors please report this to the school administration or your child’s counselor. We also have a “Safe to Speak” form on our school website. Our students and parents can utilize this form to report inappropriate behaviors. You will find this form under the student section of the Muirlands website.
Principal Luna
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
First and foremost I would like to thank all those in our community and beyond a Happy Veterans Day. Thank you to all those that have served and those that are currently serving. Please remember the reason we recognize our veterans on this day.
In recognition of the Veterans Day Holiday, SDUSD schools will be closed this Wednesday.
Congratulations to all our students on completing their first round of classes and our first grading period. I encourage you to have a strong start to your second grading period. Please utilize the resources and supports we have available for you. For more information about resources and supports, please talk with or email your teachers or school counselor.
Principal Luna
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our first grading period closed on Friday. Our students will begin their periods 4, 5, and 6 classes tomorrow. At some point today, please have your student log into Clever and find their new teachers. Your child’s new classes will not automatically populate in Google Classroom. Please dedicate some time today to have your child join their new Google Classrooms for these new classes.
Special notes for 6th-grade students:
- Students in Band and Orchestra, your new teacher is Mr. Legerrette. Please look for his tile in Clever and join his Google Classroom.
- Students in the 6th-grade Wheel Rotation, you will report to the class listed on your schedule. Please use this link to help you determine where you report on Monday for your wheel class.
Muirlands continues to expand our school club menu. Joining a club is a great way to stay connected to the school and socialize with your classmates. We currently have the following clubs available for our students:
- Anime Club
- A Book Club (ABC)
- Bulletin Club
- Gender Sexuality Alliance Club (GSA)
- Math Club
- United Students Climate Awareness Club (UCSA).
Club and meeting information is available on the Muirlands website under the "Students" menu: muirlands.sandiegounified.org/students/clubs
If you do not already receive the weekly e-Newsletter, eSplash, and other communications from the Muirlands Foundation, you can sign up here: muirlandsfoundation.org/esplash
The eSplash is published by the Muirlands Foundation on Tuesdays during the school year and includes the latest school and community news, events, and announcements.
Lastly, please remember to set your clocks back an hour today as daylight savings has ended.
We are wishing you all the best with your new classes, classmates, and teachers.
Principal Luna
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
I would like to encourage all students to stay diligent and to make a final push as we near the end of our first grading period. We are entering the last week of this grading period as we will transition to new classes on November 2nd.
The last week of October is recognized as Red Ribbon Week. Muirlands counselors will host Muirlands version of Red Ribbon Week. Please visit the Muirlands Counseling page as we have partnered with Natural High to share a great message.
Red Ribbon Week was established in 1985 to advocate for drug free youth and to bring awareness of the harmful effects of drugs.
This year’s Red Ribbon Campaign Week Theme is: Be Happy. Be Brave. Be Drug Free. Students can keep themselves safe and healthy by exercising, staying in school, and being aware of your surroundings.
On our Counseling and Muirlands websites are web links to the Natural High Program that you may want to visit. There are great videos from some extraordinary people living their lives naturally high. These storytellers include Bethany Hamilton, Terry Kennedy, Rob Machado, Donald Brown, and others. In addition, there are discussion questions included in order to have follow up conversations with your child(ren).
Google Hangouts is a part of the Google Suite. It is a messaging application. Students should not utilize this application during synchronous class time unless instructed to do so by the teacher or other classroom instructor.
San Diego Unified’s Family Engagement Department will hold a series of workshops for families. In this series of three workshops, you will learn how to help keep your children safer online, the risks students may encounter while accessing the Internet, and about cyberbullying. Please use this link for more information.
SDUSD has activated the automated attendance call system, School Messenger. Families will receive a phone call if their student has been marked absent on any given school day or period in PowerSchool. Please call Muirlands Middle School at 858-459-4211 to report an absence.
Finally, I would like to thank the parents that volunteered to be a part of the SGT/SSC committee and those that volunteered to be a representative of the La Jolla Cluster. We had a very close election. Jill Peters will be added to the SGT/SSC committees and Neha Bahadur will be our new LJ Cluster representative. We are still looking for a District Advisory Council representative. Please email me if you are interested in representing Muirlands at these monthly DAC Zoom meetings.
Principal Luna
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
On Tuesday, our Board of Education revised and approved a new grading policy. Part of the policy will be implemented this year and part of the policy will be implemented next year.
What this will mean for our students moving forward is:
- Academic grades will be based upon mastery of standards.
- Academic grades must be purely academic.
- Work ethic behaviors such as turning work in late, attendance, and lack of participation will not directly be a factor in a student's academic grades.
- Educators shall allow for revisions or retakes.
How this will look at Muirlands will be determined in the near future as we continue our collaborative work on campus. Please stay tuned for additional information.
This week our elementary cluster campuses implemented Phase One of reopening. This included inviting select students to on-campus appointments to receive identified services. We wish our elementary schools a very successful re-opening. Our elementary schools success and data will determine how the district moves forward with expanding on-campus services. Our campus continues to receive deliveries of PPE materials, hand wash stations, air purifiers, and other items essential to a safe reopening. It is critical that we all follow the established safety guidelines on and off campus to ensure we continue to move forward with our districts plan to bring students and staff back on campus.
