Gap Learning Parent Survey

Gap Learning Parent Survey
Posted on 11/02/2020
Gap Learning Survey

Dear Muirlands Families,
The Muirlands Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the middle school experience. We have been working hard to find meaningful ways to help our students manage the 3-period schedule and successfully navigate virtual learning. Several parents expressed concern about the gap in learning, particularly in math and English, that occurs when classes are held in 9-week increments. The school is offering support for students currently enrolled in English and math during the scheduled teachers' office hours and math tutoring sessions. The Muirlands Foundation would like to offer support to students and families NOT currently enrolled in those core classes who are looking to bridge the instructional gap. All programs being considered would be at no cost to the families who choose to participate.
We would like to gauge interest from our families to help direct our efforts and plan financially. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey. Your responses would be appreciated by Thursday, November 5th.
Click on link to go to Survey: Muirlands Foundation Gap Learning Support

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