The fundraising period extends through February 16th, 2024.
Fundraising is voluntary and appreciated.
Sponsor sheets are available HERE, at the Muirlands front office, and from P.E. teachers.
The 18th Annual Muirlands’
Happy Heart Fitness Challenge
is coming to P.E. classes on
Friday February 9, 2024
, sponsored by the Muirlands Foundation!
The purpose of the Happy Heart Run is to help
support the Muirlands P.E. Department
through an annual fundraising jog-a-thon.
Funds raised will go toward the maintenance of our P.E.
facilities, unique Fitness Lab, P.E. equipment, as well as a swim program held at the Coggan
Family Aquatic Complex.
During the event, students are encouraged to run as many laps as they
can during their P.E. class period.
Students should set a personal goal and work hard toward
achieving their goal.
Fundraising is voluntary and appreciated
Sponsor sheets are
available HERE
, at the
Muirlands front office, and from P.E. teachers.
The fundraising period will extend from February 9th through February 16th, 2024.
For more information, please call the Muirlands
P.E. Department (858) 302-3150 or email
[email protected]