I applaud the continued efforts of our students, parents, and teachers. Our staff has shared with me how uplifting it is when they receive an email or message from a student or parent. I thank those who have recognized our staff. It truly makes a difference.
Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.
Principal Luna
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our teachers have posted the progress report grades (P1) for our first grading period. These grades are viewable in PowerSchool. I encourage you to establish a routine with your child to review and discuss their academic progress.
We have a few opportunities this week to gather as a learning community.
Muirlands Foundation will meet on Thursday, October 15 from 8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 798 4741 6967
Passcode: 19ULUg
The La Jolla Cluster Association will meet on Thursday, October 15 from 4:15 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Zoom link: https://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/85312055625
Meeting ID: 853 1205 5625
Our next Principal Chat will be held on Friday, October 16 at 1:30 p.m.
Zoom meeting: ttps://sandiegounified.zoom.us/j/92010115323
ID 920 1011 5323 and Password PrinChat
Principal Luna
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
We have reached the midpoint of our first grading period. Our teachers will submit progress report 1 (P1) grades this week. These grades will be finalized and available for you to view in PowerSchool on Friday, October 9th. Please schedule time with your child to log into PowerSchool to view your child's P1 grades.
San Diego Unified School District has sent an email to all parents requesting that you read the “Facts for Parents” document then complete and submit the “Universal Form”. More information is available on our Facts for Parents webpage. The Universal Form can be submitted to Muirlands by mail or by dropping it off at the Muirlands front office between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Please contact Mrs. Ichihara for more information. [email protected]
Enjoy your evening,
Principal Luna
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
I would like to thank everyone that attended Thursday’s Back to School Night. I would especially like to recognize our staff for their work in preparing those wonderful presentations. If you have not had an opportunity to visit your child's classrooms, the Back to School Night Slides and Video Presentation is posted on our website, as well as my presentation to parents.
This Friday will find us at our midway point of Quarter one. Please schedule some time with your child to review their progress in PowerSchool. If you need assistance with access to PowerSchool, please contact our Site Tech, Mrs. Rodriquez, [email protected]
A reminder to please schedule, when possible, all medical and other appointments outside of your child's classroom Zoom meetings.
Thank you for your support and have a wonderful evening.
Principal Luna
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Back to School Night will be held this Thursday, September 24th. I will host two opportunities for our parents to attend a short Principal’s Welcome Back meeting. Our teachers are preparing an amazing welcome back message for you as well. Please see this link for more details or visit our school website for detailed information and instructions on our Back to School Night.
A reminder for parents to continue monitoring your child’s progress and grades through PowerSchool. Your child’s Quarter 1 progress report will be available for parents and students to view online beginning Friday, October 9th. October 30th will mark the end of Quarter 1 for our students. Please contact Sandy Rodriguez [email protected] if you need assistance with accessing PowerSchool.
Thank you for all your continued support and efforts. Have a great evening.
Principal Luna
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Hello Muirlands Community,
Our Muirlands Foundation is in the process of establishing several after school classes as an option for afterschool enrichment. Please see the following link for more information. Foundation After School Classes
We will continue to recognize, support, and celebrate diversity on our campus. Part of our efforts will include our wonderful counseling department’s Project Wisdom curriculum. September’s focus word is Respect. Please see our counseling department’s resource website or contact Nicole Wehrli [email protected] for more information on the Project Wisdom program.
Save the Date - Muirlands Back to School Night will be held on Thursday, September 24th, and will begin at 5:15 p.m. This will be a virtual Back to School Night. More information will be shared at a later date.
Reminder - If you have not done so already, please complete the student registration process. This process must be completed online. Please contact Allison Ichihara [email protected] for more information.
Enjoy the remainder of your Sunday evening,
Principal Luna
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Dear Muirlands Community,
I will continue the Muirlands tradition of sending out a short update we will call Sunday Notes to our community on Sunday evenings.
I want to thank all of our families, teachers, staff, and the entire Muirlands community for working as a team to ensure our students return to a routine of learning with an emphasis on reestablishing community within our classrooms.
All students must log into Zoom Meetings by utilizing a SDUSD authenticated pathway. Please refer to the provided link if you are having difficulties accessing your Zoom meetings.
Joining an Authenticated Zoom Meeting on Chromebook
I understand the district IT help desk can have an extended wait time. If, after following the directions in the link you are still not able to join your Zoom meeting I ask that you please call Muirlands and we will assist you over the phone.
As a reminder, Monday is a school holiday. Students will join their period 1 teachers, via Zoom, on Tuesday @ 8:35 a.m. We will return to our regular,3 periods a day, schedule.
School Schedule 2020
One of our primary goals during our first week of school was to begin the process of establishing positive and supportive relationships with our students. We are including a week 1 feedback student survey. Please sit down with your student as they complete the survey below. Your student will need to log in utilizing their school login information to access the survey.
Week 1 Student Survey
We realize week 1 was not perfect but our combined efforts made it very good. Please continue to reach out to Muirlands if we can be of assistance and to provide constructive feedback.
Enjoy the remainder of your extended weekend.
Principal Luna